Agenda and minutes

Tidworth Area Board - Monday 17 September 2018 7.00 pm

Venue: Memorial Hall, Ludgershall

Contact: Kevin Fielding  (Democratic Services Officer)

No. Item


Chairman's Welcome, Introductions and Announcements

Chairman’s Announcements:


·         Electoral Canvass


·         Local Labour Market


·         Electoral Review


·         Animal Licensing





Supporting documents:


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Tidworth Area Board and thanked the Memorial Hall for hosting.


The following Chairman’s Announcements contained in the agenda pack were noted:


·         Electoral Canvass


·         Local Labour Market


·         Electoral Review


·         Animal Licensing



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Anthony D’arcy-Irvine – Enford Parish Council.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were none.




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 23 July


Supporting documents:




·         The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 23 July 2018 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman



Police Update

Supporting documents:


The written update was noted from Inspector Pete Sparrow.


Jerry Herbert introduced himself as the new Wiltshire Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner.


Fire & Rescue Update

Supporting documents:


The written update was presented by Greg Izon was noted.


Community Land Trust


Vicky Bodman – Community Led Housing Project Manager gave a short presentation that outlined Wiltshire Council’s Community Led Housing Project.


Points made included:


The Community Housing Fund


This local support means that this sector was able to deliver locally affordable new homes in places and on sites where commercial speculative house builders cannot.


Typically these are:


·         Rural exception sites – restricted by planning policy.


·         Small, difficult sites – lack of scale economies for developers.


·         Sites donated specifically for affordable housing.


·         A combination of these.


·         By encouraging communities to develop such sites, there is a marginal contribution to the national housing supply.


·         £60 million given in grants to help 148 local authorities support more community-led projects from Homes England.


·         The grants, which ranged in size, were paid to authorities that had the least affordable homes or the highest density of second homes.


·         Wiltshire Council received £650,000 to support Community Led Housing primarily in Rural Areas of Wiltshire.


It was requested that useful links mentioned were noted:






The Chairman thanked Vicky Bodman for her presentation.


Lovell Update


John Leary - Major Projects Director, Lovell gave a short presentation that updated the major projects currently being delivered by Lovellfor the provision of 917 homes for service families across three locations on Salisbury Plain for the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO).

Points made included:




·         Contract award on 22November 2017.

·         All 225 foundations were completed by September 2018

·         135 timber kits have been erected to date.

·         First fix and dry lining activities have commenced in Phase 1-2 of the site.

·         The first homes are due for completion by January 2019.

·         Works on programme.




·         Contract award on 22November 2017.

·         Following remediation works, the construction of 242 homes commenced in April 2018.

·         100 timber frames and 90 roofs have been completed to date.

·         Brickwork has been completed on over 40 houses.

·         The first homes are due for completion in March 2019.

·         Works on programme.




·         Contract award on 22November 2017.

·         Large scale remodelling of existing site levels was completed during the Spring and Summer 2018.

·         Netheravon Road access completed in August 2018.

·         First foundations were laid in August 2018.

·         Roads and associated drainage construction continues throughout the site.

·         Works on programme.


The Chairman thanked John Leary for his update.


Wiltshire Air Ambulance


David Philpott – Chief Executive, Wiltshire Air Ambulance gave a short presentation that highlighted the work of the Wiltshire Air Ambulance.


Points made included:

·         The service was formed on 15 March 1990 as a joint venture between Wiltshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust and Wiltshire Constabulary using a joint helicopter, based at Police Headquarters in Devizes.


·         The Wiltshire Air Ambulance Appeal, a registered charity, was set up to raise funds for Wiltshire Air Ambulance. It was run by Wiltshire Ambulance Service and later by Great Western Ambulance Service (GWAS). GWAS was the sole trustee of the Wiltshire Air Ambulance Appeal.


·         In October 2011 the Wiltshire Air Ambulance Charitable Trust (WAACT) was formed to run Wiltshire Air Ambulance. The new charity was independent of the ambulance service. The charity paid about a third of the cost of the joint helicopter, with Wiltshire Police paying the remaining two thirds. For the charity, this amounted to about £700,000 a year.


·         The collaboration with Wiltshire Police ended on 31 December 2014 due to Wiltshire Police joining the National Police Air Service.


·         On 9 January 2015, Wiltshire Air Ambulance began operations as a stand-alone air ambulance. Operating a dedicated air ambulance means the costs are higher and the charity needs to raise £3.25 million a year. The charity leased the Devizes airbase while a new airbase and administrative headquarters were built at Outmarsh, between Melksham and Semington the new site became fully operational in June 2018.

The Chairman thanked David Philpott for his presentation.


Military-Civilian Integration Research Project


Dr Antonia Dawes, Kingston University gave a short presentation that outlined a project that sought to understand the relationship between civilian and military communities in an army town.


Points made included:


·         The two-year project, funded by the Leverhulme Trust, aimed to understand the relationship between civilian and military communities in an army town.

