Agenda and minutes

Tidworth Area Board - Wednesday 17 May 2017 7.00 pm

Venue: Tidworth Garrison Theatre, St Andrew's Road, Tidworth, SP9 7EP

Contact: Kevin Fielding  (Democratic Services Officer)

No. Item


Chairman's Welcome, Announcements and Introductions

Chairman’s Announcements:


·        Appointment of Chairman and Vice-chairman – 2017-18.


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Tidworth Area Board.


The following Chairman’s Announcement was noted:


  • That Cllr Chris Williams had been appointed Chairman and Cllr Mark Connolly Vice-chairman of the Tidworth Area Board 2017/18.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from:


Tony Pickernell – Tidworth Community Partnership, Laura Kitchener- Pain – Tesco, Adam Smith – Collingbourne Ducis Parish Council.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations of interest.



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 13 March 2017.


Supporting documents:




·        The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 13 March 2017 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Appointments to Outside Bodies and Working Groups

To note that appointments to outside bodies and working groups for the forthcoming year:


·        Community Area Transport Group


·        Tidworth Community Area Partnership


·        Tidworth Leisure Centre Executive Committee


·        Local Youth Network (LYN)


·        Wellington Academy Governing Body


·        TCAP Health & Wellbeing Group


The following appointments to outside bodies and working groups for the forthcoming year were made:


·        Community Area Transport Group – Cllr Mark Connolly


·        Tidworth Community Area Partnership – Cllr Chris Williams


·        Tidworth Leisure Centre Executive Committee - Cllr Chris Williams


·        Local Youth Network (LYN) - Cllr Chris Williams


·        Wellington Academy Governing Body – Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling


·        TCAP Health & Wellbeing Group - Cllr Chris Williams




Community Engagement Manager update

Marc Read – Community Engagement Manager.


·        The Big Pledge.



Marc Read – Community Engagement Manager.


Points made included:


·         The role of the Community Engagement Manager and the Area Board.


·         WW1 Commemorative tree planting - A proposal for Wiltshire Council to plant 10,000 trees to commemorate the centenary of the end of the First World War. It was to be decided whether a large Wiltshire wood, or smaller community areas would be planted.


·         Big Pledge 2017 – A short film was shown.


·         Recycle for Wiltshire – It was agreed that the Area Board would adopt the Recycle for Wiltshire Project Plan.


The Chairman thanked Marc Read for his update.


Police Update

An update from Inspector Nick Mawson – Wiltshire Police.


Supporting documents:


PC Lucy Wileman presented the written update which was noted.


Fire Update

An update from Tom Brolan - District Commander Amesbury, Ludgershall & Pewsey.


Supporting documents:


The written update which was noted.


Local Youth Network update including grants

An update from the Wellington Academy Heroes.



Nicola Ansell - Wellington Heroes.


Points made included:


·         That the Heroes were looking to organise a Youth Mental Health Conference – date to be confirmed.


·         That the Heroes continued to publicise the work of the LYN.



The Area Board was asked to consider one application for youth funding following recommendation from the Local Youth Network (LYN) Management Group.




·         Tidworth Town U13 youth football team awarded £1,221 for set up costs, such as a new kit, goal nets, flag poles, pitch bookings and winter training.


The Chairman thanked Nicola Ansell for her update.



Active Plus - Veterans Inspiring People

Anicka Dyer.



Presentation from Anicka Dyer – Active Plus.

Points made included:

·         That Active Plus was a Community Interest Company established in 2011.

·         The group used the skills, experience and expertise of injured military veterans to deliver unique programmes that build confidence, motivation and self-belief, unlocking the potential of participants, all of whom are from vulnerable or potentially vulnerable groups.

·         The group delivered courses and activities for people who were unemployed, older people who were lonely or isolated, people with health conditions, including mental ill-health, and young people at risk of leaving school without qualifications or work.

·         The group had grown geographically from it’s base in Cornwall to deliver across Devon, Somerset, Dorset and Wiltshire.

·         Funders and investors include the Big Lottery Fund, Department for Work and Pensions, European Social Fund, Local Authorities and the NHS.

·         Our military veterans begin their journey with us as volunteers. Some have physical injuries, many have PTSD and are themselves vulnerable. Some had been unemployed for long periods, others just making the transition from forces to civilian life. All were fantastic role models who share not only their skills and expertise with course participants, but also their own personal journeys.

·         They empathise, inspire, challenge and gain respect in a way that was a powerful force for change – both for participants and for the veterans themselves.

The Chairman thanked Anicka Dyer for her presentation.


Lovell - Ludgershall Development

John Leary – Operations Director, Lovell.



Presentation from John Leary – Operations Director, Lovell.


Points made included:


·         Autumn 2016 appointed by MOD as Preferred Bidder for the delivery of 917 homes (SFA) to support Army Basing.


·         Three sites at Ludgershall (246), Larkhill (444) and Bulford (227).


·         Three and four bedroom properties including six bungalows.


·         Construction at Ludgershall and Bulford would start in the Autumn of 2017 with Larkhill following a little later.  The last property would be handed over in December 2019.


·         ‘Lovell Legacy’ - following completion of the project, the site office at the former Corunna Barracks would be handed over to Ludgershall Town Council for use as a Community Centre which Lovell had refurbished and adapted for future community use.


The Chairman thanked John Leary for his presentation.


Area Board Grant Review

Dawn Whiting – Splash Wiltshire.



Ben Jarvis – Splash Wiltshire gave a presentation highlighting how Area Board grant funding had benefitted the work carried out by Splash Wiltshire.


Points made included:


Who are we and what do we do


·         That Splash formed part of Youth Action Wiltshire which was the youth arm of Community First.


·         Provided free, positive activities during school holidays for young people aged 9-16 who were facing a challenge.


·         Engaged young people to increase their confidence, self-esteem and social skills. To challenge and empower them.


·         Provided a positive, safe environment where young people could flourish.



Had so far delivered


·         Multi-Sports. 


·         High Ropes.


·         Mountain biking.


·         Young people had also attended Fun Animation, Winter Survival, Eggstreeme, Bushtucker Trial, Fun 1st Aid and Head for Heights.



What next


·         Rugby in Marlborough in May Half Term.


·         Catch it Cook it Eat it, Wet N Wild and Out There in the Summer.


·         Mountain biking during October 2017.


·         Music and Animation.


The Chairman thanked Ben Jarvis for his presentation.


Grant Funding

To determine any applications for grants.


Grant application packs for the Community Area Grants Scheme are available from the Community Area Manager or electronically at:



The Area board members considered six applications for grant funding and one Councillor Led Initiative:


Community Area Grants



Collingbourne Kingston Village Hall awarded £1,908.30 for Collingbourne Kingston Village Hall internal improvements.


The application meets grant criteria 2017/18




The Wellington Academy awarded £2,000 for Wellington Outdoor Fitness Space.


The application meets grant criteria 2017/18




Collingbourne Cricket Club awarded £1,000 for Collingbourne Cricket Club Sight Screen purchase.


The application meets grant criteria 2017/18




Little Treasure awarded £1,000 for little treasures playgroup equipment.


The application meets grant criteria 2017/18




Tidworth Inline Hockey awarded - £1,370.50 for Tidworth Inline Hockey Equipment

The application meets grant criteria 2017/18




Army Cadet Force awarded £1,000 for Army Cadet Force standard and relevant equipment to participate in events such as Remembrance Day with our own standard. To purchase required lesson aids to teach classes more efficiently.


The application meets grant criteria 2017/18




Cllr Led Initiative – Cllr Chris Williams awarded £5,000 for Ludgershall Youth Club. This funding will allow the trustees to install CCTV, and carry out repair work on the fabric of the building so that it is ready to be open its doors again later this year.


Volunteers from the local community had agreed to carry out the redecoration of the building.



TCAP Thematic Group Updates

·       Health & Wellbeing Group update including grants - Reia Jones


·       Dementia Action Alliance subgroup update – Brian Pratt


·       Child Poverty subgroup update – Marc Read


·       Older Person & Carers Champion update – Tony Pickernell



Health & Wellbeing Group – Reia Jones


Points made included:


·         That the group had last met on the 20 April 2017.


·         Ongoing issues with Ambulance services in the east of the community area re waiting times.


·         Ongoing issues with lack of NHS dentist provision.


·         Next meeting Thursday 13 July 2017.



Health & Wellbeing Grant Funding


·         Tai Chi Classes £162.50 awarded.


·         Wellington Academy Lunch Club £175.00 awarded.


·         Wiltshire CIL – Make Someone Welcome Project £2,000 awarded.



Dementia Action Alliance subgroup update – Brian Pratt


·         That group members had taken part in the recent Dementia Awareness Week – Spinathon.


·         That the group were looking for more sign ups to the Dementia Alliance.




Child Poverty subgroup update – Marc Read


·         Looking to organise a Tidworth Family Learning Festival during October 2017.




Older Person & Carers Champion update – Tony Pickernell


Points made included:


·         More Link Drivers in Ludgershall and Tidworth. We have managed to recruit two more this month so progress is being made.


·         Was still visiting Care Homes and individuals. 26 Eng Regt were still visiting Bartlett House once a month.


·         Would be starting Dinner Tea Dances in September and hoped to raise funding for transport so the outlying areas could also get a chance to attend the first one.


·         Ludgershall Memory Cafe was going well. During April 32 attended.  

Would soon be publishing an events list to the end of the year next week, was just waiting to confirm Hairdresser and entertainer. Next month June three members of The Tidworth Wives Choir would be attending.


·         That the Youth Club would become Dementia Friendly.


·         That the Men Shed was now up and running.


The Chairman thanked everybody for their updates.








Community Area Transport Group update

Cllr Mark Connolly.



Cllr Mark Connolly advised that the group had not met since the last Area Board meeting.


Updates from Town and Parish Councils, the Army, NHS, TCAP and other Partners

To receive any updates.

Supporting documents:



Tidworth Garrison


·         Major Paul Kelly thanked the Area Board on behalf of Col Steve Lawton for his time attending the Area Board.



Tidworth Town Council


  • That the new War Memorial would be unveiled on Sunday 26 June 2017.


·         That a Summer Festival event was planned for Saturday 22 July 2017.



Ludgershall Town Council


·         That the Annual Fete would be held on Saturday 14 October, with a military march through by the 26 Engineer Regiment.




Enford Parish Council


·         That a production of “Twelfth Night” at Enford Village Hall on Tuesday 13 June.



Collingbourne Kingston


·         Disco and Hog Roast on Sat 10 June 2017.


The Chairman thanked everybody for their updates.






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