Agenda and minutes

Tidworth Area Board - Monday 20 July 2015 7.00 pm

Venue: Enford Village Hall, Longstreet, Enford SN9 6DD

Contact: Kevin Fielding  (Democratic Services Officer)

No. Item


Chairman's Welcome, Announcements and Introductions

i.Community Engagement Manager appointment.


ii.Chairman’s Announcements


·       Army Rebasing – update.


·       Leader Funding.


·       Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy.


·       School Place Planning.

Supporting documents:



The Chairman welcomed everyone to Enford Village Hall for the Tidworth Area Board.


The Chairman thanked Enford Parish Council for hosting the Area Board.


The Chairman advised that the meeting would be Mary Cullen’s last as the Tidworth Community Area Manager. Marc Read was then introduced as the new Tidworth Community Engagement Manager.


 The following Chairman’s Announcements were noted:


·       Army Rebasing – update

·       Leader Funding

·       Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy

·       School Place Planning


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from:


Alistair Cunningham – Wiltshire Council

Judy Darcy-Irvine – Enford Parish Council

Denis Bottomley – Everleigh Parish Council

Ann Birch & Corby Kemp – Tidworth Town Council

Owen & Janet White – Ludgershall Town Council

David Wildman – Chamber of Commerce


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were none.



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 18th May 2015.

Supporting documents:




·       The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 18May 2015 were confirmed as the correct record.



Child Sexual Exploitation

Blair Keltie - Child Sexual Exploitation Manager Early Help, Wiltshire Council.


A presentation on the reality of CSE and discussion on how it should be tackled in Wiltshire.


Blair Keltie - Child Sexual Exploitation Manager Early Help, Wiltshire Council gave a presentation on the reality of Child Sexual Exploitation and discussion on how it should be tackled in Wiltshire.


Points made included:


What are we doing about CSE in Wiltshire?


        A multi-agency strategy and action plan is in place led by the WSCB (Prevent, Protect, Pursue)

        The WSCB CSE sub-group includes the nominated leads from each agency

        Dedicated Multi Agency CSE Team located in MASH

        The Council and Police employ missing co-ordinators to oversee data and return interviews inc ‘Missing People’

        CSE handbook and tool-kit for practitioners

        A multi-agency risk management group, WRMG

        Single agency and multi-agency training in place

        Ongoing operational development  (Oxford and Rochdale visits)


What more do we need to do?


        Increase awareness (general public, parents/carers, hoteliers, taxi drivers, park wardens, shopping centre staff, GPs, Area Boards, Town and Parish Council, fast food outlets, supermarkets)

        Continue to engage all schools

        Use all available powers, eg abduction notices

        Commission a multi-agency peer review related to CSE

        Acknowledge that this is everyone’s business



Questions from the floor included:


How well resourced is your team?

a.A budget had been allocated which would enable a specialist team to be recruited.


Has Central Government the appetite to tackle CSE?

a.Yes, this is a major priority for Central Government.


Both Wendy Higginson and Julie Tremlin had both been working with young people to get them on board and get the message out there.


The Chairman thanked Blair Keltie for a very powerful presentation.


Community Resilience Forums

Surriya Subramaniam, Head of Public Protection, (Emergency Planning Resilience and Response),Wiltshire Council.


To discuss the development of a community resilience forum for our area.



Surriya Subramaniam, Head of Public Protection, (Emergency Planning Resilience and Response), Wiltshire Council gave a short presentation to  discuss the development of a community resilience forum for our area.


Community Resilience


·       Communities that are organised fare better in emergencies and incidents.


·       Communities need to consider how they cope without support from the Council and emergency services.


·       In your community you have expertise, local knowledge, resources. But perhaps they haven’t been documented…yet.



Workshops delivered so far


·       About 60 Parish and Town Councils have attended workshops.


·       Parishes have benefitted by sharing information and best practice.


·       We have provided follow up sessions, advice, template and direct contacts

·       95% agreed that the session improved local resilience.


·       More post workshop support has been put in place.



It was agreed that the Tidworth Area Board would hold an Emergency Planning Workshop during September 2015.


