Agenda and minutes

Tidworth Area Board - Monday 23 September 2019 7.00 pm

Venue: Memorial Hall, Ludgershall

Contact: Kevin Fielding  (Democratic Services Officer)

No. Item


Chairman's Welcome, Announcements and Introductions

Chairman’s Announcements:


·         Recycling Week 2019


·         How Dementia Friendly is Wiltshire?

Supporting documents:


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Tidworth Area Board and thanked the Memorial Hall for hosting.


The following Chairman’s Announcements contained in the agenda pack were noted:


·         Recycling Week 2019


·         How Dementia Friendly is Wiltshire?




Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Brian Pratt – Tidworth Town Council and Alistair Cunningham – Wiltshire Council.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were none.




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 18 July 2019

Supporting documents:




·         The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 18 July 2019 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Police update

Inspector Liz Coles

Supporting documents:


The written update introduced by Sgt Lucy Thornewas noted.



MCI Overview

Guy Benson - MCI Programme Lead Corporate Assurance & Programmes, Wiltshire Council & Alistair Cunningham - Executive Director Growth, Investment & Place, Wiltshire Council


Guy Benson - Programme Manager Military Civilian integration, Wiltshire Council gave a short presentation that outlined the aims of the Military Civilian Integration Project.


Points made included:

·         That the partnership aimed to improve the economic and social benefits of the military presence in the county. By working closely with the Ministry of Defence (MOD), serving Armed Forces personnel, reservists, cadet instructors, veterans, their families and local communities.


·         That this was increasingly important as Wiltshire welcomed an additional 4,000 Service Personnel and their families who were currently moving to Wiltshire as part of the Army Rebasing Programme.

The partnership has some key objectives:

  • To identify and respond to the changing military ‘footprint' in Wiltshire.
  • To ensure the council and its partners could meet the needs of military personnel, their families and veterans as changes occurred.
  • To ensure the county remained an attractive location for our Armed Forces and long-term investment by the MOD.
  • To capitalise on opportunities for regeneration and building strong communities.
  • To maximise the economic contribution of the military to the county.
  • To assist service leavers in career transition and into employment in the area, helping soldiers back into civilian society.
  • To encourage local communities to support the Armed Forces through the Wiltshire Community Covenant.

The Chairman thanked Guy Benson for his presentation.







Fire & Rescue update

Station Manager Dave Adamson

Supporting documents:


The written update introduced by Station Manager Dave Adamsonwas noted.



Cross Plains Surgery Closure update

Jo Cullen – NHS Wiltshire


Jo Cullen - Director of Primary and Urgent Care for Wiltshire CCG gave brief update on the closure of Cross Plains Surgery in Tidworth.

Points made included:

·         That the CCG continued to work with the Castle Practice and other local general practices to re-register patients.


The Chairman thanked Jo Cullen for her update.



Ludgershall Castle Practice Surgery - facilities update

Chrissie Williams


Chrissie Williams gave a short update on the on-going work of the Castle Practice to register patients from the Cross Plains Surgery.


Points made included:


·         That just over 1,200 people had now registered at the Castle Practice.


·         That around 2,000 military patients were now registered as part of Army Rebasing.


·         That two additional Health Care Assistants had been recruited.


·         That rooms at the Ludgershall Practice were being converted for GP and treatment rooms and waiting areas to help with the increased patient flow.


The Chairman thanked Chrissie Williams for her update and it’s positive news.


Health & Wellbeing Pastoral Teams

Rev’d Tim Laundon & Hannah Gray from Macmillan



Rev’d Tim Laundon & Hannah Gray from Macmillan gave a short presentation on the setting up of community pastoral teams.


The teams would work with partner organisations and local communities to develop, deliver and coordinate a broad range of community-based initiatives.


It was agreed that the GP surgeries could work well with the pastoral teams.


The Chairman felt that the Health & Wellbeing group should be involved in future involvement, and that Rev’d Tim Laundon & Hannah Gray should come back to a future Area Board meeting to give an update.







