Agenda and minutes

Tidworth Area Board - Monday 22 January 2018 7.00 pm

Venue: Wellington Academy, Tidworth Rd, Tidworth, Wiltshire SP11 9RR

Contact: Kevin Fielding  (Democratic Services Officer)

No. Item


Chairman's Welcome, Introductions and Announcements

Chairman’s Announcements:


·         Real Change Wiltshire


·         Army Rebasing

Supporting documents:


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Tidworth Area Board and thanked The Wellington Academy for hosting.


The following Chairman’s Announcements contained in the agenda pack were noted:


·         Real Change Wiltshire


·         Army Rebasing




Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



Cllr Led Initiative funding application - Cllr Mark Connolly – Member of the Armed Forces Committee for Tidworth.



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 13 November 2017

Supporting documents:




·         The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 13 November 2017 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Police Update

Supporting documents:


Acting Inspector James Williams presented the written update which was noted.


Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner- Precept Consultation

A short film outlining the Commissioner’s Precept Consultation

Supporting documents:


A short film was shown, outlining the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s 2018 Precept Proposal Consultation.


Fire & Rescue Update

Supporting documents:


Station Manager Jack Nicholson presented the written Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue update was noted.


Homelessness Outreach

Sarah Johnson


Sarah Johnson gave a short presentation which outlined her role as Assertive Outreach Worker, Wiltshire Council.


Points made included:


·         Sarah’s role involved reaching out, identifying and working with people who had slipped through or been failed by the system.


·         This involved meeting with rough sleepers frequently, building trust and ultimately helping them build their lives again.


·         A major piece of work carried out by Sarah was negotiating with services such as banks, the department for work and pensions and housing, to enable the homeless to have access the internet, access services, claim benefits and setting up their own bank accounts without having a permanent address or formal ID.


·         It was noted that the number of homeless people throughout Wiltshire known to services stood at 35, although they were aware that this number was likely an underestimate and work was being done to try and identify and find those unknown to the service.


The Chairman thanked Sarah Johnson for her presentation and the good work that she was carrying out across Wiltshire.


Julia's House

Jan Burns


Jan Burns – Julia’s House gave a short presentation that highlighted the work carried out at the Julia’s House childrens hospice in Devizes.


Points made included:


·         That Julia’s House was not a typical children’s hospice. It provided practical and emotional support for families caring for a child with a life-limiting or life-threatening condition, providing frequent and regular support in their own homes.


·         The Julia’s House childrens hospice in Devizes, was somewhere children could come and play in an environment tailored specifically for them, and a hub for our community nurses to work from.

·         The theme for the building and garden was Wiltshire’s Neolithic heritage, with fun interpretations of white horses, stone monuments and – in a creative extension of the theme – cave drawings interpreted by local children’s artist Hannah Kate Sackett.

·         Hi-tech features included a cinema within the main activity room, interactive projection systems that allow play via vision and sound and movement-activated sound boxes in the garden, which trigger birdsong and other relaxing nature sounds.

·         The work has been carried out by Wates Construction.

The Chairman thanked Jan Burns for her presentation and the excellent being carried out Julia’s House.



Clean Up Wilts & Community Engagement Manager Update


Marc Read outlined the Wiltshire Council’s Clean Up Wilts campaign.


Points made included:


·         This year phase two of the county-wide Clean-Up Wilts campaign would be implemented.


·         The campaign, which was launched last October, focused on targeting fly-tipping across the county as its first phase.


·         This year the campaign focused on litter from food-on-the-go, chewing gum and cigarette butts and community litter picks as part of supporting the national Great British Spring Clean, which takes place on the weekend of 2 to 4 March (2018).


·         Over the last two years – communities across Wiltshire had participated in the litter picks and more than 30 tonnes of litter had been collected.


·         As a result of this participation, Wiltshire Council had been shortlisted as a finalist in the Keep Britain Tidy Network Awards – Local Authority Award category. The shortlisting was based on the evidence of the strong community spirit that prevails in Wiltshire, which was clearly demonstrated last year on the weekend of the 2017 Great British Spring Clean (Friday 3 to Sunday 5 March).


·         More than 3,200 volunteers took part in litter picks across the county, giving up their time to help make their communities a better place to live. In all, 152 litter picks took place throughout the county during the weekend, and the volunteers collected 3,025 bags of rubbish, with 18.15 tonnes collected in total.


·         The award winner would be announced on 8 February. Just being a finalist was recognition of what makes Wiltshire unique. It would be great if this year’s Great British Spring Clean event could be another success.


·         It would of course be much better if people didn’t drop litter in the first place and that we didn’t have to spend more than £2.5 million each year collecting this rubbish. Wiltshire is a beautiful county and we want to keep it that way.



