Agenda and minutes

Stonehenge Area Board - Thursday 12 September 2019 7.00 pm

Venue: Woodford Village Hall, Middle Woodford SP4 6NR

Contact: Tara Shannon  Democratic Services Officer

Note No. Item



Welcome and Introductions

To welcome those present to the meeting.



The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.




Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.



Apologies for absence were received from:


·       Alistair Cunningham, WC Executive Director, Growth, Investment and Place

·       Myra Orr, Chair, Cholderton Parish Meeting

·       Liz Coles, Amesbury Inspector, Wiltshire Police




To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 18 July 2019.


Supporting documents:




The minutes of the meeting held on 18 July 2019 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.




Chairman's Announcements

To receive the following announcements through the Chairman (written briefing notes are available in the full agenda pack, or online):


·         Consultation on Proposal to increase Downland School capacity

Wiltshire Council is proposing to increase the number of places at Downland School from 69 places to 90 from September 2019.

Downland is a special school, situated on the southern edge of Devizes, that supports the needs of children and young people who have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) identified to support their Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs.

A consultation on the proposal is now open and will run until 21 September 2019. Please email to comment.


·         Recycling Week 2019

Recycling Week is being held between 23 and 29 September 2019. The aim is to encourage recycling and promote the benefits of recycling.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman made the following announcements:


·       Consultation on Proposal to Increase Downland School Capacity

Wiltshire Council was proposing to increase the number of places at Downland School from 69 places to 90 from September 2019. Downland, a special school, situated on the southern edge of Devizes, supported the needs of children and young people who had an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) identified to support their social, emotional and mental health needs. A consultation on the proposal was open and would run until 21 September 2019. People could email to comment.


·       Recycling Week 2019

Recycling Week 2019 was being held between 23 and 29 September 2019. The aim was to encourage recycling and promote the benefits of recycling. A video had been played prior to the meeting, during the networking and refreshments, detailing items that could be recycled and which bins to place items in.


The Chairman as the Portfolio Holder for Waste stated that the aim was to increase recycling from the 42% it was at now, to 50%. There were upcoming changes to recycling in Wiltshire, hopefully to be implemented at the end of 2019 or early 2020. These changes would enable people to recycle more. Wiltshire Council were currently looking at how the recycled items were separated and sorted prior to these changes being implemented.


The Chairman invited Cllr Graham Wright to the next Area Boards Chairman’s Meeting to update them on the Global Warming and Climate Change Emergency Task Group which was set up after Wiltshire Council declared a Climate Change Emergency at Full Council on 26 February 2019. 




Wiltshire Council - Military Civilian Integration

To receive a presentation on Military Civilian Integration from Guy Benson, Programme Manager Military Civilian integration and Alistair Cunningham , Executive Director Growth, Investment and Place.



Mr Benson introduced himself to the meeting. Wiltshire was his home, he had served 40 years in the army and was now working for Wiltshire Council as the Military Civilian Integration Programme Manager, reporting directly to Alistair Cunningham, Executive Director, Growth, Investment and Place. Unfortunately, Mr Cunningham, who had been planning to attend the meeting, had sent his apologies due to family commitments.


Due to the Novichok incident and then National Armed Forces Day the Military Civilian Integration Programme (MCIP) had taken a back seat. However, Mr Benson was now in the process of reinvigorating the programme. It was admitted that there had been some communication problems, the MCIP were working to resolve these issues and Mr Benson would attend future Area Board meetings.


Slides were shown to the meeting which Mr Benson explained, giving details regarding the MCIP. The aim of the MCIP was to give strategic direction and guidance on all Military matters and activities in Wiltshire. Its roles included fostering good relationships between the military and civilian communities throughout Wiltshire; seeking to maximise the social and economic benefits of the Armed Forces presence within Wiltshire and ensuring that Wiltshire Council responded in a timely and appropriate manner to the impact of MOD changes within Wiltshire.


Details were given regarding the composition of the quarterly MCIP Board which included Cllr Philip Whitehead (Leader, Wiltshire Council), Cllr Richard Clewer (Deputy Leader, Wiltshire Council and MCI Portfolio Holder), Alistair Cunningham (Executive Director, Wiltshire Council) along with several very senior army personnel. It was possible that the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association (SSAFA) and Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership (SWLEP) may also be added to the board as informers, rather than decision makers.


The workstreams of the MCIP were briefly explained to the meeting as summarised below:



It was hoped that they could raise awareness of the Armed Forces Covenant, as there was funding available that could help communities. Cllr Chris Williams was the Champion for the Armed Forces Covenant. 


Rebasing was critical now and the area board would be receiving updates later in the meeting in relation to this. There had been some issues with communities, education, health, dental and highways. However, it was hoped that good communication would unpick these issues. Mr Benson invited people to email him with queries or comments at Mr Benson would ensure that their query got to the right person and got a response.


Mr Benson stated that the situation was challenging but that they were moving in the right direction and would deliver. Mr Benson highlighted the Army Basing Steering Group meeting which he invited councillors to attend.


A representative of Bulford Parish Council addressed the meeting and stated that they now felt happier that issues in Bulford would be addressed. In response to a question from Bulford Parish Council on how you could integrate serving military personnel into parish councils it was stated that there was an MCI task group that were looking at ways of improving integration.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 51.



Updates from Partners and Town/Parish Councils

To receive updates from the Town and Parish Council Representatives, and from other partner organisations.


·         Communities Together/ Military Civilian Integration, to include:

o   Cllr Wright - Communities Together

o   DIO Army Basing

o   Lovells

·         Police

·         Fire and Rescue Service

·         Town and Parish Councils

·         NHS Wiltshire CCG

·         HealthWatch Wiltshire

Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred to the updates set out in the agenda and invited further updates from Town/Parish Councils and other Partners.


·       Communities Together/ Military Civilian Integration (MCI):


o   Cllr Wright - Communities Together

Cllr Wright stated that many of his points had already been mentioned by others. However, he could report that there was a new Garrison Commander and Deputy at Larkhill, as a result it was hoped that MCI would move forward. A community space that was available for use at Larkhill could possibly be used as an MCI hub.


o   DIO Army Basing

Neill Page, the delivery lead for DIO Army Basing referred the meeting to his written update (published as an agenda supplement) which contained the main headline points regarding Army Basing. Army Basing involved a network of people and organisations inside and outside the wire. Lovells were providing the new build properties and Aspire were the largest provider of existing homes.


All the new build sites were progressing well with many already handed over to service families, this had been a fairly seamless process. Likewise, delivery of barracks assets was going well with most assets completed. Although some interim medical facilities had opened, delivery of all facilities would take slightly longer and were due for completion next year.


The Ludgershall Crossing and Bulford Roundabouts were complete, although Road Safety Audits were still to take place. At the Tidworth junctions works had been delayed due to third party stakeholders. These were now due to start around October 2019 and run until November 2020. The Shipton Bellinger junction was in the hands of Highways England and the Larkhill Roundabout Road Safety Audit was now complete, the recommendations were subject to acceptance by Wiltshire Council.


There had been some planning issues, with objections raised by Bulford Parish Council and Durrington Town Council. Neill had been meeting with Cllr Wright to see if this could be resolved. Regarding the Road Safety Audit for the pedestrian crossing at Bulford, Wiltshire Council needed to approve the methodology for the pedestrian surveys prior to the surveys taking place.


There were no concerns regarding education provision as the predicted figures had been fairly accurate.


The Chair queried the highways works mentioned in Neill’s report at the Toby Carvery roundabout in Bulford as this had not been on his radar. It was explained that there had been an obligation as part of the original planning process to carry out works there. However, they questioned the validity of having to undertake those works. Therefore, they were applying to amend the permission to have that aspect removed. It was thought the intended works there would inevitably happen in connection with Boscombe Down.


Bulford Parish Council stated that the new roundabouts in Bulford had increased traffic flow, makes the crossing very difficult for pedestrians and asked whether there was an intention to do a post construction safety audit. It was confirmed that a Road Safety Audit would be carried out. The findings of this would determine if  ...  view the full minutes text for item 52.



CEM Update

To receive an update from Jacqui Abbott, Community Engagement Manager.



Jacqui Abbott, Community Engagement Manager, announced that there would be a public meeting at the Redworth Centre on Thursday 26 September at 12.30pm regarding the Amesbury Community Shed. It was hoped that Amesbury could set up its own Men’s Shed or Community Shed and a speaker from Tidworths Men’s Shed and those that had benefited from it were coming to speak to the meeting. Anyone interested was encouraged to attend.


As a pilot scheme in the Amesbury Area an exercise in ‘Equality and Inclusion – Knowing Our Community’ was to be undertaken that would focus on a protected characteristic. The protected characteristic chosen was Disability. As an extension to the CEM’s everyday role, there would be meetings with carers, people with SEN, autism, disabilities, older people and people with mental health issues. Groups or individuals could meet for a conversation about local priorities, and how they felt about community integration and inclusion. This work was to tie in with the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment questionnaire and event (which would be taking place in early 2020).


The different types of funding available via grants through the Area Board were explained, Community Area Grants which could support capital projects, Youth funding was for projects involving 13 - 19 year olds and Health and Wellbeing funding to support projects and initiatives that benefit older and vulnerable residents within the local area. There would be some slight changes to the grant criteria coming in from September. For example, commercial and statutory organisations could access funding when they could demonstrate community benefit and organisations would be able to apply to over 3 Area Boards for funding for projects that covered more than 3 areas. For more information people could contact Jacqui Abbott on 01722 434344, or see   





Local Youth Network Update and Youth Activities Grant Applications

To receive any updates and consider any applications for youth grant funding.



Cllr Darren Henry gave a brief update on the Local Youth Network. The group would be holding a mental health themed meeting for young people at Stonghenge School. There would also be a meeting for adults involved in youth work. There had been no applications for youth grants and the meeting was encouraged to spread the word that youth funding was available.





Health & Wellbeing Group

To receive an update from the HWBG (report attached).


To consider the following application for Health and Wellbeing Funding:


·       “Celebrating Adison Square”, £85 for a BBQ


Supporting documents:


Cllr Graham Wright gave a brief update on the Health and Wellbeing Group. Addison Square was a sheltered housing location in Durrington that residents had previously been unhappy with. In response the site had been upgraded outside and the lounge had been refurbished. To celebrate this a barbeque had been put on for residents, where everyone had a lovely time. The barbeque had been funding by a Health and Wellbeing grant which was awarded under delegated authority in between area board meetings, due to the timescales involved.




·       To note that £85.00 had been awarded under delegated authority to the “Celebrating Adison Square” project for a barbeque.




Community Area Grants

To determine the following applications for Community Area Grant funding:


·       Woodford Parish Council, £5,000.00 towards Woodford Village Hall theatrical lighting system.

·       Figheldean Parish Council, £760.00 towards a Defibrillator for the village hall next to the playing fields.





Supporting documents:


Cllr Fred Westmoreland introduced the grants and representatives of each organisation spoke in support of their applications. It was;




·       To grant Woodford Parish Council, £5,000.00 towards the Woodford Village Hall theatrical lighting system.

·       To grant Figheldean Parish Council, £760.00 towards a Defibrillator for the village hall next to the playing fields.



Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.




Future Meeting Dates and Close

The next meeting of the Amesbury Area Board will be held on Thursday 21 November 2019 at 6.30pm at Antrobus House, 39 Salisbury Rd, Amesbury, Salisbury SP4 7HH.


The theme of the meeting will be around the Climate Change Emergency.




It was noted that the next meeting of the Amesbury Area Board would be held on Thursday 21 November 2019 at 7.00pm at Antrobus House, 39 Salisbury Rd, Amesbury, Salisbury SP4 7HH.


The proposed theme of the meeting would be around the Climate Change Emergency.


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and thanked all those who gave presentations or updates to the meeting.