Agenda and minutes

Tidworth Area Board - Monday 18 July 2011 7.00 pm

Venue: Enford Village Hall, Longstreet, Enford, SN9 6DD

Contact: Lisa Moore  (Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item

15 mins


Welcome and Introductions

Supporting documents:


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Tidworth Area Board.


Election of the Chairman

To elect a Chairman for the forthcoming year.


In accordance with the Council’s Constitution (part 3, paragraph 4.8), the Chairman announced that he would vacate the Chair for item 2 as he was seeking re-election to the position of Chairman. Councillor Mark Connolly took the chair for this item. 


Councillor Connolly invited nominations for the position of Chairman of the Tidworth Area Board for the forthcoming year 2011-12.



Councillor Chris Williams was appointed as Chairman of the Tidworth Area Board for the forthcoming year 2011/12.


Councillor Williams in the Chair



Election of the Vice Chairman

To elect a Vice Chairman for the forthcoming year.


The Chairman, Councillor Williams invited nominations for the position of Vice-Chairman of the Tidworth Area Board for the forthcoming year 2011-12.



Councillor Mark Connolly was appointed as Vice-Chairman of the Tidworth Area Board for the forthcoming year 2011/12.



Nominations of Representatives to Outside Bodies

To note that appointments to outside bodies which were made by the Board last year along with any changes as detailed in the attached document will continue for 2011/12.

Supporting documents:


The nominations to Outside Bodies would be carried over for 2011/12 as per the table attached to the agenda.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from:


·       Mike Franklin – Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service

·       Michael Meade – St James Church Magazine



Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were none.



To confirm and sign the minutes of the last regular Board meeting held on Monday 16th May 2011 and the Extraordinary Board meeting held on Monday 6th June 2011.

Supporting documents:



The minutes of the previous meeting held on 16th May 2011 and the extraordinary meeting held on 6th June 2011, were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Matters Arising

To discuss any matters arising from the minutes of the previous two meetings.


The Chairman announced that following the Extraordinary Board meeting held on Monday 6th June 2011, where the Board discussed the proposals for a waste transfer site at Castledown Business Park, a group had formed called ‘No2Waste’. This group had produced a petition against the proposed site, the petition contained over 1,000 signatures. Councillor Williams accepted the petition on behalf of the Board and informed them that it would be logged with Democratic Services who would then pass the information to the relevant officer or committee for consideration.


Mary Cullen, Community Area Manager gave the following updates:


·         Speed guns - Four additional speed guns had been purchased which should help to alleviate pressure when guns are out of action for calibration. In addition to this, four more would soon be on order, to help give adequate cover across the county. There would be 26 guns across 46 Community Speed Watch groups.


  • Request for a 20mph speed limit in Haxton and Fittleton – The review of C class roads would take place in 2013/14. There is likely to be a trial of 20 mph speed limits in five locations across the county. However the results are unlikely to be published for at least 12 months.


Councillor Mark Connolly added that in addition to the review on C class roads, Area Boards would be involved at looking at the speed limits on these C class roads. Further information on this would follow when available.

5 mins


Chairman's Announcements

To receive Chairman’s Announcements including:


  • Queen Elizabeth II – Playing Fields Challenge
  • Core Strategy Exhibition 20th July 2011
  • Award received by Lydia Baos
  • Update on Community Asset Transfer
  • Youth Initiatives Funding


Supporting documents:


The Chairman made the following announcements:


Queen Elizabeth II Playing Fields Challenge

Two fields in Ludgershall owned by Wiltshire Council had been identified; however it was felt that only one of these (a large open field opposite Empress Way) was really suitable. Ludgershall Town Council had been approached; and they had confirmed that they did not have an interest in the site, therefore the Area Board decided to put this forward for consideration as a suitable venue. Town or parish councils could also nominate their own land directly.


Core Strategy Exhibition 20th July 2011

An exhibition on the Core Strategy Consultation and the Draft Waste Site Development Plan had been scheduled for Wednesday 20th July 2 – 8pm at the Memorial Hall in Ludgershall. This would be the public’s opportunity to input into the consultation, the Chairman urged anyone interested to go along.


Award Received by Lydia Baos

The ‘Skills for Health’ project supported by Tidworth Area Board last year, had recently won an award for reducing health inequalities in community areas, coming first out of 12 nominations in that category. The Chairman congratulated Lydia Baos and her team for receiving the award.


Update on Community Asset Transfer

The Community Asset Transfer of the Rose Garden to Ludgershall Town Council was now complete. The transfer of land on St Andrews Road to the MOD was still in progress and would be completed shortly.