Community Engagement Manager Update


·         Family Learning Festival – That the festival held last year had been a great success, with plans to hold a bigger one during 2018.


·         Wellington Academy Post-Valentine Lunch – That the lunch would be held on Thursday 22 February at the Bridge Centre, Wellington Academy.


·         Nepalese Community – That a representative from the Nepalese community had been invited to speak at the next Area Board meeting.


The Chairman thanked Marc Read for his update.


Grant Review - The Mobile Museum

Ben Welbourne


Ben Welbourne gave a brief presentation that highlighted how grant funding from the Tidworth Area Board had benefitted both The Mobile Museum and local communities across Wiltshire.


The Chairman thanked Ben Welbourne for his presentation.



Thematic Group Updates

·         Health & Wellbeing Group – Including Grants

·         Dementia Action Alliance – Brian Pratt

·         Older Person & Carers Champion – Tony Pickernell

·         Multi Agency Forum – Marc Read


Supporting documents:


Health & Wellbeing Group – Reia Jones

Points made included:

·         Next Meeting of the group was scheduled for Thursday 1 February.


·         That Salisbury Hospital A&E department had received good feedback in  the most recent statistics released for the hospital.


Health & Wellbeing Funding



·         Wiltshire Wildlife Trust awarded £2,000 for the “Wellbeing” – Therapy Though Nature programme.


Dementia Action Alliance Group – Brian Pratt

Points made included:

·         That the Memory Cafe continues to go from strength to strength.

·         That the group had recently met.


Older Person & Carers Champion update – Tony Pickernell

Points made included:

·         Was now working with Tesco to deliver gifts to residents of Trinity and Bartlett House.

·         Was now working with the local Nepalese community.

·         That the Memory Café continues to grow.



·         That plans were being made to reinstate some of the TCAP Thematic Groups.


Multi Agency Forum – Marc Read

·         Next meeting Thursday 8 March 2018.

The Chairman thanked everybody for their updates.


Community Area Transport Group Update

Cllr Mark Connolly


Cllr Mark Connolly introduced the CATG update.


That the report of the CATG meeting dated 15 January 2018 were noted.


·         Perham to Tidworth Cycle Path - Group agreed that up to £8K should be spent on contributing to the design of a Shared Use Path (SUP).


·         Issue 5754 Cadley Road, Collingbourne Ducis Request for AdditionalTraffic Calming - that Collingbourne Ducis PC should work with Lockeridge PC who have recently implemented a scheme for a road with similar issues. A site visit with the PC could then be carried out to discuss suggested solutions.


·         Area Board Footway Allocation – That the Tidworth Area Board approved Wylye Road scheme for completion.


The Chairman thanked Cllr Connolly for his update.


Community Area Grants including Youth Grants

To determine any applications for Community Area Grants.


Grant application packs for the Community Area Grants Scheme are available from the Community Area Manager or electronically at:

Supporting documents:


The Area Board members discussed two Community Area grants, two Councillor Led Initiative, four Youth Grants and one Youth Funding Procurement of PAYP providers.



Girlguiding Tidworth District awarded £625.49 for Tidworth District Gazebo and event materials.


The application meets grant criteria 2017/18



Fittleton Parish Council awarded £500 for Kissing Gate for Fittleton Footpath 3.

The application meets grant criteria 2017/18


Armed Forces Day 2018 awarded £2,700


The application meets grant criteria 2017/18



Tidworth Community Area Healthy Schools Project awarded £2,340


The application meets grant criteria 2017/18



T2a awarded £905 for Family Learning Pottery


The application meets grant criteria 2017/18



Any Body Can Cook awarded £1,503.24 for Any Body Can Cook Netheravon


The application meets grant criteria 2017/18



Salisbury Playhouse awarded £5,000 for Stage 65 Youth Theatre project


The application meets grant criteria 2017/18




Wellington Academy CCF awarded £1,200 for DofE Club


The application meets grant criteria 2017/18



Fred Fieber awarded £2,800 for Queens Wall youth project


The application meets grant criteria 2017/18



Updates from Town & Parish Councils, the Army, NHS, TCAP & other partners

Supporting documents:




NHS Wiltshire – The written report was noted.



Healthwatch Wiltshire – The written report was noted.



Ludgershall Town Council


·         That the Drummond Park site had been purchased by Homes for England, who were talking to developers with a view to build 600 new homes.



Netheravon & Fittleton Parish Council


·         A big thank you to the Men’s Shed crew, who had recently erected a partition wall in the Phoenix Hall.


The Chairman thanked everybody for their updates.


Date of next meeting

  • Garrison Theatre, Tidworth – Monday 26 March 2018



Garrison Theatre, Tidworth Monday 26 March 2018 at 7pm.

