Agenda and minutes

Pewsey Area Board - Monday 9 May 2011 7.00 pm

Venue: Pewsey Vale School, Wilcot Road, Pewsey, SN9 5EW

Contact: James Hazlewood  (Senior Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item



Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced the Area Board Members and the officers sitting at the front of the meeting.



Apologies for Absence


No apologies for absence had been received.




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 7 March 2011.

Supporting documents:



The minutes of the meeting held on 7 March 2011 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.



Chairman's Announcements

a.         Waste Sites Consultation

b.         Digital Inclusion – Superfast Broadband Survey


Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred to the following announcements, written details of which were set out at pages 17-22 of the agenda:


a.         Waste Sites Consultation

b.         Digital Inclusion – Superfast Broadband Survey




Campus Project

To receive a presentation from Lucy Murray-Brown, Campus and Operational Delivery Programme, on proposals for a community campus in Pewsey, as detailed in the attached Cabinet paper dated 15 February 2011.  A community campus is a building, or buildings, in a community area that provides services for the surrounding community area.


The Area Board will be asked to consider proposals for the campus delivery and associated Terms of Reference, and to invite expressions of interest from those wishing to sit on the steering group (Shadow Community Operations Board).  The Area Board will subsequently discuss and provisionally appoint to the membership of the steering group, before ratifying the membership at the next Area Board meeting on 4 July 2011.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman invited Lucy Murray-Brown (Campus & Operational Estate Management Lead) to give a presentation on proposals for a Community Campus in Pewsey.


Lucy explained that a Community Campus was a building, or buildings, in a community area that provided services for the surrounding community area.  This could include services currently provided by the Council, and possible co-location with partner agencies and voluntary organisations.  The benefits of providing services from a single location included:

  • Ease of access for customers – a one-stop shop
  • Potential innovative management and operational arrangements
  • Opportunity for capital investment in existing buildings to develop newer, more sustainable buildings
  • Financial savings achieved through shared overheads (e.g. reception and accommodation)
  • Reduction of long-term financial, environmental and operational pressure on operating aging, low quality buildings.


Eight areas, including Pewsey, were being run as pilot schemes as part of the Preliminary Management Project.  Following this, Cabinet would consider extending the scheme out across Wiltshire. It was likely there would be at least one campus planned for each of the 20 community areas.


It was anticipated that each campus would be different, depending on the specific service needs of each community area; these would be identified during a wide-ranging consultation prior to a business plan being prepared for each campus.


Without prejudicing the consultation for Pewsey, it was clear from early discussions and previous consultations that there was likely to be a significant level of support for the Leisure Centre and the Library, and so it was anticipated that Pewsey may be a “dual site” campus.


It was proposed that “Shadow Community Operation Boards” (COBs) be established as steering groups for each individual campus project.  These would consist of representatives of service users and other stakeholders.  The Shadow COB would report to, and make recommendations to the Area Board.  Full draft terms of reference were set out on pages 23-26 of the agenda.


The indicative timeline for the project in Pewsey would see a two-stage consultation being undertaken over the summer and autumn of 2011.   Following Area Board approval of the proposals, a business would be prepared for Cabinet approval in winter 2011.  Planning and Construction would take place in 2012, and it was hoped that the facility would open in Spring 2013.


The Chairman thanked Lucy for the presentation, and invited questions and comments:


  • In response to a question on how non-for-profit organisations could maintain older buildings, Lucy confirmed that the Council would most likely consider transferring ownership of assets which were sustainable.


  • It was noted that a working group had already begun work on the proposed transfer of the management of the leisure centre to a community organisation.  Without prejudice to the outcome of the consultation, and if the consultation identified the leisure centre as a preferred location for the campus, then the project would build on the work of this working group.  In the meantime, Lucy suggested that the constituent groups within the working group might like to consider putting forward a representative to sit on the Shadow Community  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.



Partner Updates

To receive any updates from partner organisations:


a.                  Wiltshire Police;

b.                  Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service;

c.                  NHS Wiltshire;

d.                  Pewsey Community Area Partnership (PCAP);

e.                  Parish Councils;

f.                    Pewsey Community Area Young People Issues Group (CAYPIG); and

g.                  Extended Services.


Supporting documents:


(a)       Wiltshire Police


The Chairman introduced Inspector Ron Peach, who had taken over from Andy Noble as the Sector Inspector for East Wiltshire.