Youth Initiatives Funding

An allocation of £5,024 youth initiative budget had been allocated for 2011/12 however with the roll over from the previous year, this would total £6,228 for youth projects this financial year.


The Board was proposing to hold a participatory budget event in November 2011, where they would invite bids of up to £1,000 for youth projects. For more information and to submit proposals, contact Mary Cullen, Community Area Manager.



Current Consultations

Current consultations running on the Consultation Portal webpage include:


·       Wiltshire Core Strategy - Consultation Paper (attached)

  • Wiltshire Volunteering Strategy 2011 – 14
  • Proposed Submission Draft Waste Sites Allocations DPD


For full details on all of the consultations currently running, click on the link:


Supporting documents:


The Chairman informed people that if they wished to feed in to any of the consultations running, they could do so by going on line or by visiting a local library.


To take part on line, click on the link:

5 mins


Cabinet Representative - Councillor John Brady

Councillor John Brady, Cabinet Representative for Finance, Performance and Risk, will give a brief overview of that area of responsibility.  The Chairman will then invite questions from the public.


(Note: Written questions may be submitted in advance – please email to by Wednesday 13 July)



Councillor John Brady, Cabinet Representative for Finance Performance and Risk, gave a brief outline of this area of responsibility.


The council had been hit with facing some very large cuts of about £41 million over the next four years. The council expected to achieve £100 million of reoccurring savings over the four years, this divided by four years equated to £25 million a year. This would be achieved mainly through reshaping services, procurement and management restructure.


Pressure comes from Adult Social Care, as the amount of money that the council aims to invest over the next few years was quite high. This was not an area where you could predict the budget for the amount of people who would need care or who may go into hospital and require care.


A question was raised from a young person in the room who asked if it was fair that youth service would be cut by £600k the following year. Councillor Brady explained that it was a case of working more efficiently to provide the same service for less.


The Chairman thanked Councillor Brady for attending.


15 mins


Youth Development Services 13-19 Commissioning Strategy

To inform the Board of the new strategy which will affect youth services in the area.


Officer: Kevin Sweeney, Area Manager (North and East).


Supporting documents:


Kevin Sweeney, Area Manager (North and East) gave a presentation outlining the plans for improving the services for the 13 – 19 age range. He explained that this was not a predetermined consultation, but one which was open to views and comments, with the key aim of improving the outcomes available to 13 – 19 year olds.


Wiltshire Children’s Trust draft commissioning strategy contained the following sections:


  • An introduction including the purpose and scope.
  • The national and local context for work with 13 to 19 year olds.
  • Local needs and services.
  • An analysis of the current position from the point of view of young people and the staff and managers who work with that age range.
  • The commissioning priorities including some suggestions for the future delivery of youth work services in Wiltshire. These suggestions were developed with a range of stakeholders and wider views were now being sought.


A handout was circulated which contained a number of suggested commissioning priorities outlined below:


  1. Maximising the participation and involvement of young people
  2. Improving educational attainment
  3. Supporting young people to move into employment and training
  4. Improving access to information, advice and guidance
  5. Increasing the availability of affordable housing
  6. Reducing the number of young people who are unable to live with their families
  7. Improving services available for young people who are engaged in risky behaviour
  8. Improving services available for young people with disabilities
  9. Exploring options to improve transport for young people
  10. Encouraging and increasing volunteering opportunities for young people
  11. Making sure information is available on services and activities for 13 to 19 year olds


During the consultation feedback is being sought on whether the above are the right priorities and which, if any, should have higher priority.


The draft strategy is available to at: on the home page under ‘Latest News’.


Consultation was taking place for 12 weeks from 13th May 2011 to 5th August 2011. The final strategy would be presented to Wiltshire Council’s Cabinet in September 2011 along with a report making specific proposals on future plans for youth work.


Written responses to the consultation could be sent to


10 mins


Help to Live at Home

To receive a presentation on the programme to improve services to support older people and vulnerable people in their homes.


Officers: Nicola Gregson – Head of Service, and John Salen, Project Manager.

Supporting documents:


The Board received a presentation from Nicola Gregson (Head of Commissioning: Care, Support and Accommodation).


The Council has been working with the NHS and residents of Wiltshire on a major review of the services that are available to older and vulnerable people living in the county. This is called ‘Help to live at Home’. The review aims to improve the experiences of vulnerable adults and carers who require support, whilst ensuring that the changes are sustainable in the future. Some of the points covered were:

·       There are 17,000 people in the Tidworth and Ludgershall Community Areas aged 85 or over.

