Agenda and minutes

Tidworth Area Board - Monday 4 March 2019 7.00 pm

Venue: Tidworth Garrison Theatre, St Andrew's Road, Tidworth, SP9 7EP

Contact: Kevin Fielding  (Democratic Services Officer)

No. Item


Chairman's Welcome, Announcements and Introductions

Chairman’s Announcements:


·         Children’s Centres Consultation on proposals to develop the community model


·         Electoral Review – Next Steps



Supporting documents:


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Tidworth Area Board and thanked the Garrison Theatre for hosting.


The following Chairman’s Announcements contained in the agenda pack were noted:


·         Children’s Centres Consultation on proposals to develop the

           community model.


·         Electoral Review Next Steps.


·         Castledown Business Park open day – 20 March 2019.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Anthony Darcy-Irvine – Enford Parish Council.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were none.



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 28 January 2019.

Supporting documents:




·         The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 28 January 2019 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Police Update

Supporting documents:


The written update was noted from Acting Inspector John Hutchings.



CCG - Maternity Consultation

Sarah MacLennan – Wiltshire CCG will give a presentation about the new Larkhill MOD family health centre and an update on the maternity transformation consultation 



Sarah MacLennan Wiltshire CCG gave a presentation about the new Larkhill MOD family health centre and an update on the maternity transformation consultation.


Points made included:


The Challenge to Services


·         Freestanding Midwifery Units (FMU) were underused, but have to be staffed 24/7.


·         50% of first time mothers transfer from the FMU to the Obstetric Unit for extra medical support.


·         Staff have to be moved around at short notice and don’t have enough time to promote/support home births – this means less choice for women and their families.


·         Community post-natal beds were also underused, but take up staff time and costs.



The Benefits of change


·         We can provide more choice for more women across our area about where and how they are supported before, during and after the birth of their child.


·         We can make better use of our resources and workforce so we can further improve our antenatal and postnatal and birth services.


·         We can improve continuity of care and carer for women.


·         We can improve our home birth service.



Future Finances


·         We are not planning to reduce how much we spend on maternity services.


·         We are not reducing the numbers of staff we have.


·         We are not closing any buildings.

·         We want to make more efficient use of our existing budget, resources and our staff to provide more services, not less for women and families across our area.


·         Some of the changes we are proposing are because certain services are underused and we are often staffing empty buildings and empty beds.


The Chairman thanked Sarah MacLennan for her presentation.




Highways Schemes 2019-2020

Decision on highways schemes for the forthcoming year.


Supporting documents:


Diane Ware – Principal Technical Officer Highways, Wiltshire Council gave a short presentation that outlined the Wiltshire Highways planned maintenance for the Tidworth community area during 2019 – 2023.


The highway network formed the Council’s largest asset, and it was important that it was maintained in the most cost-effective way that provided value for money. This included the use of asset management and whole life costing approaches to inform long-term investment decisions.




·         That the Tidworth Area Board welcomed the road surfacing work and repairs carried out in 2018/19 and noted the improvement in the overall condition of Wiltshire’s roads in recent years, but acknowledged that further investment was still required.


·         Approved the highway maintenance scheme list for 2019/20 prepared for the Area Board.


·         Noted the new provisional five year programme, which would be reviewed annually to ensure best value for money and whole life costing for the highways asset.


The Chairman thanked Diane Ware for her presentation.


Community Engagement Manager Update

Richard Rogers


To Include:


·         Wiltshire Walking Projects



Richard Rogers – Community Area Manager.


Points made included:


·         That the Wiltshire Walking project would now be rolled out during 2020.


·         That the Area Board were keen to hear from local groups and organisations seeking grant funding.





TCAP Thematic Group Updates

·         Health & Wellbeing Group – Reia Jones

·         Dementia Action Alliance – Brian Pratt

·         Older Person & Carers Champion – Tony Pickernell 

·         Multi Agency Forum – Marc Read

·         Multi Faith Group – Col Jamie Balls 

·         Sports and Leisure Group - Col Jamie Balls


Health & Wellbeing Group

·         The group are scheduled to meet again on Thursday 4 April. It was hopeful local health care professionals would be in attendance.


Dementia Action Alliance Group - Brian Pratt

·         Next meeting Monday 29 April.

Older Person & Carers Champion – Tony Picknell

·         That around 21 people attended the last Memory Cafe.

·         That the Link were looking at various NHS transport issues.

Multi Agency Group – Cllr Chris Williams

·         That Cllr Williams and Cllr Blair-Pilling had attended the last meeting held on Thursday 7 March.

Multi Faith Group – Lt Col Nick Turner

·         That the group had met on Wednesday 6 March.

Sport and Leisure Group

·         That the next management board meeting was due to be held.

The Chairman thanked everybody for their updates.



Community Transport Group Update

Cllr Mark Connolly.


No update – group had yet to meet since the last meeting.


Updates from Town and Parish Councils, the Army, NHS, and other Partners

To receive any updates.

Supporting documents:


u NHS Wiltshire – The written report was noted.



Healthwatch Wiltshire – The written report was noted.



Lovell – The written report was noted.





·         That Rebasing carried on schedule.


·         That February’s Band Concert had raised some £3,000 for charity.


·         That then Military sports facilities were available for non-service use, and could be booked through Aspire.



Ludgershall Town Council


·         Easter party on Friday 19 April at the Memorial Hall.


·         26 Engineer Regiment walking through the town on Sunday 7 April.



Tidworth Town Council


·         That February’s litter pick had been well supported, another was now planned for Saturday 6 April.



Fittleton Parish Council


·         That Fittleton Parish Council thanked the Area Board for it’s recent grand funded baby changing table.




Everleigh Parish Council – The written report was noted.


The Chairman thanked everybody for their updates.



Community Area Grants

To determine any applications for Community Area Grants.


Grant application packs for the Community Area Grants Scheme are available from the Community Area Manager or electronically at:

Supporting documents:


The Area Board members considered the following grant funding applications:


Community Area Grant Funding



22 Engineer Regiment awarded £750 for Defibrillator for Perham Down Community Centre outside wall.



Phoenix Hall Management Committee awarded £1,000 for metal racking and plastic storage boxes.



Little Phoenix Toddlers awarded £996.98 for Little Phoenix Toddlers Play Equipment.



Youth Grant Funding



T2a awarded £1,650 for Tidworth Girls Group.



Councillor Initiative Funding



Cllr Chris Williams requesting £1,500 to run cookery classes for young people in Netheravon and Tidworth – Agreed.



Cllr Chris Williams requesting £284 allocated from the Health & Wellbeing budget to purchase books in German in preparation for those returning from Germany over the next two years – Agreed.



Cllr Chris Williams requesting £370 allocated from the Youth funding budget to pay for two coaches to take the young people to “Primary Live” music project – Agreed.



Cllr Chris Williams requesting £800 to purchase replacement external double doors at Ludgershall Youth Centre – Agreed.



Cllr Chris Williams requesting £720.12 for project funding for a project  providing special needs support group for both military and civilian families – Agreed.




Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Tidworth Area Board will be on Wednesday 15 May 2019 at Collingbourne Ducis Villlage Hall.



The next meeting of the Tidworth Area Board will be on Wednesday 15 May 2019 at Collingbourne Ducis Villlage Hall.