Agenda and minutes

Stonehenge Area Board - Thursday 18 March 2021 6.30 pm

Venue: Online Meeting

Contact: Tara Shannon  Senior Democratic Services Officer


Note No. Item



Welcome and Introductions

To welcome those present to the meeting.



The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Amesbury Area Board, explained the procedure for remote meetings and invited Cllrs to introduce themselves.



Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.



There were no apologies for absence.




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 14 January 2021.


Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting on 14 January 2021 were presented for consideration and it was,




To approve the minutes as a correct record.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


For transparency, Cllr Fred Westmoreland declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 13, Community Area Grants, in particular the grant application from the Amesbury History Centre, as he was a member of the History Centre.




Chairman's Announcements

To receive the following announcements through the Chairman:


·       COVID-19 Update

Please follow the regulations and stay at home wherever possible. An update on targeted COVID-19 community testing for asymptomatic people is included in the agenda pack.


·       Census 2021

Census day will be on March 21 and households can take part online. See for more information.


·       Last Area Board before the May elections!

A big thank you to all Members, officers, partners, community members and residents that have been involved in the last 4 years.


Due to the boundary changes which will come into force after the May elections, the Amesbury Community Area will be changing, please see the agenda pack for more details.


Electoral Timetable - At present the Wiltshire Council Unitary Elections are taking place on Thursday 6 May 2021, along with the Police and Crime Commissioner Elections and Parish Elections. Social distancing measures will be in place at polling stations, you can also register to vote by post. The deadline to register to vote is 19 April 2021 and the deadline to register for a postal vote is 5pm on 20 April 2021. To register to vote go to  or see  for further details. The count will most likely take place over 4 days, Friday 7 May (verification), Saturday 8 May (unitary), Sunday 9 May (parish) and Monday 10 May (PCC).


·       Fostering in Wiltshire

We are currently seeking to recruit 100 new foster carers over three years so that our children can continue to live in their local communities, within Wiltshire. To become a foster carer, people need to be over 21 years of age and have a spare bedroom. More details are available on the fostering website:


·       Wiltshire Independent Visitor Scheme

The Wiltshire Independent Visitor Scheme provides independent befriending support to children in the care of Wiltshire Council. Our volunteer Independent Visitors (IVs) play a really important role, visiting the young person they are “matched” with regularly, listening to them and taking an interest in their lives. They offer consistency, and quality, fun, one to one time. IVs make a long-term commitment to support a young person until they leave the care system, and often beyond this time. If you would be interested in becoming an Independent Visitor please visit


·       Become a Councillor

Would you be interested in becoming a councillor? There are further details in the agenda pack or see Becoming a councillor - Wiltshire Council for further information.


·       Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Authority - Consultation of draft Community Safety Plan 2021-24

DWFRS are consulting on their draft Community Safety Plan, which sets out the key challenges and risks facing them over the coming years. With future financial uncertainty, the plan details what DWFRS intend to carry on doing and what they intend to review and do differently, in order to continue to provide a high level of service to communities. Please visit the DWRFS website to view the draft plan and the accompanying video, which provides a  ...  view the full agenda text for item 78.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman made the announcements as detailed in the agenda. Additionally, particular thanks were passed on to retiring Members, Cllrs John Smale, Fred Westmoreland and Mike Hewitt.





Updates from Partners and Town/Parish Councils

To receive updates from the following partners:


·       Wiltshire Police

·       Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

·       MOD/Military Civilian Integration

·       A303 – Highways England

·       Healthwatch Wiltshire

·       B&NES, Swindon and Wiltshire CCG

·       Town and Parish Councils



Supporting documents:


Updates were received from the following partners:


·       Wiltshire Police

Inspector Dean Knight gave an update to the meeting. He detailed some crime figures and explained that when talking about the figures he was comparing the figures from February 2021 to February 2020. Crime was down almost 22% and burglaries in the area were at an 8 month low. It was possible that the pandemic was pushing crime levels down. COVID patrols were ongoing and the police were being proactive around this. Community Speed Watch would be starting again on 29 March 2021. It was explained that PSCO’s could now issue parking tickets at schools, Inspector Knight would look into further details as to how wide ranging their powers would be. Two people had been arrested in the local area for poaching. Travellers at Woodhenge were raised as an issue and the Police confirmed they would look into this.


Cllr Mike Hewitt joined the meeting.


·       Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

Matthew Maggs of the DWFRS was unable to attend so the Chairman referred attendees to the written report in the agenda.


·       MOD/Military Civilian Integration

Lt Col Nick Turner gave an update to the meeting. It was stated that there was a training operation going on in the USA called Warfighter that a fair few personnel from the 3rd Division were deployed to. There were also still personnel in Estonia helping the country with the pandemic. The census was being actively promoted within the camps and personnel were being encouraged to register to vote. Speed awareness was also an issue that was being promoted. The issue regarding evictions in Netheravon was brought up by Councillors and Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling (Collingbournes and Netheravon Division) stated that the tenants tenure had been extended to March 2022 and there were reasons to hope that Wiltshire Council may be able to take on the quarters, however this was unconfirmed at the present time. The military had some grants later in the agenda that would help with youth and Military Civilian Integration.


·       A303 Highways England

Marcia Daniels of Highways England gave a presentation to the meeting. Highways England were continuing to plan and make preparations for undertaking preliminary archaeology and ecology in the Summer and procurement was also ongoing. A pumping test was currently underway to monitor ground levels and flow. Successful talks were underway with the local business community in order to get them involved in the supply chain for the project. The Save Stonehenge World Heritage Site organisation had submitted a legal challenge to the project in December. It was not yet decided if there would be a Judicial Review. Between 23-25 June there would be a three day hearing to decide whether the Judicial review would proceed and on what grounds. It was hoped a decision from that would be available in late July. The defendant in the case was the Department of Transport and Highways England were an interested party. There had been protests against the project and Highways  ...  view the full minutes text for item 79.



Wiltshire Climate Alliance Update

To receive an update from Christian Lange regarding Climate Change.



Christian Lange on the Wiltshire Climate Alliance (WCA) gave an update on climate change.


WCA Vision:

A climate and nature friendly, net zero carbon and ecologically sustainable Wiltshire by 2030.


WCA Objectives:


To build a coalition of like-minded Wiltshire organisations and individuals to work together to achieve their vision.


To both support and challenge local government, business, civil society and other organisations in taking action towards achieving their vision.


To support their members in taking individual and collective action towards achieving a shared vision.


The WCA was established in January 2020 and now had over 400 individual members and brought together over 25 local environmental groups with a membership of over 1500. There was a very active youth section and a variety of topic groups.


Some quotes from Sir David Attenborough and HRH Prince of Wales regarding climate change and the urgency of the need to act were read out.  It was stated that this was a complex problem and that no one entity could provide a solution, collaborative working was essential and the WCA hoped that it could work with Wiltshire Council to develop solutions. Systems thinking and leverage points in action were discussed as methods for finding solutions.


The WCA queried what the role of Amesbury Area Board could be in finding solutions and encouraged those who were interested in playing an active part to join them.


Cllr Graham Wright stated that he pledged himself to make a difference and that he sat on the Climate Change Task Group. Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling explained that the board could only do what was within their gift, for example the Amesbury Area Board could not change Wiltshire Council policy but it could help to disseminate information and help people to make better choices.




Community Status Report

To receive an update from Jacqui Abbott (Community Engagement Manager) on the Community Status Report, a copy of which can be found at minute 67 of the last meeting here.



Jacqui Abbott, Community Engagement Manager, gave an update on the Community Status report and explained that the Amesbury Area Board would agree their top five priorities from the status report at the Area Board meeting in June.


Emerging themes so far were:

·       Mental Health – across many groups including 10-12 yrs, 13-19 yrs, young adults, older & disabled people, families especially low-income families

·       Digital inclusion – including equipment, broadband and knowledge

·       Climate Change / environment – waste and recycling, biodiversity & wildlife, fly-tipping

·       Anti-social behaviour – was a top priority in one survey but more needs to be done around the perception of ASB too

·       Opportunities & Activities for young people, includes positive activities and future training and employment

·       Loneliness and isolation – young people and older & disabled people alike (fits with Mental Health)

·       Underpinning themes:

o   Reaching out to underrepresented groups e.g. BAME, LGBTQ+, Special needs and disability

o   Support to volunteering




Area Board Re-Naming

To review the re-naming survey results and discuss the re-naming of Amesbury Area Board.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman explained that a survey had been undertaken on re-naming the Amesbury Area Board, which had closed on 31 January. The favourite response from the survey was the Stonehenge Area Board.


Many councillors stated that they also liked the name Stonehenge Area Board and that this was a neutral name which encompassed the area well. There was some discussion amongst the Area Board Councillors as to whether a decision should be made during the meeting, which some were keen to do, considering that this was the last meeting prior to the elections. Some felt that this was imposing on the new area board and it would be better to make a recommendation to the new board who would be in place after the elections and they could then decide whether to adopt the recommendation.


At the conclusion of the debate, Cllr Rob Yuill proposed that the current Amesbury Area Board make a recommendation to the new Area Board in place after the elections to re-name to Stonehenge Area Board, as it was a neutral, more representative and encompassing name for the new community area. This should be on the agenda for the new Area Board to discuss whether or not to accept the recommendation. The proposal was seconded by Cllr Fred Westmoreland. This was put to the vote and it was,




That the current Amesbury Area Board make a recommendation to the new Area Board in place after the elections to re-name to Stonehenge Area Board, as it was a neutral, more representative and encompassing name for the new community area. This should be on the agenda for the new Area Board to discuss whether or not to accept the recommendation.





Update from the Community Area Transport Group (CATG)

To consider any updates and recommendations from the Community Area Transport Group (CATG).


The Minutes of the latest CATG meeting are attached for information.