Inspector Peach referred the meeting to the written update at page 45-46 of the agenda, highlighting a number of points:


·         Overall, trends in crime and anti-social behaviour were down.

·         A cannabis factory had recently been found in Pewsey, thanks to intelligence directly from the community. 

·         Theft from vehicles, particularly those parked at beauty spots, had been an area of proactive prevention by the Neighbourhood Policing Team.  This had led to lower than anticipated figures over the Easter period.

·         It was noted that Sergeant Ben Braine had retired after 32 years service, nearly all of which had been in Pewsey.  Inspector Peach thanked Sergeant Braine for his work and wished him well in his retirement.  It was noted that Sarah Watts was Acting Team Sergeant, and that Vince Logue would be taking over as the new Sergeant from 31 May 2011.

·         Responding to a question regarding the 156.6% increase in non-dwelling burglary, with a 0% detection rate,  Inspector Peach undertook to confirm these figures and report back.


ACTION: Inspector Ron Peach


(b)       Wiltshire Fire and Rescue


            Mike Franklin, of Wiltshire Fire and Rescue, referred the meeting to the written update at page 47-48 of the agenda, an updated version of which had been tabled at the meeting.


            Mike commented that over 170 home fire safety visits had been undertaken in the Pewsey Community Area.  There had only been 11 accidental fires in April.  In addition, the service had provided some support to the Berkshire Fire Service at the recent healthland fires.


(c)        NHS Wiltshire


The Chairman referred to the written update at pages 49-50 of the agenda, commented that NHS Wiltshire was not able to send a representative to every Area Board meeting due to staffing issues.


(d)       Pewsey Community Area Partnership


Bob King, Chairman of the Pewsey Community Area Partnership (PCAP) gave an update on the work of PCAP.


·         The Library had agreed to host the Pewsey Information Shop from September; until then it would be supported by the Parish Council.

·         Volunteers were invited to be sub-group chairs

·         The next meeting of PCAP was on 9 June, 7pm at Rushall – all were very welcome to attend.


Peter Deck spoke as Chairman of the Pewsey Area Neighbourhood (Community Safety) Group (PANG). Following the recent tragic accident outside Woodborough School, PANG had undertaken to formally request that the Area Board undertakes a review of safety at all school drop-off/pick-up points.


Councillor Stuart Wheeler reported that the Cabinet was awaiting the coroner’s report, before considering a possible county-wide review.  Jim Fletcher of Woodborough Parish Council, reported that the Parish Council hoped to discuss this first with the school and education officers, prior to Area Board involvement.


It was agreed that the Community Area Manager should write to the Councillor Lionel Grundy (Cabinet Member for Children’s Services) to pass on these comments.


(e)       Parish Councils


Bob Woodward, referred to the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.



Older People's Accommodation Strategy

To inform the area boards of the implications of the strategy.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman invited Karen Jones (Senior Project Manager) to give a presentation on the Older People’s Accommodation Strategy.


Karen reported the Council was seeking to modernise existing accommodation for older people to respond to anticipated future need.  It was predicted that the number of older people (aged 65 and over) in Pewsey would increase by 61.3% by 2026, and that the number of people with dementia would increase by 67.5% by 2025.  This compared to 55.7% and 59% respectively across Wiltshire as a whole.


The Strategy endeavoured to consider provision of services to people who were abole to fund their own care, as well as those supported by the Council, and proposed that facilities be used for a wider variety of services, e.g. extra care facilities providing meals and chiropody for non-residents.


The Strategy offered an opportunity to modernise current assets, and to add new facilities to the stock.  Some of these could be provided by social housing providers and others by private developers; it was likely that the proposals would result in £220 million capital investment, mainly from partner agencies, with some land provision by the council, subject to further approval by Cabinet.  It was anticipated that this investment would save £599.6 million compared with the “do nothing” approach.


In the Pewsey Community Area, the previous 2007 Accommodation Strategy had indentified the need for 23 additional units of care by 2016.  The new build at Meadow Court had provided 24 units plus 8 bungalows.


  • The Chairman thanked Karen for the presentation and invited questions and comments:


  • It was noted that there was no provision for dementia or nursing homes within Pewsey.  Karen explained that not all community areas had all types of specialist services, and that the size of population in the Pewsey area did not justify a stand alone facility, especially given that people with dementia can be supported in extra care or in their own homes.


