Agenda and minutes

Tidworth Area Board - Monday 16 May 2011 7.00 pm

Venue: Collingbourne Ducis Village Hall, Collingbourne Ducis, SN8 3UH

Contact: Lisa Moore  (Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item

10 mins


Chairman's Announcements, Welcome and Introductions

·       Digital Inclusion

·       Extraordinary Meeting of the Tidworth Area Board


Supporting documents:


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Tidworth Area Board.


He then invited everyone in the room to introduce themselves and made the following announcements:


(a)  Digital Inclusion


Wiltshire Council’s business plan for 2011/15 has prioritised a number of area for investment, of which digital inclusion and supporting the rollout of superfast broadband for both business and home users is a key area.  A survey would take place between 26 April and 3 June 2011 to allow people to say what type of service they are currently able to access over the internet and how well the service performs.


The survey would have a link within it to an on-line speed checker so that people could check their current broadband speed,


The survey would be available on-line and also available as a printed document. Details are available from:


Printed versions can be requested by calling and asking for the digital inclusion survey from the start date of the survey - 0300 456 0100.


(b)  Extraordinary Meeting of the Area Board


An extraordinary meeting of the Tidworth Area Board would take place on Monday 6 June at 7pm at the Ludgershall Memorial Hall.  This meeting had been arranged to specifically discuss the plans for the Hills Waste Transfer Station.  An exhibition relating to the proposals would be held in the Memorial Hall that afternoon from 2pm to 6.30pm.


(c)  Queen Elizabeth II Playing Fields


The Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire on behalf of HRH Prince William has asked Wiltshire Council to assist in supporting the Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge. The aim of the Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge is to protect 2,012 playing fields in communities all across Britain by 2012, thereby securing recreational spaces for community events, sport, exercise, and play; all vital elements impacting on issues such as health, crime and social wellbeing.   Indoor leisure facilities, village halls or other buildings enabling community recreation could also be considered. 


The Area Board had been asked to nominate two playing fields for consideration.  This matter will be brought back to the Area Board for consideration at the July meeting should suitable fields be identified in the area.  Town and Parish Councils would also be asked if they wished to put forward any nominations.


(d)  Collingbourne Woods


The Chairman had received an email from a resident whose car had been damaged while visiting the woods.  Inspector Martyn Sweett stated that this was the first incident in the location this year.  Beauty spot areas can sometimes be targets for theft and vandalism.  If further incidents occurred then warning signs could be erected.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from:


Mike Cox – Collingbourne Ducis Parish Council

Mike Holt – Collingbourne Kingston Parish Council

Ken Monk – Enford Parish Council

Chris Stock – The Chutes

Tony PickernellTidworth Community Area Partnership


Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.



To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 21st March 2011.

Supporting documents:



The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


20 mins


Community Services Contract

Great Western Hospital has been awarded the contract to run community services, previously run by the PCT. The Board will receive information on what this means for  the Tidworth Community Area.


Officer: Helen Bourner, Director of Business Development, Great Western Hospital

Supporting documents:


Helen Bourner, Director of Business Development, Great Western Hospital gave a presentation regarding the award of the contract to run community services.  Community Services used to be run by the PCT and the contract had now been awarded to Great Western Hospital.  The following issues were covered:


·         There were a number of changes currently taking place within the NHS.

·         The NHS had been asked to make a £20 million saving.

·         Prevention was a very important element to healthcare.

·         The hospital was a foundation trust and had 9,200 members and 3,300 staff.

·         Anyone from the local community could become a member of the trust and get involved.

·         Services were constantly being reviewed with a view to improvement.

·         72% of users of the hospital would currently recommend it to others.

·         The Trust would provide the following services:

·         Maternity

·         Children’s and Young Peoples Services

·         Adult Services

·         The Trust would be the largest provider of maternity services in the country.

·         The changes would provide a more joined up service, remove artificial boundaries and would aim to keep people out of hospital and remain closer to home.

·         No immediate change was proposed to the current services and stakeholder consultation would continue.

·         In order to prevent illness there would be more screening provided (e.g. screening for bowel, prostate and breast cancer).

·         Patients would still have the right to choose where they receive treatment.  Therefore if people in the Tidworth community area preferred to use Andover services they could continue to do so.

·         There would be a new ICT system which would enable connectivity with the system used by GPs.  This was currently being meticulously tested.

15 mins


Skills for Health Project

To receive information on this project.


Speaker: Lydia Baos

Supporting documents:


Lydia Baos gave a presentation regarding the Skills for Health Project.  The following issues were covered:


·         There had been concerns regarding the levels of literacy and numeracy of people in the armed services.

·         There were also a number of health issues so it was decided to combine the two.

·         The Skills for Health Project had started in 2003 and the army had become involved in 2007.