The Chairman thanked Surriya Subramaniam for his presentation.


Tidworth Olders Persons Workshop - 8th June 2015

Update and outcomes from Mary Cullen – Community Engagement Manager.



Mary Cullen – Tidworth Community Area Manger gave a brief overview from Tidworth Older People’s Workshop which was held in the Memorial Hall, Ludgershall, on the 8 June 2015.


What do you like doing?



        Friday Club.

        Regular lunches at the Queen’s Head.

        Walking Groups

        Bingo weekly at the Scout Hall.

        Sunset club, monthly.

        Memory Café, monthly.

        Library volunteering.

        Sewing Bees – twice monthly.

        Kennet Friends – all ages.

        Telephone befriending.



What would you like to do and can’t?


        Shorter/slower organised walks for the elderly.

        Board games.

        More help with form filling.

        More for winter evenings.

        Better selection of library books.

        Activities at the church hall- murder mystery evenings, talks etc.

        More fitness for younger retired people – Yoga, Zumba Gold, Pilates.

        Driving – Note Hampshire police run sessions to give hints and tips for safe driving in older age.



What stops you doing what you want?



        Lack of access to computers.

        More information and communication about events.




        Better join up between voluntary transport services – e.g. PHAB bus often has empty seats but no one knows how to contact them.

        Lack of transport in the villages (Tidworth and Ludgershall have a good bus service).  Need a community bus.

        Pavements in poor condition – dangerous for walkers, wheelchairs, mobility scooters.

        Roads are awful.  Camber not suitable for mobility scooters.

        Lack of parking in Housing Association properties for scooters and wheelchairs.

        Lack of confidence driving, especially in the dark.

        Hedgerows – some are so wide that people have to walk in the road.


Other Barriers:


        More volunteers to keep services going.

        Lack of visible community policing.

        Poor eyesight – loss of confidence.

        Time it takes to get appointments at hospital to sort minor ailments, eyesight problems, podiatry issues, hearing.

        Insufficient homes like Erskine House – own front door, but space for socialising – Extra Care.


Proposals and recommendations:


Thoughts about champion roles;


        Good idea, but not sure folks would want to talk to a champion.  Some people would agree with everything.

        Difficult to get someone with an independent role, above reproach. 

        Needs to be DBS checked.

        Carers Champion needs to be someone who is or has been a carer, but again needs independence.

        Need Area Board to decide.

        How do we get to the people who aren’t ‘on the radar – the people we don’t know about?



The Chairman thanked Tony Pickernell and TCAP for helping to get people to the event.


It was agreed that Marc Read – Tidworth Tidworth Community Engagement Manager would explore what the Olders Persons Champion’s job description would be and report back to the Area Board.


The Chairman thanked Mary Cullen for her overview.


Magna Carta 800 Celebrations

Update from Mary Cullen – Community Engagement Manager.



Mary Cullen – Tidworth Community Area Manger gave a short update on the recent Magna Carta celebrations in Salisbury, several photos were displayed.


The Chairman thanked everybody who had contributed from the Tidworth  community area.




Local Youth Network (LYN) update and Grant Funding

To receive an update and determine any applications for Youth funding - Wendy Higginson – Community Youth Officer.


Supporting documents:


Youth Grant Funding




The Tidworth Area Board agreed the following Youth Grant applications:


·       WYAP awarded £4,100


·       LYN Cycle youth event awarded £1,200


·       LYN Ludgershall youth event awarded £2,000


·       CYO Summer Engagement awarded £200



Wendy Higginson advised that:


·       That the Early Help Team was now up and running.


The Chairman thanked Wendy Higginson for her update.



Community Area Transport Group (CAT-G) - update

Update from Cllr Mark Connolly.



Cllr Mark Connolly advised that:


CAT-G Funding




That the Tidworth Area Board agrees the following funding:


·       Knapp Close - £775 to 50% fund barriers next to the A338.


·       Bulford Road - £1,000 to fund pedestrian crossing surveys.