  • Karen responded to a question regarding the need for a change in the law covering leasehold property.  At present, service charges could be passed on to relatives after the leaseholder passed away, and until the property was sold, which could sometimes take years.  Karen commented that the Council was lobbying social landlords to introduce buy back schemes.


  • Further to a comment regarding the gap in life expectancy between men and women, Karen noted that the gap was becoming smaller.   This had been considered in the Strategy with more anticipated need for two-bedroom units to provide for couples who could not cope on their own, but where one may need care support.


  • Karen commented that Adult Care Services was working with hospitals to try to reduce the number of hospital admissions by provision of Out of Hours services.  Often many admissions (e.g. due to falls) were better addressed outside of a hospital context.




Community Area Transport Group - Update

To receive an update from the meeting of the Community Area Tranport Group (CATG) on 13 April, including an update on the priorities for 2011/12.


The Area Board will be asked to formally endorse the priorities identified by the CATG for 2011/12.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman introduced the report set out at pages 57-64, commenting that the Community Area Transport Group had met on 13 April and discussed the schemes which had been prioritised.  The report set out the discussion and the rationale behind the recommendations.



Pewsey Area Board noted the report and agreed the recommendations put forward by the Community Area Transport Group (CATG) as follows:

1.      To proceed with the A342 Rushall scheme – section 2, at a cost of £15,156.46.

2.      To make a bid for funding towards the footway/crossing to Pewsey Station scheme - this is estimated to cost approximately £65,000.  If successful, to allocate the remaining funding (£9,597.54) to this project.

3.      If the above request is unsuccessful, then the CAT group may consider the implementation of the £5,000 signage scheme outlined at paragraph 3.1 of the report

4.      To remove the Upavon Pedestrian crossing from the list of priorities.

5.      To remove Swan Road as agreed at the last meeting.

6.      To agree the four new priorities for 2011/12 and these will receive an initial officer assessment:

·         Footpath at Grey Flags Upavon (this has been costed at £27,974).

·         Farm Lane Great Bedwyn, traffic calming

·         Browns Lane Great Bedwyn, traffic calming

·         Wilcot Road one-way system, Pewsey (possible signage improvements)

7.      To close issues numbers 101, 1049, 1053 and 1139 for the reasons outlined in the report.

8.      To advise Chirton Parish Council to continue working with the school on a revised travel plan, and apply for funding from the 2012/13 “Taking Action on School Journeys” scheme.  If this is not successful then the group may consider adding this to the list of schemes, and prioritise accordingly.

Reasons – As set out in the report.


ACTION: Caroline Brailey / Mark Stansby




Community Issues

Councillor Stuart Wheeler will give an update on the progress made regarding issues which have been raised with the Area Board.


To include an update on Kings Corner, Pewsey.


Supporting documents:


Councillor Stuart Wheeler updated the meeting on the Community Issues which had been received by the Area Board. 


It was noted that, as agreed under the previous item, issues 101, 1049, 1053 and 139 would be closed, as recommended by the Community Area Transport Group.


Issue 1594 (Commuters parking at The Knapp, Great Bedwyn) was on-going, and consideration was being given to implementing a parking scheme.


Ian Gibbons (Service Director for the Pewsey Area Board, and Director of Legal and Democratic Services) gave an update regarding the issue at Kings Corner.  This issue had been raised at the previous meeting, with concerns over safety at the site due to the collapsing wall, and the fact that the bollards had been moved, re-opening the road to through-traffic.  Ian reported that the owner of the wall had been served with a notice under the Highways Act 1980, requiring repairs to be made to the wall.  However, the owner had advised that he needed time to finds fund to pay for the works, and so the Council had agreed to give some time for the situation to be resolved, before undertaking enforcement action.  Another option would be for the Council to undertake the works and to seek to recover costs from the owner; however, this action could only be taken as a last resort.  In the meantime, Officers were continuing to monitor the situation and ensure that the owner was taking the steps required.


Residents noted the update and queried whether the road closure could be enforced properly, pending the repairs to the wall.  Bill Parks (Head of Service Local Highways and Streetscene (Central)) undertook to look into this and speak to the local highways engineer.


ACTION: Bill Parks




Community Area Grants

To determine any applications for Community Area Grants.