·         50% of new army recruits had poor reading skills.  Many of the wives of these recruits also had poor literacy skills.

·         A programme for the families of army recruits was therefore devised.

·         Taster sessions were provided and childcare facilities were included to enable people to attend.

·         One person who had participated in the scheme as an “army wife” spoke about her experiences.  She had found it extremely helpful and had undertaken the skills for life course and gone on to become a trainer herself.  She now worked with individuals to set goals and to help them to make the necessary changes and improve both their skills and health.

·         In some areas civilian families were also becoming involved with the scheme and this aided integration.

·         It was felt that the extended schools team could help with this project and Lynda Baos agreed to discuss how the team could become involved.



Lynda Baos to discuss possible involvement of the extended schools team with this project.

20 mins


Youth Commissioning Update

To receive an update.


Officers: Kevin Sweeney, Senior Manager – Operations and Staffing and Wendy Higginson, Youth Services Coordinator.


Kevin Sweeney, Senior Manager - Operations and Staffing, gave a presentation regarding youth commissioning.  The following issues were discussed:


·         Wiltshire Children’s Trust draft commissioning strategy for services for your people aged 13 to 19 had just been issued for consultation.  This was an important strategy which outlined plans for improving services for the 13 to 19 age range.

·         The consultation would take place over three months from 13 May to 5 August 2011.

·         There would be a £600k reduction in the budget for the youth service next year which meant that the service would need to be provided in a different way.

·         There were four options out to consultation:

o   Putting the service out to tender

o   More partnership working (e.g. with schools and voluntary organisations).

o   Campus developments

o   Reduce the number of buildings

·         Wiltshire Council had protected the youth service as far as it could.

·         This issue would be discussed with young people at the next CAYPIG meeting.

·         Changes would come into effect from 1 April 2012.

·         The consultation would be considered further at the July meeting of the Area Board.

20 mins


Waste Site Consultation

To receive information on the consultation on the plans for waste disposal sites over the next 15/20 years.


Supporting documents:


Geoff Winslow, Team Leader, Minerals & Waste Policy, gave a presentation regarding the consultation on the plans for waste management sites over the next 15/20 years.

The following issues were discussed:

·         The consultation on waste sites will begin on 13 June 2011 for a period of 8 weeks.

·         The Waste Sites DPD is the final key document in the waste policy framework for Wiltshire and Swindon.

·         It will ensure that future waste development proposals are for the right type of facilities in the right locations.

·         It allocates a range of locations for a variety of potential sites to ensure that dependence on landfill is reduced with a greater focus on recycling, treating and composting waste.

·         It is very important to ensure that the Council has a flexible framework of waste sites as there could be fines if targets are not met.

·         Sites have been identified through examination of existing waste facilities minerals workings, local plans, employment allocations and key industrial and employment areas.

·         Sites have now been appraised and a range of site options are available for consultation.  43 sites are being consulted on.

·         Two previous rounds of consultation took place in 2006 and 2010 and the relevant issues have been assessed. 

·         The current consultation contains a mixture of 14 strategic sites and 29 local sites.

·         Three sites have been identified in the Tidworth Community Area these are:

o   Castledown Business Park, Ludgershall

o   Everleigh Waste Management Facility, Everleigh

o   Pickpit Hill, Tidworth

·         The consultation document can be viewed on the Council’s website using the link

  • Hard copies will also be available at the Council’s main offices and libraries.


There was then an opportunity to ask questions and the following issues were raised:


·         It was confirmed that all responses submitted under the previous consultation had been considered.  If sites which people had previously objected to were still included in the current consultation this meant that officers felt the issues raised could be overcome.

·         If the government felt that the plan was not sound then it would be rejected.

·         The waste that would be dealt with in the Tidworth area would come from the south of the county.

·         Some people questioned the need for facilities in both Amesbury and Tidworth.  Officers explained that more sites were required to ensure flexibility.

·         A question was asked regarding the link between Hills Waste and the Council.  Officers confirmed that Hills already have a contract with Wiltshire Council but that there was no link between Hills and the Castledown Site or this consultation process.

·         Some concern was expressed regarding the advertising of the Extraordinary Tidworth Area Board meeting to be held on 6 June.  It was felt that people were not aware of this meeting.  Officers confirmed that the meeting would be publicised in the usual way i.e.local radio, website and local newspapers.

·         Concern was expressed about the proposed use of the Castledown Business Park as it was felt that this was contrary to the community plan.

·         The Chairman then asked those present at  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.

5 mins


Update on Issues Raised

An update from the Community Area Manager regarding issues raised.


Officer: Mary Cullen, Community Area Manager



This matter was postponed until the next meeting as there was not sufficient time to discuss the item.


However, there was one query regarding speed limits at Fittleton.  It was noted that a speed limit review would be taking place relating to category “C” roads in about six months time.



Mary Cullen, Community Area Manager, to find out more information about the review.

5 mins


Community Area Transport Group (CATG) Update

To receive an update from Councillor Mark Connolly.


Councillor Mark Connolly updated the Area Board on the work of the Community Area Transport Group.  £5k had been carried over from the previous financial year.  The Group had met and recommended the following priorities:


·         Wylye Road, Tidworth – an informal crossing.

·         Footpath in Perham Down leading to the Academy.



(1)  To note the rollover of £5,307 from the previous financial year.

(2)  To agree to progress the Wylye Road informal crossing and Perham Down footpath projects.



Martin Aldam

20 mins


Updates from Town and Parish Councils, the Police, the Army, NHS, TCAP and other Partners

To receive any verbal updates, in addition the following written updates are attached to the agenda:


·       Fire

·       Police

·       NHS


Supporting documents:


(a)  Fire and Rescue Service


The Area Board noted the report circulated with the agenda papers.


(b)  Police Service


Vision Wiltshire had been set up to deliver a new policing model to meet the projected funding cuts over the next 4 years.


There had been a slight increase locally in the theft of lead.  In Ludgershall there had been complaints regarding noise in the High Street.  Tidworth had experienced some anti-social behaviour and fly tipping.


Community speedwatch currently operated for 106 days per year and the Area Board was asked whether it would consider supplying more equipment so that the operation could be expanded.



The Area Board would consider this matter, discuss the implications with the Police and give an update report at the next meeting.



Mary Cullen, Community Area Manager to look into this matter.


(c)  Wellington Academy


The Academy had recently held two open days.  A third open day would be taking place on 15 June from 3pm to 7pm.  The Secretary of State had visited the school.


The School’s football teams had achieved great success in recent tournaments.


On 25 May the Community Awards would take place at 7pm in the theatre at the Academy.


(d)  Windmill Hill Children’s Centre


The Children’s Centre was now managed by 4Children.  A letter giving further details of the organisation is attached as an appendix to the minutes.  The Centre would continue in some form as all centres in Wiltshire would be staying open.  However, there would be some cuts in funding and it would be important to focus on the most vulnerable children.  The main concern was currently poor speech and language skills amongst the children.


(e)  Extended Schools


A parenting support programme had recently taken place and children could be referred through their schools.  Parent Support Advisors were available at the Wellington Academy and the local feeder schools and could be accessed via the school, contact Julie Tremlin, E-mail:


Free Time is a national scheme being implemented in all maintained schools in the country.  It is specific, ringfenced funding designed to subsidise access to Out of School Hours Learning clubs and activities for economically disadvantaged children and young people and children in care, who might not otherwise be able to pay some or all of the charge associated with taking part.  Further information is available on the council website using the following link


(f)   CAYPIG


An event entitled “Creative Juices” would take place at the Wellington Academy in May.  There would be a dance and music workshop and also an opportunity to watch the performers.  This was a free event funded by the Area Board.


(g)  Army


At the end of June/July soldiers would be moving into Tedworth House which was a facility which had been funded by the Help the Heroes charity.  A long distance event would be taking place on 5 June in Tedworth Park and on 9 July a Polo event would be taking place in Tedworth Park.


Many soldiers would be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.

Letter regarding 4Children

Supporting documents:

10 mins


Community Area Grants

To determine any applications for Community Area Grants.


Grant application packs for the Community Area Grants Scheme are available from the Community Area Manager or electronically at:

Supporting documents:


The Area Board considered one application for community area grant funding.  The application was for a project to provide art packs to 12 Mech Brigade personnel deploying on operations in Afghanistan.  The approval of this grant was supported unanimously by both councillors and the public present at the meeting.



To award a grant of £1,019 to the Army Arts Society to provide art packs to 12 Mech Brigade personnel deploying on operations in Afghanistan subject to an exhibition of works being held in the Tidworth Community Area at the end of deployments.


Reason for Decision

The application demonstrates a link to the priorities of the military/civilian integration project through aiding understanding between local communities and serving personnel during deployments and promoting opportunities for further integration between the civilian and military communities through the exhibiting of art works in the local community.  There is also a link to the community plan by encouraging more local arts events.

5 mins


Date of Next Meeting, Forward Plan, Evaluation and Close

The next meeting of the Tidworth Area Board will be on Monday 18th July 2011 at Enford Village Hall.

Supporting documents:


An extraordinary meeting of the Tidworth Area Board will take place on 6 June 2011 at Ludgershall Memorial Hall.  The next full meeting of the Tidworth Area Board will be held on Monday 18 July 2011 at Enford Village Hall.


Those present at the meeting used the electronic voting handsets to evaluate the meeting and the overall response to the meeting was “good”.