Agenda and minutes

Tidworth Area Board - Monday 18 September 2017 7.00 pm

Venue: Wellington Academy, Tidworth Rd, Tidworth, Wiltshire SP11 9RR

Contact: Kevin Fielding  (Democratic Services Officer)

No. Item


Chairman's Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Tidworth Area Board.



Grant Reviews - Salamander Review & Mosaic Project Unveiling


Representatives of Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service and the Wellington Academy thanked the Area Board and outlined how grant fund had helped to deliver the Salamander Project and the Wellington Academy Mosaic Project.


The Chairman thanked the representatives for delivering two very beneficial projects for local young people.


Chairman's Announcements

Chairman’s Announcements:


·         Community Resilience- Emergency Plans


·         Voice Your Views at Interactive Public Meetings


·         Household Recycling Centres


·         Housing Sites Allocation

Supporting documents:


The following Chairman’s Announcement was noted:


         Community Resilience- Emergency Planning


         Interactive Public Meetings- Challenges Ahead


         Local Household Recycling Centres


         Wiltshire Housing Site Allocation Plan




Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Tom Brolan – Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service, Lt Col Jamie Balls – Tidworth Garrison Commander and Mike Giles – Ludgershall Town Council.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations of interest.



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 17 July 2017.

Supporting documents:




·         The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 17 July 2017 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Police Update

An update from Inspector Nick Mawson – Wiltshire Police, to include the recent Police Estates media release.


Supporting documents:


Sgt James Williams presented the written update which was noted.



Fire & Rescue Update

An update from Tom Brolan - District Commander Amesbury, Ludgershall & Pewsey.


Supporting documents:


The written Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue update was noted.



Community Engagement Manager Update

Marc Read.


Marc Read – Community Engagement Manager.


Points made included:


·         Wiltshire CIL Grant - It was agreed to allocate £5,000 from Youth funding budget for CIL funding.


·         Family Learning Festival - It was agreed to allocate £280 for leaflet printing. The Chairman thanked Marc Read and Joyce – Army Welfare Service for their hard work in putting the project together.


·         Splash six monthly report – the written report was noted.


·         Keep Britain Tidy – Marc Read highlighted the “Bin it your way” campaign.


·         WW1 Commemorative tree planting - A proposal for Wiltshire Council to plant 10,000 trees to commemorate the centenary of the end of the First World War. It was to be decided whether a large Wiltshire wood, or smaller community areas would be planted.


The Chairman thanked Marc Read for his update.



Tidworth Leisure Centre

Jon Hargrave & Emily Catlow.


This item was deferred to the November meeting.


Consultation on new Waste Management Strategy & Information on your local Household Recycling Centre


Julie Anderson-Hill – Head of Service, Culture and Operational Change, Wiltshire Council gave a short presentation that outlined Wiltshire Council’s Consultation on a new waste management strategy to shape how the Council collects and manages household waste and recycling.


The meeting was able to take part in a short interactive voting session that would feed into the main consultation.


Points made included:


·         The council needed to develop a new waste management strategy in order to shape how it collected and managed household waste and recycling in Wiltshire.


·         The strategy needed to take into account Wiltshire’s current challenges and also major developments in waste services.


·         That following the award of a collection contract to Hills Waste, kerbside services would change from 30 July 2018. These changes would make it easier for residents to recycle more at home.


·         That Wiltshire Council was currently undertaking a public consultation to ascertain the views of residents which would help to develop a new waste management strategy.


·         The questions in the consultation were based on the outcome of workshops held with Wiltshire Council elected members in July 2017.


The Chairman requested that a briefing note be circulated to the Parish Councils outlining the Wiltshire Council’s Cabinet decision on the consultation.


The Chairman thanked Julie Anderson-Hill for her presentation.



Windmill Hill Children's Centre - Domestic Abuse Support Project

Rosalie Mead


Rosalie Mead gave a short presentation that outlined the Windmill Hill Children's Centre - Domestic Abuse Support Project.


Points made included:



·         Working with victims and perpetrators in the Armed Forces to reduce instances of DVA and create a safe environment for children to grow up in.



·         To enable woman and children to understand how to stay safe and live  free from DVA.


·         To support woman and children to recover from DVA and develop resilience.


·         Reduce DVA by encouraging male perpetrators to understand and   change their abusive behaviour.


Recovering Together – year 1 milestones

·         Deliver one Freedom Programme for up to 15 woman.


·         Deliver one You and Me, mum programme for up to 15 woman.


·         Deliver 12 Play Therapy and Five to Thrive sessions for up to 15 children.


·         Refer up to 10 male perpetrators to the dedicated Splitz Turnaround Programme.

children to understand how to stay safe and live

The Chairman thanked Rosalie Mead for her presentation.


Thematic Group Updates

·         Health & Wellbeing Group update including grants - Reia Jones


·         Dementia Action Alliance subgroup update – Brian Pratt


·         Older Person & Carers Champion update – Tony Pickernell



Health & Wellbeing Group – Reia Jones

Points made included:


·         Continued issues with access to NHS Dentists across the community area re waiting times.


·         Next meeting on Thursday 2 November 2017.


Dementia Action Alliance Group – Brian Pratt

Points made included:


·         That the group was now looking at ways to get local businesses involved in the steering group.


Older Person & Carers Champion update – Tony Pickernell

Points made included:


·         Would be starting Dinner Tea Dances in September and hoped to raise funding for transport so the outlying areas could also get a chance to attend the first one.

·         That the Area Board agreed a Grant for £500 for over 55s tea dances.

The Chairman thanked everybody for their updates.



Community Area Transport Group update

Cllr Mark Connolly.


Supporting documents:


Cllr Mark Connolly introduced the CATG update.


·         The CATG report dated 4 September 2017 was noted.


·         Tidworth Area Board allocation of £7,054 to be spent this year on maintenance of footways.


The Chairman thanked Cllr Connolly for his update.


Community Area Grants

To determine any applications for Community Area Grants.


Grant application packs for the Community Area Grants Scheme are available from the Community Area Manager or electronically at:

Supporting documents:


The Area board members considered one Councillor led initiative and three applications for grant funding:



Cllr Chris Williams awarded £2,000 funding to install two commemorative benches in the Rose Garden, opposite the Ludgershall War Memorial.



CollingbourneDucis Village Hall awarded £1,450 for re-furbishment of main hall-decoration and black-out curtains.


The application meets grant criteria 2017/18



Avon Small Saints PreSchool awarded £834 for Avon Small Saints Preschool Outside classroom.


The application meets grant criteria 2017/18


Spurgeons awarded £3,971.30 for Windmill Hill Children's Centre
Windmill Hill Childrens Centre - Play Resources.


The application meets grant criteria 2017/18



Updates from Town and Parish Councils, the Army, NHS, TCAP and other Partners

To receive any updates.

Supporting documents:




Tidworth Town Council


·         That the Tidworth War Memorial had now been unveiled.


·         That the Military Chapel would be open on Saturday 23 September with hot refreshment from 2-4pm.



Ludgershall Town Council


·         That 26 Eng Regiment would be marching through Ludgershall on Saturday 14 October, fete and family events had also been organised.





·         Demolition work was ongoing at Corunna Barracks in Ludgershall.


·         That it was hoped that enabling work would start by the end of 2017.


The Chairman thanked everybody for their updates.



Date of Next Meeting and Close

The next meeting of the Tidworth Area Board will be on Monday 13 November 2017 at the Phoenix Hall, Netheravon.



The next meeting of the Tidworth Area Board will be held on Monday 13

November 2017 at the Phoenix Hall, Netheravon.