Youth Project Funding

Sarah Gregson – Salisbury Museum & Laura Dixey - Young People's Team Leader, Wiltshire Council





Sarah Gregson – Salisbury Museum & Laura Dixey - Young People's Team Leader, Wiltshire Council gave a short presentation requesting youth funding for the Salisbury Museum project - The Image - Photography Skills for Targeted Young People.




·         That the Salisbury Museum were awarded £3,207 for Photography Skills for Targeted Young People project.


The Chairman requested thatSarah Gregson and Laura Dixey come to a future meeting to show the outcomes of the project.


Paths For All update

Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling



Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling gave the Paths for All update.


Points made included:


·         That Netheravon School were now getting involved.


·         That leaflets were being sorted out for walking routes.


·         That the group continued to gain momentum.


·         Next meeting planned for Wednesday 2 October in Ludgershall.


The Chairman thanked Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling for his update.


TCAP Thematic Group Updates

·         Health & Wellbeing Group Reia Jones

·         Dementia Action Alliance Brian Pratt

·         Older Person & Carers Champion Tony Pickernell

·         Multi Agency Forum Richard Rogers

·         Multi Faith Group Col Jamie Balls

·         Sports and Leisure Group - Col Jamie Balls


Health & Wellbeing Group – Reia Jones


·         Next meeting 28 November.


Dementia Action Alliance – Mary Towle


·         That the Cheerful Cuppa had entered a team in the recent Southampton Memory Walk.


Older Person & Carers Champion – Tony Pickernell


·         That the Link Service was still looking for volunteer drivers.


The Chairman thanked everybody for their updates.



Community Transport Group Update

Cllr Mark Connolly

Supporting documents:


Cllr Mark Connolly gave the CATG update.


Points made included:


·         The notes of the previous meeting were agreed.


·         Everleigh, Marlborough Road – contribution from Everleigh PC noted.


·         Collingbourne DucisCadley Road virtual footpath noted.


The Chairman thanked Cllr Connolly for his update.



Updates from Town and Parish Councils, the Army, NHS and other Partners

To receive any updates.

Supporting documents:


NHS Wiltshire – The written report was noted.



Healthwatch Wiltshire – The written report was noted.





·         That 75% of the new accommodation was now occupied by service families.



Everleigh Parish Council – The written report was noted.


The Chairman thanked everybody for their updates.



Grant Funding

To determine any applications for Community Area Grants.


Everleigh village requesting £462 for a defibrillator



Tidworth Community Area Partnership requesting £800 to run area awards event



Friends of Ludgershall requesting £1,307 to help provide trips and lunches for the members of the group



History group requesting £1,000 for Winifred Dixon – printing of talks in booklet





Fittleton Parish Council requesting £500 for picnic benches in Park




Wiltshire Creative requesting £5,000 to fund 1 year of free arts activity aimed at young people (music, drama, graffiti, theatre, animation)



Collingbourne Cricket Club requesting £999 for youth equipment





The Wellington Academy requesting £5,000 for pitch improvements





Youth Funding

Salisbury Museum requesting £3,308 to run photography sessions with young people at risk in cooperation with Youth Offending Team







Supporting documents:


The Wiltshire Councillors considered the following grant funding applications:


Community Area Grants



Tidworth Community Area Partnership awarded £800 to run area awards event



Friends of Ludgershall awarded £1,307 to help provide trips and lunches for the members of the group



History group awarded £1,000 for Winifred Dixon – printing of talks in booklet



The Cheerful Cuppa Fittleton awarded £500 for picnic benches in Park



Wiltshire Creative awarded £5,000 to fund 1 year of free arts activity aimed at young people (music, drama, graffiti, theatre, animation)



Collingbourne Cricket Club awarded £999 for youth equipment



The Wellington Academy awarded £5,000 for pitch improvements



Everleigh Parish Council awarded £462.50 for a village defibrilator


Youth Funding



Salisbury Museum awarded £3,308 to run photography sessions with young people at risk in cooperation with Youth Offending Team



Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Tidworth Area Board will be on Monday 25 November at the Phoenix Hall, Netheravon



The next meeting of the Tidworth Area Board will be held on Monday 25 November at the Phoenix Hall, Netheravon.