Church Bends, Collingbourne Ducis - residents had met to discuss the proposal to site traffic lights to calm the HGV issues at the Church Bends. The meeting had voted 87% - 13% against the proposal.


The Community Area Transport Groups respects the decision of the Collingbourne Ducis residents.


The Chairman thanked Cllr Connolly for his update.



Community Area Grants

To determine any applications for Community Area Grants.


Grant application packs for the Community Area Grants Scheme are available from the Community Area Manager or electronically at:

Supporting documents:




·       The Tidworth Area Board ratified an award of £400 to the Tidworth Community Area Partnership for the transportation of school children from across the community area to a schools sports day held at the Tidworth Oval on the 6 and 7 July 2015.


The Chairman advised that the Area Board were keen to receive grant applications, so please spread the word.


Updates from Town and Parish Councils, the Police, the Army, NHS, TCAP and other Partners

To receive any updates.

Supporting documents:




Healthwatch Wiltshire – Paul Lefever


·       Healthwatch Wiltshire (HWW) was asked to carry out an independent engagement project by Wiltshire Council to find out what support services unpaid carers would like in place to prevent a breakdown in their caring role in a crisis.


Given the new duties of the Care Act it is important that the services on offer are meeting the needs of carers and that carers are consulted and their views and experiences reflected back to Wiltshire Council. The engagement project ran between April and June 2015.


·       HWW has an exciting opportunity for new members to join our Board of Directors and welcome interest from all sections of the community

HWW welcomed interest from all sections of the community. If you would like further information or are interested in applying please contact us or visit


·       The second annual report from HWW has now been released. The report included information on activities over the past year as well as information about statutory powers, and how HWW engaged with the people of Wiltshire. The report was available here


·       That the new HWW website had been well received by users.



Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service – Mike Franklin


·       The written update was noted.


·       That the new Headquarters of the Dorset & Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service would be situated at the Five Rivers Campus, Salisbury.


·       Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service were holding a Senior Wellbeing event on the 1 October 2015 at the Ludgershall Memorial Hall, with a free lunch included.



Wiltshire Police – Inspector Christian Lange


·       The written update was noted.



Tidworth Garrison – Col James Denny

·       Army Rebasing – ongoing.


·       That the Cycle/pedestrian footpath linking the Wellington Academy to Perham Down had now received funding.


·       Military Musical Pageant on Saturday 26 September 2015 at the Tattoo Ground, Tidworth.


Tidworth Community Area Partnership – Tony Pickernell


·       TCAP would be attending the Passenger Transport Review at County Hall, Trowbridge on Tuesday 21 July 2015.


·       The Blue Light Day event was a huge success, thanks to all who participated.


·       A School sports days held at the Tidworth Oval had been well received, thanks to the Garrison for their help in staging this event.



Tidworth Town Council – Humph Jones


·       That the Tidworth Festival would be held on Saturday 1 August.


·       The Civic Centre project work was ongoing.


·       The refurbishment of the Military Chapel was now in its second phase.



Ludgershall Town Council


·       That some 300 troops of 26 Engineer Regiment had marched through Ludgershall on Saturday 30th May 2015 to celebrate being granted the freedom of the town.



Netheravon Parish Council – Ian Blair-Pilling


·       That residents had concerns re Army Rebasing and the possible closure of Figheldean school and the provision of secondary school places.

Col Denny advised that it was thought that there would be secondary provision at the Wellington Academy, and that Figheldean school would close.



Fittleton Parish Council


·       Volunteers had carried out a village tidy up, bacon butties had been supplied to the volunteers.



CollingbourneDucis Parish Council


·       Work  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.


Date of Next Meeting, Evaluation and Close

The next meeting of the Tidworth Area Board will be on Monday 21st September 2015 at the Castle Primary School, Short St, Ludgershall.



The Chairman, on behalf of the Tidworth Area Board thanked Mary Cullen for her hard work and good humour whilst she had been the Tidworth Community Area Manager. Mary was to take up a new post with Wiltshire Council as the Trowbridge Community Engagement Manager.


The next meeting of the Tidworth Area Board will be on Monday 21st September 2015 at the Castle Primary School, Short St, Ludgershall.