Supporting documents:


The Area Board considered a number of applications for Community Area Grant funding.  The Chairman invited the local Councillor to introduce each application, following which a representative of the applicant was given an opportunity to give a brief overview of their project to the Area Board.



Burbage Good Companions Club was awarded £350 towards a day out to Watercress Line, Hampshire.

Reason The application met the Community Area Grants criteria for 2011/12, with the exception of page 3 item (g) as the project had already started and was booked in the club’s programme.  However, it was considered that an exception should apply as the group proposed to provide support and activities to older people on low incomes and/or with disabilities.  As such, the project would help prevent social isolation, and help address a lack of daycare/social provision for the elderly in rural villages.



Great Bedwyn Scout Group was awarded £200 towards the Big Tidy Up Day.

Reason The application met the Community Area Grants criteria for 2011/12 and would help facilitate this community volunteering event.



Pewsey Vale Rugby Football Club was awarded £623 towards purchasing and fitting a set out grass tractor tyres.

Reason The application met the Community Area Grants criteria for 2011/12, and would support this not-for-profit organisation promoting an active lifestyle.



Great Bedwyn Play Group and Toddlers was awarded £941 towards the purchase of an outdoor construction set and outdoor sun protection for the children.

Reason The application met the Community Area Grants criteria for 2011/12, and would support this not-for-profit organisation in providing play facilities for pre-school children.


The Chairman reported that the deadline for submission of grant applications to be considered at the Area Board meeting in July was Friday 20 May.




Delegation of Grants Authority

To consider the following motion, which would permit the use of up to £500 of Area Board funds in cases of urgency:


To agree that in respect of urgent matters and exceptional circumstances that may arise from time to time between meetings of the Area Board, the Pewsey Community Area Manager, in consultation with the Councillors of the Pewsey Area Board, be granted delegated authority to approve expenditure not exceeding £500 from the budget delegated to the Area Board.  A report explaining any such decision and the reasons why it was considered to be urgent shall be reported to the next ordinary meeting of the Area Board to ensure that such decisions are subject to public examination.



The Chairman explained that this item sought to delegate authority for up to £500 funding in case of urgency when there was not time to await the next meeting of the Area Board. 



The Pewsey Area Board agreed that in respect of urgent matters and exceptional circumstances that may arise from time to time between meetings of the Area Board, the Pewsey Community Area Manager, in consultation with the Councillors of the Pewsey Area Board, be granted delegated authority to approve expenditure not exceeding £500 from the budget delegated to the Area Board.  A report explaining any such decision and the reasons why it was considered to be urgent shall be reported to the next ordinary meeting of the Area Board to ensure that such decisions are subject to public examination.




Urgent Business

Time permitting, the Chairman will invite questions and comments on issues not covered elsewhere in the agenda.



Bob Woodward of Pewsey Parish Council suggested that the Area Board write to all parishes and organisations who organised events to celebrate the Royal Wedding.  The Area Board Councillors agreed and expressed the hope that the success of these events would lead to similar celebrations for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in 2012.


ACTION: Caroline Brailey


Concern was expressed concern regarding grants being awarded by the Area Board for street parties and similar events.  Councillor Wheeler commented that this point had been considered by the Cabinet, who had provided guidance to Area Boards that, as such events contributed towards building community spirit, they could be suitable projects for grant funding in principle, subject to the Area Boards’ discretion.


Steve Hobson of Great Bedwyn Parish Council expressed concern over the withdrawal of amenity skips, which had formerly been provided by the Council.  It was understood that cuts had to be made, but there had been little notice and no alternative provided.  The Chairman advised that Caroline Brailey would look into this issue.  In addition, Councillor Stuart Wheeler commented that it may be possible for skips to be coordinated between parishes, to achieve economies of scale.


ACTION: Caroline Brailey





Those attending will be asked to give their feedback on the meeting.



Those present were invited to give their views on the meeting via the electronic voting handsets.




Future Meeting Dates and Close

To note the Forward Plan attached.


The next meeting of the Pewsey Area Board is scheduled for Monday 4 July 2011, 7pm at Coronation Hall, East Grafton.


Supporting documents:


The next meeting of the Pewsey Area Board was scheduled for Monday 4 July 2011, 7pm at the Coronation Hall, East Grafton.


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending.