Venue: Online Meeting
Contact: Tara Shannon Senior Democratic Services Officer
Note | No. | Item |
6.30pm |
Welcome and Introductions To welcome those present to the meeting.
Minutes: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Amesbury Area Board.
At the Chairman’s invitation, the Councillors and Parishes present at the meeting introduced themselves.
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence.
Minutes: Apologies for absence had been received from:
· Stapleford Parish Council.
Minutes To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 18 March 2021 and 18 May 2021.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The minutes of the last two meetings were presented for consideration and it was,
To approve the minutes of the meetings on 18 March 2021 and 18 May 2021 as a true and correct record.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest.
6.35pm |
Chairman's Announcements To receive the following announcements through the Chairman:
· Introduction to Amesbury Area Board! Useful information, including new divisions and parishes, what an area board does, useful contacts and the new area board model with 4 business meetings a year and informal engagement events or activities when required.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Chairman announced that the Parishes within the Amesbury Area Board had changed and a slide was shown to the meeting detailing the Parishes that now made up the Amesbury Area Board and which division they were in. The Chairman also detailed the new model for Area Boards which involved there being 4 Area Board ‘business meetings’ across the year. In between these meetings there would be informal engagement activities scheduled flexibly as and when needed by the Community Engagement Manager. Further details could be found in the agenda pack. The Chairman also announced that he would visit as many Town and Parish Councils as he could so that people’s voices could be heard. The Chairman and the Vice-Chairman would also be holding monthly virtual Area Board drop-in clinics from August onwards.
6.40pm |
Updates from Partners and Town/Parish Councils To receive updates from the Town and Parish Council Representatives, and from other partner organisations:
· Wiltshire Police · Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service · Healthwatch Wiltshire · B&NES, Swindon and Wiltshire CCG · Town and Parish Councils
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chairman referred the meeting to the written updates in the agenda pack and verbal updates were received from the following partners:
· Wiltshire Police
Inspector Tina Osborn gave an update to the meeting stating that she had taken over from Inspector Dean Knight and there had been a slight change to the structure within neighbourhood teams. There would now be dedicated neighbourhood teams and dedicated response teams, but these teams would work closely together. Inspector Osbourn covered community and neighbourhood issues for Amesbury, Tidworth and Salisbury. All crime figures in Amesbury were low, and below average, however there had been a spike as restrictions were relaxed in February and another spike was expected the next time restrictions were relaxed. The force were undertaking lots of community engagement work, both face to face and virtually.
The summer solstice was coming up and work was taking place on preparing for a potentially bigger event at Stonehenge this year, dependent on restrictions. There was also a small protest camp near Stonehenge and there was good engagement between the Police and the camp.
Inspector Osbourn encouraged attendees to report any issues they came across in all areas. Intelligence was vital to planning resources.
In response to questions Inspector Osbourn explained that she did not have data regarding traffic issues or speeding to hand, particularly regarding the A36, but Sarah Holden who leads community speedwatch was probably the best person to contact so she would pass on contact details.
Inspector Osbourn was unaware of anti-social behaviour issues in Centenary Park, near Evergreen Court. She stated that she would chase up with the PCSO team and advised that all issues such as these should be reported via 101 or the online reporting system.
Matthew Maggs, DWFRS Station Commander for South East Wiltshire, gave an update to the meeting. Mr Maggs explained that consultations with members of the fire authority were underway to put Amesbury Fire Station back to a day crewed status. So full time fire fighters would be based there either 5 or 7 days a week, which was good news for Amesbury. There were struggles keeping the station and crews available at all times so the DWFRS were always looking to recruit on call fire fighters. The DWFRS were also catching up on fire safety checks and hopefully the back log caused due to the pandemic would start to reduce soon. In response to questions Mr Maggs explained that the police would be better placed to advise on the causes of the Road Traffic Collisions the crews had attended and that the DWFRS would be retaining 2 appliances (fire engines) in Amesbury.
· Town and Parish Councils
Durrington Town Council Cllr Marion Wardell gave an update stating that Durrington was thriving and busy and starting to open back up again, welcoming people back to their venues and youth services would be restarting in June. There was a project underway with the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust in order to tackle river bank erosion caused ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
7.00pm |
A303 - Highways England To receive an update from Highways England on the A303 Stonehenge project.
Minutes: Marcia Daniels and David Bullock of Highways England gave an update to the meeting on the A303 Stonehenge project. The project was facing a Judicial Review which had been lodged against the Department for Transport, rather than Highways England, regarding how the decision on the project was made. It was hoped that there would be a positive outcome to the Judicial Review around July 2021, then preliminary works could begin in late summer 2021, meanwhile the tendering process was already underway.
The main contractor would be announced around the end of 2021 and the main works were scheduled to start in late 2022 or early 2023. Throughout this period preliminary works would be underway which included archaeological, ecological and supporting utility works.
As part of the supporting utility works in order to ensure there was enough power for the project, the utility company (Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks) had determined that a high voltage power cable needed to be laid from the substation in Wilton, along the A360 up to the A303. As a result of this the A360 would be closed from September to December 2021. It was explained that lots of research and modelling had been undertaken regarding this. The closure and subsequent diversion would add approximately 9 to 12 minutes to a journey. There would be mitigating factors in place to try to prevent people ‘rat running’ through the Woodford Valley. Highways England were leading on communicating details out to people.
Attendees and Councillors discussed the project and road closure, the main issues raised being: · That whilst local people wanted the project to improve the traffic flow on the A303 there were a lot of worries regarding the disruption caused by the project. · The route of the diversion was queried. It was explained the traffic would be monitored and if problems arose it may be possible to alter the diversion route. · Details regarding the modelling used were questioned, details were explained; many scenarios were tested and this solution was found to be the most effective although some disruption was inevitable. · The possibility of ‘rat running’ through the Woodford Valley was a worry, it was explained that as a mitigating factor a new weight limit through the Woodford Valley was proposed to prevent lorries going that way. For contractors working on the project there were also planning and contractual requirements to prevent them going that way. Any breaches should be reported and they would be taken seriously. · Why the power could not be provided by going through fields or updating the current overhead lines. It was explained that SSEN had determined that the only viable solution was what was proposed.
It was hoped that all involved and affected by the project could keep talking and work through any issues together being proactive rather than reactive.
7.15pm |
Community Engagement Manager (CEM) Delegated Decision To agree a revised CEM Delegated Authority to award urgent funding applications in between meetings.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Chairman introduced a report on page 27 of the agenda which detailed a proposal that the delegated authority of the CEM be updated to enable urgent grant applications to be determined in between meetings.
The Chairman proposed the motion as detailed in the report, which was seconded by Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling, it was,
That in order to expedite the work of the Area Board and to deal with urgent matters that may arise between meetings, the Community Engagement Manager, following consultation with the Chairman (or in their absence, the Vice Chairman) of the Area Board, may authorise expenditure to support community projects (including youth, health and wellbeing and community area transport) from the delegated budget of up to £5,000 per application between meetings of the Area Board. The Community Engagement Manager should seek the views of all Area Board members to obtain a majority in support, prior to the expenditure being agreed.
Decisions taken between meetings will be reported in the funding report to the next meeting of the Area Board explaining why the matter was considered urgent or necessary to expedite the work of the Board. Where a significant number of urgent matters arise between meetings, a special meeting may be called, following consultation with the Chairman to determine such matters.
7.20pm |
Community Area Status Report and Area Board priority setting Area Board discussion on the findings, recommendations and next steps detailed in the Community Status Report.
Amesbury Area Board to consider the following as the top five priorities for a rolling work plan and to assign lead councillors to those priorities:
1. Mental Health – across many groups including 10-12 year olds, 13-19 year olds, young adults, older & disabled people, families - especially low-income families. 2. Digital inclusion – including equipment, broadband and knowledge – both older and younger old groups. 3. Climate Change / environment – waste and recycling, biodiversity & wildlife, fly-tipping. 4. Opportunities & Activities for young people, especially around positive activities and future training and employment, to include young people with a disability. 5. Loneliness and isolation – young people and older & disabled people alike (links to Mental Health priority).
Supporting documents: Minutes: Jacqui Abbott, Community Engagement Manager, explained that she had been undertaking engagement work with a large array of community groups, partners and parishes in order to determine what was important to the people of the Amesbury Community Area. The Community Status Report in the agenda pack detailed the findings and the top five priority themes. These top five themes needed to be confirmed by the Area Board and lead councillors assigned to them so that a rolling work plan could be developed.
The Chairman proposed the top five priority themes and lead councillors for each area, this was seconded by Cllr Mark Verbinnen and it was,
That Amesbury Area Board confirm the top five priorities for a rolling work plan and assign lead councillors to those priorities as follows:
1. Mental Health – Cllr Dr Monica Devendran and Cllr Mark Verbinnen. 2. Digital inclusion – Cllr Dr Monica Devendran, Cllr Mark Verbinnen and Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling. 3. Climate Change / environment – Cllr Graham Wright and Cllr Rob Yuill 4. Opportunities & Activities for young people, Cllr Mark Verbinnen 5. Loneliness and isolation – All Councillors
7.30pm |
Appointments of Lead Members to Outside Bodies and Working Groups To agree the appointments of Lead Councillors for 2021/22 to:
· Outside Bodies · Working groups and · Any focus areas
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chairman announced that details regarding the appointments of lead Members to Outside Bodies and Working Groups could be found in the report at pages 45 – 62 of the agenda pack. The Board had previously had discussions on Members preferred areas of interest and therefore the Chairman made a proposal, which was seconded by Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling. It was,
a) That the Area Board Appoint Members as Lead representatives to the Outside Bodies listed in Appendix A, as follows:
o Stonehenge World Heritage Site Steering Group – Cllr Kevin Daley, and
o A303 Stonehenge Steering Group – Cllr Kevin Daley
b) That the Area Board reconstitute and appoint Lead representatives to AB Themed Areas and the Working Group(s) listed in Appendix B as follows:
o CATG and Environment – Cllr Graham Wright
o Children& Young People and Arts & Culture – Cllr Mark Verbinnen
o HWBG and Older People - Cllr Dr Monica Devendran (Lead), Cllr Kevin Daley (Second)
o Leisure, Grants, MCI, Paths for All – Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling
o Housing and Development – Cllr Rob Yuill
c) That the Area Board note the Terms of Reference for the Working Group(s), as set out in Appendix C
7.40pm |
Area Board Re-naming To consider the recommendation of the Amesbury Area Board from the previous term that the board be re-named to Stonehenge Area Board, as it was a neutral, more representative and encompassing name for the new community area.
Minutes: The Chairman explained that Amesbury Area Board had been considering for some time whether to change its name. Public consultation in the form of a survey was carried out to gage community feeling. The most popular response was to change the name of the Area Board to was Stonehenge Area Board.
At the last Area Board meeting the board recommended to the post-election area board that they change their name to the Stonehenge Area Board, as it was a neutral, more representative and encompassing name for the new community area.
The Chairman proposed that the board recommend to Wiltshire Council that the name of the Area Board be changed to Stonehenge Area Board as soon as possible. This was seconded by Cllr Mark Verbinnen.
To recommend to Wiltshire Council that the name of the Area Board be changed to Stonehenge Area Board as soon as possible.
7.45pm |
Update from the Community Area Transport Group (CATG) To consider any updates and recommendations from the Community Area Transport Group (CATG).
Minutes: The Chairman announced that there had not been a meeting of the CATG since February, however the next meeting would be held on 14 July 2021 on MS Teams.
The Chairman was the new Chair of the CATG and encouraged all parishes to get their requests in by completing the online forms.
7.50pm |
Update from CEM To receive any updates from Jacqui Abbott, the Community Engagement Manager.
Minutes: The Chairman explained that there would be no update from the Community Engagement Manager as all the updates were covered under other agenda items.
7.55pm |
Amesbury Youth Forum and Youth Grant Applications To receive any updates on the Amesbury Youth Forum and to consider the following application for youth grant funding.
· Enford and Avon Valley Youth Club, £714.16 towards their Enford and Avon Valley Youth club cooking lessons project.
Further details can be found in the grant report at item 16. Minutes: Cllr Mark Verbinnen as the councillor lead on Children and Young People gave an update on the Amesbury Youth Forum or Local Youth Network (LYN). Cllr Verbinnen stated that the forum met on 8 June and despite some technical difficulties the meeting had gone well. 12 groups and organisations were in attendance.
Cllr Vebinnen aimed to make the LYN an extensive partnership of all organisations working with young people and making sure that youth voice was heard in the Amesbury Community Area. It was hoped that the LYN would meet 4 times a year and Cllr Verbinnen and the CEM would visit and engage with groups over the year.
Priorities were to get more groups attending and networking. Also, to get more activities up and running and ensure that those that were in place were well publicised. £22,000 in grant funding was available from the Area Board and there were also other funders that could be discussed at the meetings. It was hoped that it may be possible to get some youth involvement in the group and Clrl Vebinnen would be meeting with the headteacher of Stonehenge School regarding this.
The Youth grant application was well received and was recommended by the LYN for approval by the Area Board.
Cllr Verbinnen proposed the youth grant application as detailed in the agenda pack, which was seconded by Cllr Graham Wright. It was,
· To award Enford and Avon Valley Youth Club, £714.16 towards their Enford and Avon Valley Youth club cooking lessons project.
8.05pm |
Health & Wellbeing Group To receive any updates from the Health and Wellbeing Group. There were no applications for Health and Wellbeing funding.
Minutes: The Chairman, as the outgoing Chair of the HWBG thanked everyone who had been involved in the past and introduced a HWBG grant application as detailed within the agenda. It was,
· To award Amesbury Green Fingers, £1,750.00 towards fencing for a gardening project for older and vulnerable people.
The Chairman then invited Cllr Dr Monica Devendran as the new Chair of the HWBG to take the floor. Cllr Dr Devendran thanked everyone and stated how delighted she was to be Chair of the HWBG.
The date of the next meeting taking place online on Tuesday 29 June 2021 at 6.30pm was announced. Cllr Devendran explained that there was £7,900.00 in funding available for HWB projects.
Priorities for the group included mental health, digital inclusion, isolation and loneliness and activities for older and vulnerable people to get back out and about. People were encouraged to get in touch if they needed help with these sorts of issues.
8.15pm |
Community Area Grants To consider the following applications for Community Area Grant funding.
· Enford and Avon Valley Youth Club, £429.00 towards an Enford and Avon Valley Youth Club Laptop. · Amesbury Carnival and Show, £550.00 towards the Amesbury Community Festival of Fun. · Lady Antrobus Trust, £400.00 towards the Angel of Muns Statue visiting Amesbury. · Buzz Action Foundation, £5,000.00 towards Big Rig Outdoor Activities with Disabled Access. · Councillor Led Initiative, £5,000 towards Community Engagement Activities.
Supporting documents: Minutes: Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling, lead Member for grants explained that as there were now 4 business meeting a year there would be less meetings to approve grants, so he encouraged people to get their grant applications in. There were also the newly approved increased delegated powers of the Community Engagement Manager, so that urgent applications could be considered between meetings. There was nearly £50,000 available and if all the grants proposed at the meeting were approved there would be around £41,5000 left.
Cllr Blair-Pilling introduced the grants and applicants spoke in support of their applications. Cllr Blair-Pilling explained that the grant applications had been properly scrutinised and met the criteria. Cllr Blair-Pilling proposed all applications as detailed within the agenda pack, which was seconded by Cllr Graham Wright. After which it was,
· To grant the Enford and Avon Valley Youth Club, £429.00 towards an Enford and Avon Valley Youth Club Laptop
· To grant Amesbury Carnival and Show, £550.00 towards the Amesbury Community Festival of Fun.
· To grant the Lady Antrobus Trust, £400.00 towards the Angel of Muns Statue visiting Amesbury.
· To grant the Buzz Action Foundation, £5,000.00 towards Big Rig Outdoor Activities with Disabled Access.
· To grant a Councillor Led Initiative, £5,000 towards Councillor Led Community Engagement Initiatives.
8.30pm |
Open Floor Open floor session where attendees are invited to ask questions of Amesbury Area Board.
Minutes: The Chairman explained that he Open Floor section was a chance for residents to ask questions of their Area Board and therefore invited questions from attendees.
Christian Lange asked a question regarding how the new lead Councillor for the Environment and the area board priority of climate change/environment would work. The Chairman explained that he was very keen to move this forward, he would like to invite all interested parties to sessions along with the parishes and hoped to set up some sort of working group.
John Derryman of South Newton and asked how his parish could get involved in working groups. The Chairman stated that Jacqui Abbott would be in touch with all parishes to try to involve them and engage them as much as possible.
In response to a question from the Chair attendees stated they felt the Open Floor section was a good idea.
Urgent items Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There were no urgent items.
8.35pm |
Close The next meeting of the Amesbury Area Board will be held on 23 September 2021.
Minutes: The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and announced that the next meeting of the Area Board would be held on 23 September 2021.