  • Bringing together a variety of separate services into one so that a single service is able to meet a wider range of needs.  The sort of services included are personal care in the home, housing support and other services that support people in their homes.
  • Ensuring these services focus on helping people learn or re-learn skills they may have lost as a result of illness, or another event that has resulted in them losing confidence and needing some help.
  • Making even better use of the wide range of community services that there are in Wiltshire.
  • Making sure these services are focused on doing what people want and helping people to live independent and fulfilling lives.
  • Supporting sheltered accommodation schemes.


As a result of this review –


  • Services to older and vulnerable people in Wiltshire will be improved with more people able to access help to help themselves through the provision of information, advice and support from within the wider community and less people dependent upon help from the Council.
  • More people will be able to remain in their own homes with an improved quality of life.
  • Less people will require help for long periods of time – more people will be helped to become independent more quickly.
  • People who need support will receive it at whatever time of the day or night.
  • People will receive the right help, at the right time, in the right place.

Questions and comments were then taken from the room, these included:

·       How will the new services and providers be monitored? Answer: There would be a contract management team to monitor them.

·       How do you assess the need of the elderly and not so elderly, as some people exaggerate their need, when the reality is that they are not in need at all. Answer: The assessments carried out are very rigorous, as they need to establish a critical or a substantial need.

·       Would the new services be means tested? Answer: The services would be funded by the Council, but then means tested. People who fall outside the criteria could purchase the equipment independently.

The Chairman noted that some people had heard that a care home in Ludgershall called Bartlett House would close in the future and that there would be 40 new beds within the community area. He asked Nicola to confirm whether the Board would be approached to discuss the proposed  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13.

10 mins


Waste and Recycling Service

To receive an update on the various changes to waste and recycling collections for the area.


Officer: Vicki White, Waste Project Officer

Supporting documents:


The Chairman noted that on the first day of the Unitary Council, the Tidworth Area Board members had put in a bid for the introduction of a kerb side collection service


Martin Litherland, Head of Waste Collection gave a presentation to the Board on the changes to the waste and recycling collections for the area.


As a result of Wiltshire Council becoming a Unitary Authority in April 2009, there have been four different waste and recycling collection services available to residents, depending on where you lived. This costed different amounts, had differing recycling levels and was not a fair service for residents.


From October the council would be rolling out service changes so that everyone received the same level of service, beginning with fortnightly plastic bottles and cardboard recycling collections using blue-lidded bins.


In late February 2012, the council would roll out fortnightly non-chargeable garden waste collections, using green lidded bins, for the north, east and south of the county. Residents will need to opt in to receive the service, ideally by 30th September, and should complete the opt-in form online at if possible. Alternatively residents can complete the FREEPOST form found in the latest edition of Your Wiltshire magazine, or in the "Coming Soon" leaflet which has been sent out in the post to all residents from week commencing 4th July. If residents already have a garden waste bin, they do not need to re-apply, and their collections will carry on as usual.


Questions and comments were taken from the room, these included:


·       In Amesbury all of the plastic bottles and cardboard go into one bin, can these separated? Answer: Currently Salisbury has a blue bin collection which goes to Thorney Down for separation, so it is possible to separate the materials.

·       Can you leave the lids on the plastic bottles? Answer: Yes you can wash, squash and put the lid back on.

·       The initial booklet which had been circulated needs to be updated as it did not include things like light bulbs. Answer: The internet is the easiest place to find the most up to date information, as it is easier to update it than printed literature.

·       A refuse lorry visits us once a month for residents to recycle cardboard. This stops in September and the blue bin will not be in place until ____, so what has been put in place to bridge the gap? Answer: It has been a difficult balance to achieve, in providing the best service available for the budget we have. If there has been a mismatch of timings this can be looked into.

·       Within the garrison, Hills provide the recycling collection service, where the tins, bottles and paper is mixed together in a box ready for collection, how will this be replaced. Answer: The black box will continue, the contents of this are separated out at the kerbside by the collection team and loaded onto the recycling truck into different compartments.

·       Is a second black box available from the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14.

15 mins


Community Speedwatch Update

To receive an update from Enford Parish Councillor and CSW team member Norman Beardsley.


Norman Beardsley, Enford Parish Councillor and CSW team member gave an overview of how Enford became involved with Community Speed Watch from the beginning.


  • In 2006, after viewing a similar scheme in the New Forest area, Enford PC had sent a letter to the County Council to see if a similar scheme could be set up, to be told no.
  • In 2008 the Council had decided to pilot the scheme in three areas, with Enford being one of them.
  • 10 volunteers were found and training commenced, this involved learning the code of practice, learning how to use the speed monitoring device and on the job training.
  • Out of the 10 volunteers trained, a group of 5 regularly go out to monitor speeding.
  • When monitoring is in progress an orange and black sign is displayed at either end of the CSW area.
  • When a car is logged speeding, the details are passed to Elizabeth Ngero, CSW Administrator who then checks the registered keeper of the vehicle and sends that person a letter informing them that their vehicle has been logged speeding over the limit.
  • There are now 56 trained groups in Wiltshire.
  • In the past 10 months the Enford CSW group had visually identified 11 residents of Enford parish driving over the speed limit.
  • The aim of CSW is to educate people and get them to slow down. It has been noticed that in Enford people are beginning to slow down.


The Chairman hoped that in having this presentation on the agenda that the profile of CSW would be raised. He added that in the areas where speeding was an issue and where CSW was not in operation,  they could apply for a metro count to assess the speed of passing vehicles, if speeding was found to be a problem, then a CSW group could be formed.


2 mins


Update on Issues Raised

An update from the Community Area Manager regarding issues raised.


Mary Cullen, Community Area Manager, circulated a report detailing the current status of issues on the system. One new request had been to make Kohat Road junction with Bulford Road a T junction, the Community Area Transport Group would look into this request. Various other issues had been closed as there was no further action on them at this point.


Issues could be submitted online at:



15 mins


Updates from Town and Parish Councils, the Police, the Army, NHS, TCAP and other Partners

To receive any updates from the room. Written updates from the following are attached:


·       Fire and Rescue

·       NHS

·       Police


Supporting documents:


Police –  Inspector Martyn Sweett

Highlighted some of the points detailed in the report attached to the agenda , some of these were:


  • There had been a large percentage increase in the number of dwelling burglaries reported. People were urged to do all they could to prevent their homes being targeted, as prevention was better than cure.
    • Report any suspicious activity to police
    • Always close and lock all windows and doors when out of the house
  • Three warrants had been executed simutaniously the previous Friday in Tidworth, working hand in hand with the MOD Police to recover vast amounts of stolen property.
  • A new PCSO would soon be recruited for the Academy.
  • Current Priorities were:
    • Tidworth – Traffic related
    • Ludgershall – Mini moto nuisance
    • Netheravon – Anti Social Behaviour at the Millennium Park


Inspector Sweett also gave congratulations to the Enford Community Speed Watch team for their efforts.


Garrison – Colonel Paddy Tabor

Gave an update on recent and forthcoming events, which included:


  • A cycle ride around the Plain had raised a lot of money for SSAFA– FH (Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association - Forces help).
  • On 13th June 2011 there had been a social event to say goodbye to Alex Bostock, who had provided an enormous amount of work over the past 20 years at the primary school for children of army families, Colonel Paddy gave a public thanks for all of his efforts.
  • The Rundle Cup annual polo match between the Royal Navy and Army had recently taken place in the grounds of Tedworth House, with guest appearances from Katy Price, who played in a guest match and Prince Harry,playing for the victorious Army team.  
  • The Blue Light Day had been badly affected by bad weather, however all of the emergency services who did take part had done an amazing job. It was hoped that next year there would be a Garrison open day too.
  • Poppies nurserywas due to open a new venue in Perham Down in the old Londis Shop.
  • In September command of 43 (Wessex) Brigade would pass from Brigadier Steve Hodder to Brigadier Piers Hankinson.
  •  The majority of the garrison would be away in July and August on block leave,and there would be two major deployments over the next 2 years: 12 Mechanised Brigade from Bulford from April to October 2012 and 1st Mechanized brigade from Tidworth between April and October 2013.
  • It was expected that all of those deployed to Afghanistan would be out by 2014.
  • Central Government had announced that there would befurther reductions in the strength of the Army to those already announced so that overall Army numbers would be about 82,000 by 2020.
  • The next TCAP meeting would be on 19th September 2011.


TCAP – Tony Pickernell

Gave an update for the Community Area Partnership:


  • Thanks to all involved with the Blue Light Day, including the MOD Police , Royal Military Police and the Civilian police also The British Forces Broadcasting  ...  view the full minutes text for item 17.

5 mins


Fund for Village Events to Mark the 2012 Olympics and Jubilee

The Board will consider the attached report on this project.


Cllr Chris Williams

Supporting documents:


The Chairman explained that as a member led project, the Board proposed to earmark £11,000 from the Tidworth Area Board Discretionary grants budget, for bids from Parish and Town councils for financial assistance to stage celebrations or events to mark the 2012 Olympics and/or the Queens Diamond Jubilee.


Applications will only be received by Town and Parish councils so community groups wanting to put a bid forward should go through their local council.  Each Parish and Town Council can bid for up to £1,000 towards their chosen project, bids should be submitted by 16th January 2011.


For more information and to submit a bid contact Mary Cullen, Community Area Manager.



Tidworth Area Board would earmark £11,000 from its discretionary budget for 2011/12, for Parish and Town Council celebrations to mark the 2012 Olympics and/or the Queens Diamond Jubilee, as detailed in the officers report.


The Tidworth Area Board wished to demonstrate its support for such events on the basis that these events would help to promote the overall objectives of community engagement and cohesion.


Delegation of Grants Authority

To consider the following motion, which would permit the use of up to £500 of Area Board funds in cases of urgency:


To agree that in respect of urgent matters and exceptional circumstances that may arise from time to time between meetings of the Area Board, the Tidworth Community Area Manager, in consultation with the Councillors of the Tidworth Area Board, be granted delegated authority to approve expenditure not exceeding £500 from the budget delegated to the Area Board. A report explaining any such decision and the reasons why it was considered to be urgent shall be reported to the next ordinary meeting of the Area Board to ensure that such decisions are subject to public examination.


Cllr Chris Williams


Supporting documents:


The Chairman explained that a number of Area Boards had given delegated authority to the Community Area Manager (in consultation with members) to authorise small sums of money up to £500 from the Community Area Grants fund to support small projects between area board meetings where necessary.



That in respect of urgent matters that may arise from time to time between meetings of an Area Board, the Community Area Manager, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Tidworth Area Board, be granted delegated authority to make decisions provided any expenditure does not exceed £500 from the budget delegated to the area board.  A report explaining the decision and the reasons why it was considered to be urgent shall be reported to the next ordinary meeting of the area board to ensure that such decisions are subject to public examination.


Community Area Transport Group Update

To receive an update from the last meeting of the Community Area Transport Group (CATG), including an update on the priorities for 2011/12.


The Area Board will be asked to formally endorse the priorities identified by the CATG for 2011/12.


Cllr Mark Connolly

Supporting documents:


Councillor Mark Connolly gave an update on the outcomes from the Community Area Transport Group, a report was also attached to the agenda detailing the recommendations from the group on the priorities for proposed funding for transport projects for the community area.



Tidworth Area Board agreed to fund two projects as detailed below:


  1. £3,000 to £5,000 for design and consultation/advertising costs for the scheme to implement changes to traffic calming at Cadley Road, Collingbourne Ducis. The Board agreed an award of up to £5,000.


  1. £5,000 for survey costs to establish the movement of traffic and pedestrian movements outside the Wellington Academy in September/October 2011.



10 mins


Community Area Grants and TCAP Core Funding

To determine any applications for Community Area Grants and the first tranche of TCAP core funding.


Officer: Mary Cullen, Community Area Manager


Grant application packs for the Community Area Grants Scheme are available from the Community Area Manager or electronically at:


Supporting documents:


The Board considered two applications for funding from the Community Area Grant Scheme. The Chairman invited applicants present to speak in support of their applications, after discussion the Board Members voted on each application in turn.



That Enford Camera Club was awarded £962.81 towards their project to purchase a projector screen.


The application met the priorities Community Area Grant Criteria for 2011/12 and  locally agreed area board as set out in the officers report.



That Collingbourne Kingston Village Hall Management Committee was awarded £950 towards their project to build a structure to securely contain the oil supply tank.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2011/12 and locally agreed area board priorities as set out in the officers report.


The Board also considered the allocation of the first tranche of TCAP core funding  for 2011/12, as per the officers report.



Tidworth Area Board agreed to release £5,024 to TCAP for the first tranche of core funding for 2011/12.

5 mins


Date of Next Meeting, Forward Plan, Evaluation and Close

The next meeting of the Tidworth Area Board will be on Monday 19th September 2011.


A copy of the Forward Plan is attached for information.


Supporting documents:


As this was the last Tidworth Area Board meeting that Lisa Moore, Democratic Services Officer would be covering, the Chairman thanked Lisa for her work with the Board and welcomed Kevin Fielding as her replacement.


The next meeting of the Tidworth Area Board will be held on Monday 19 September 2011, 7.00pm at Castle Primary School.