Agenda and minutes

Tidworth Area Board - Monday 13 November 2017 7.00 pm

Venue: Pheonix Hall, Netheravon

Contact: Kevin Fielding  (Democratic Services Officer)

No. Item


Chairman's Welcome, Introductions and Announcements

Chairman’s Announcements:


·         Army Rebasing


·         Wiltshire Local Plan Review


Supporting documents:


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Tidworth Area Board and thanked Netheravon for hosting.


The following Chairman’s Announcements were noted:


·         Army Rebasing


·         Wiltshire Local Plan Review


Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee



There were no declarations of interest.




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 18 September 2017

Supporting documents:




·         The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 18 September 2017 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


·         It was noted that the Tidworth Town Council update should read “That the Mortuary Chapel would be open on Saturday 23 September with hot refreshments from 2-4pm”



Police Update

An update from Deputy Sergeant James Williams, Wiltshire Police

Supporting documents:


Acting Inspector James Williams presented the written update which was noted.



Fire & Rescue Update

An update from Tom Brolan - District Commander Amesbury, Ludgershall & Pewsey

Supporting documents:


The written Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue update was noted.



Smoke Free Sports

Mary Deevers – Public Health Team, Wiltshire Council


Mary Deevers Public Health Team, Wiltshire Council gave a presentation that highlighted the importance of Smoke Free Sports.


Points made included:


Why the need for Smoke Free Places


·         Smoking in family-friendly playing fields and sports grounds suggests to children that it is acceptable and/or desirable behaviour.


·         Children playing sport whilst adults are smoking on the side-lines is not promoting positive and consistent messages about health.


·         Sports clubs and playing fields should be an environment where children are protected and able to enjoy smokefree physical activity .


·         Playing and maintaining physical activity can protect children from future unhealthy behaviours e.g. smoking and alcohol use.


·         That voluntary smokefree areas are supported by 89% of adults



The benefits for sports clubs/organisations


·         To make a statement that they are a sports club /organisation who prioritise the health and wellbeing of all its members and visitors.


·         To protect children from the dangers of second hand smoke and from copying adults who smoke.


·         To provide a supportive environment for people who are trying to quit, or have recently quit, by removing the temptation to smoke.


·         To remove the risk of very young children picking up or eating cigarette butts which can be harmful.


·         To reduce littering around sports club and grounds.


The Chairman thanked Mary Deevers for her presentation.


It was agreed that the Community Engagement Manager would contact the local Parish Councils to gauge the level of interest for getting signage produced.


Wiltshire CIL- Insight Project

Mary Read – Wiltshire CIL


Mary Read Wiltshire CIL gave a presentation that outlined how CIL wanted to identify what matters to people living in their community area: what makes a difference in their lives, what is important and what they would like to change, so that CIL can find ways to best support the community to be a kind and welcoming place.


Points made included:


 The Plan


1:1 in-depth interviews up to 20 people in the Tidworth community area.  


     Meetings with groups in the Tidworth community area.  


     Pull together information and key themes.


     Produce an engaging graphic/ map based on these themes.


The Chairman thanked Mary Read with the invitation to a future Area Board to give an update on progress.



Thematic Group Updates

·         Health & Wellbeing Group update including grants - Reia Jones


·         Dementia Action Alliance subgroup update – Brian Pratt


·         Older Person & Carers Champion update – Tony Pickernell


Supporting documents:


Health & Wellbeing Group – Reia Jones

Points made included:

·         NHS – non assertive outreach team to work with rough sleepers in the community area.


·         That contact with the Military Advocacy Service had now been made.


·         Medivo awarded 111 number contact.


·         That the Castle Practice’s meeting with Claire Perry MP was to be re-scheduled.


Health & Wellbeing Grant




·         £2,000 awarded for Our Time Project Theatre Workshops.



Dementia Action Alliance Group – Brian Pratt

Points made included:

·         That the Memory Cafe continues to go from strength to strength.


Older Person & Carers Champion update – Tony Pickernell

·         Next Tea Dance on Tuesday 7 December, transport to be provided.


Multi Agency Forum – Marc Read

·         Will now be covered as a standard agenda item in future Area board agendas.

·         Next meeting Thursday 8 March 2018.


The Chairman thanked everybody for their updates.


Grant Funding Review - Tidworth & Ludgershall Men's Shed

Mike Giles


Mike Giles - Tidworth & Ludgershall Men's Shed gave a short presentation that highlighted how grant funding from the Area Board had helped to launch and grow Tidworth Men's Shed.


Points made included:


·         That the official opening would be 20 November 2017.


·         That the Shed members were very grateful to the Area Board for the funding that the shed had received.


·         That new skilled and un-skilled members were needed.


The Chairman thanked Mike Giles for his presentation.


Community Area Grants

To determine any applications for Community Area Grants


Grant application packs for the Community Area Grants Scheme are available from the Community Area Manager or electronically at:


Supporting documents:



The History Group awarded £690 for Voices of Experience - local history booklet.


The application meets grant criteria 2017/18



Enford Avon Valley Youth Club awarded £966.60 for youth club activities programme.


The application meets grant criteria 2017/18



Fittleton Parish Council awarded £706.00 for Defibrillators for Fittleton & Haxton.


The application meets grant criteria 2017/18



Community Area Transport Group

To agree funding for the Tidworth community area Pavements Improvements Fund


Cllr Mark Connolly introduced the CATG update.


·         That there had been no meeting since the last Area Board.


·         That funding for the Wylie Road, Tidworth footpath was agreed by the Area Board members.


The Chairman thanked Cllr Connolly for his update.



Community Engagement Manager Update

Marc Read


Marc Read – Community Engagement Manager.


Points made included:


·         WW1 Commemorative tree planting - A proposal for Wiltshire Council to plant 10,000 trees to commemorate the centenary of the end of the First World War. It was to be decided whether a large Wiltshire wood, or smaller community areas would be planted. Parishes could still get involved in this project.


·         The Wellington Academy Community Lunch – 20 November.


·         Family Learning Festival – A great success.  Now looking to expand the project for next year, with the hope of making this a sustainable event.


·         Tidworth Healthy Schools – Well done to Castle Primary School, Ludgershall, Clarendon Infants School, Clarendon Junior School, Collingbourne CofE Primary School and the Wellington Academy who all achieved a bronze award.


·         Col Jamie Balls outlined plans for a Tedworth House, Memory Path, a bid for Area Board grant funding would be sought in due course.


The Chairman thanked Marc Read for his update.



Updates from Town and Parish Councils, the Police, the Army, NHS, TCAP and other Partners

To receive any updates


Supporting documents:


Tidworth Garrison


·         That the Garrison Commander was very keen for good community engagement between the Military and the non-military communities.


·         That Army Rebasing continued to bring big changes to the Tidworth

           Community area.



Tidworth Town Council


·         That the recent Halloween party had been well attended.


·         That the Remembrance Sunday parade and service had been well attended.



Ludgershall Town Council


·         That 26 Eng Regiment had marched through Ludgershall on Saturday 14 October.


·         Christmas Fayre – Saturday 2 December.





·         That defibrillators were to be installed at Lovell buildings in the local area.



Netheravon & Fittleton Parish Council


·         That a survey had been delivered all homes, looking to encourage more groups to use the Parish Hall.



CollingbourneDucis Parish Council


·         That a litter pick had been carried out by village volunteers.


The Chairman thanked everybody for their updates.



Date of Next Meeting and Close

The next meeting of the Tidworth Area Board will be on Monday 22 January 2018



The next meeting of the Tidworth Area Board will be held on Monday 22  January 2018 at the Wellington Academy, Tidworth.