·         It aimed to compilea complex portraitof agarrison town,showing how thehistory ofBritain's military exploits abroad had had a profound impact on this particular place, the landscape in which it was situated and the surrounding civilianpopulation;

·         Toestablish thesocial costsand consequencesof maintainingan expanded military presence within this particular area and to assess the evidence within a wider nationalframework.


The Chairman thanked Dr Antonia Dawes for her presentation.



Community Engagement Manager Update

Marc Read


Marc Read – Community Area Manger gave a brief update.


Points made included:


·         That the Tidworth community area Family Learning Festival would be held during October 2018. Over 50 events were planned -all free to enjoy.


·         The festival would be one of the largest to held in the county.


·         A big thanks to the Area Board and Tesco for supporting this worthwhile event.


The Chairman thanked Marc Read for his update.



Thematic Group Updates

·         Health & Wellbeing Group Reia Jones

·         Dementia Action Alliance Brian Pratt

·         Older Person & Carers Champion Tony Pickernell

·         Education Group Col Jamie Balls

·         Multi Faith Group Col Jamie Balls

·         Sports and Leisure Group - Col Jamie Balls


Health & Wellbeing Group

·         Reia Jones – not in attendance


Dementia Action Alliance Group

·         Brian Pratt – not in attendance


Older Person & Carers Champion update – Tony Pickernell

Points made included

·         That Tony Pickernell was now the Chairman of the Kennet Friends group, the group were now looking for a secretary.

·         That there would be a Partnership meeting on Friday 16 November 2018.

·         That the Memory Café continues to flourish.

·         That the Youth Centre was now officially ready to open.

·         That this year’s schools concert and adult evening concerts would be held on Wednesday 19 December at the Wellington Academy.


Education Group/Multi faith Group/Sports and Leisure Group – Col Jaime Balls

·         That the Education Support Fund had been extended for a further two years.

·         That Col Balls had recently met with the Arch Deacon of Salisbury.

·         That there would be a Tidworth War Brides event on Tuesday 2 October at Tidworth Garrison.

·         That the Tidworth Park Arboretum would be christened on Friday 19 October.

·         Sunday 11 November – Armistice Day service at the Garrison Theatre.

·         Thursday 1 November – Firework party.

The Chairman thanked everybody for their updates.


Updates from Town and Parish Councils, the Police, the Army, NHS, TCAP and other Partners

To receive any updates.

Supporting documents:


NHS Wiltshire – The written report was noted.



Healthwatch Wiltshire – The written report was noted.



Tidworth Town Council


·         That Santa would be arriving in Tidworth on Saturday 8 December.



Netheravon Parish Council


·         That the Soap Box Challenge had been well received and would now become an annual village event.


·         That Lottery funding had been confirmed for the play park refurbishment.


·         That the Phoenix Hall would be holding an open day on Saturday 29 September to celebrate the completion on the kitchen refurbishments.


·         That the “Village Soldiers” book would be published the 10 November, with a website being developed that would show where the soldiers had lived.



Tidworth Garrison


·         That around a billion pounds had now been spent on the infrastructure for Army Re-basing.


·         That the Re-Basing plan remained on schedule.


The Chairman thanked everybody for their updates.


Windmill Hill Children's Centre - grant update


Rosalle Mead gave a brief presentation which outlined how funding from the Tidworth Area Board had benefitted the Windmill Hill Children's Centre.


The Chairman thanked Rosalle Mead for her presentation.


Community Area Grants

To determine any applications for Community Area Grants.


Grant application packs for the Community Area Grants Scheme are available from the Community Area Manager or electronically at:

Supporting documents:


The Area Board members considered four community area grant funding applications, one youth grant and four Health & Wellbeing grants:


Community Area Grants



Tidworth Scouts awarded £326.75 for new Beaver Colony and new Cub Pack



Enford Parish Council awarded £1,000 for Enford Parish Council Speed Indicator Device



Enford Village Hall & Recreation Ground awarded £1,500 for Enford Village Hall Car Park Lighting Upgrade



Avon Small Saints Preschool awarded £3,000 for Preschool Maintenance (capitol items)

Youth Grants



Youth Club in Ludgershall awarded £2,4000 for young people to work with artist Fred Fieber to design & paint the rear outside wall of the Youth Club in Ludgershall



Health & Wellbeing Grants



TCAP awarded £800 for funding is to provide certificates, frames & trophy’s for the TCAP Community Awards



Cheerful Cuppa Community Coffee Club awarded £500 for A boards, china and board games



Ludgershall Memory Café awarded £800 for activity equipment



Tidworth Nepalese community awarded £1,000 for Nepalese Isolated & Older People Integration Project


Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Tidworth Area Board will be on Monday 26 November at the Phoenix Hall, Netheravon.


The next meeting of the Tidworth Area Board will be on Monday 26 November at the Phoenix Hall, Netheravon.