Supporting documents:


Cllr Mike Hewitt as Chairman of the CATG gave an update to the meeting. The last meeting of the CATG had been well attended and quite a few of the recommendations had been achieved. Out of the top 5 priorities 3 of the 5 were removed as they had been completed or work was underway.

Attendees were encouraged to report any issues to their parish who could bring it to the CATG. Cllr Hewitt also stated that he had been the Chairman of CATG for many years and thanked all the parishes for attending. Cllr Yuill thanked Cllr Hewitt for his Chairmanship of the CATG.


Cllr Hewitt proposed that the recommendations detailed in the CATG minutes in the agenda were approved, this was seconded by Cllr Wright and it was,




To approve the recommendations detailed in the CATG minutes.




Health & Wellbeing

To receive an update from the Amesbury Health and Wellbeing Group.


To consider the following applications for Health and Wellbeing Funding:


·       Sing and Breath Wiltshire, £1,500.00 towards music for wellbeing.

·       Rotary, £300.00 towards a community Easter Egg hunt.


Health and Wellbeing Grant report to follow.


Supporting documents:


Cllr Wright, Chairman of the Health and Wellbeing group gave an update stating that the group had kept going during the pandemic and thanked Jacqui Abbott for her hard work.


The applications for HWB funding as detailed in the agenda were presented for consideration and it was:




·       To grant Sing and Breath Wiltshire, £1,500.00 towards music for wellbeing.

·       To grant the Stonehenge Chamber of Commerce, £300.00 towards a community Easter Egg hunt.




Amesbury Youth Forum

To receive an update on the Amesbury Youth Forum.


To consider the following applications for Youth Grant Funding:


·       Durrington Youth Services, £6,456.25 towards Durrington Youth Services.

·       Army Welfare Service - Community Support, £2,440.00 towards Easter holiday craft packs.

·       Army Welfare Service - Community Support, £4,500.00 towards Larkhill Summer holiday activity provision.

·       Amesbury Area Board initiative, £5,000.00 towards the Amesbury Rural Youth project.


Supporting documents:


Cllr Kevin Daley gave an update on the Amesbury Youth Forum. This had been his first meeting of the Youth Forum and Cllr Daley was very impressed with the levels of passion the organisations present had for youth work. There had been an impact on youth work due to the pandemic, but youth work would increase as restrictions were relaxed. Groups were invited to post all activities on the Our Community Matters website: The group would meet four times a year and the next meeting would be on 1 June at 6.00pm. 


The Youth grant applications as detailed in the agenda were considered and representatives of the organisations applying for grants spoke in support of their applications. It was.




·       To grant Durrington Youth Services, £6,456.25 towards Durrington Youth Services.

·       To grant Army Welfare Service - Community Support, £2,440.00 towards Easter holiday craft packs

·       To grant Army Welfare Service - Community Support, £4,500.00 towards Larkhill Summer holiday activity provision.

·       To grant Amesbury Area Board initiative, £5,000.00 towards the Amesbury Rural Youth project




Community Area Grants

To determine the following applications for Community Area Grant funding:


·       Idmiston Parish Council, £5,000.00 towards the Gomeldon Zip Wire project.

·       The Bridge Youth Project, £700.00 towards their social skills project in schools.

·       The Vault gymnastics & fitness centre, £2,000.00 towards the vault new landing area and tumble mat.

·       Bourne Valley Scout Group, £500.00 towards repairs to Scout storage facility.

·       Shrewton Sports and Social Club, £3,500.00 towards Shrewton Social Club new kitchen.

·       Winterbourne Parish Council, £5,000.00 towards safety improvements to Winterbournes sport and recreation facilities.

·       Winterbourne Glebe Hall Management Committee, £750.00 towards establishing a new village hall website.

·       Tilshead Parish Council, £1,349.32 towards purchasing a Speed Indicator Device.

·       Amesbury History Centre CIO, £4,911.54 towards audio visual equipment.



Supporting documents:


Cllr Fred Westmoreland introduced the grant applications as detailed in the agenda.


Representatives of the organisations applying for grants spoke in support of their applications.


The board considered the applications for Community Area Grant funding. During debate on the Amesbury History Centre grant application, the Community Engagement Manager clarified that the £5,000 Area Board project, Rural Youth initiative would be funded part from the Youth grants fund (£2,639.25) and part from the capital fund (£2, 360.75) as there had been some capital elements in previous revenue projects.  This would leave a small amount of funding in the capital pot (£5,540.39). Members then had a discussion regarding allocating the remaining funding to the Amesbury History Centre as an exceptional, priority project.


Following the discussion it was,




·       To grant Idmiston Parish Council, £5,000.00 towards the Gomeldon Zip Wire project.

·       To grant The Bridge Youth Project, £700.00 towards their social skills project in schools.

·       To grant The Vault gymnastics & fitness centre, £2,000.00 towards the vault new landing area and tumble mat.

·       To grant Bourne Valley Scout Group, £500.00 towards repairs to Scout storage facility.

·       To grant Shrewton Sports and Social Club, £3,500.00 towards Shrewton Social Club new kitchen.

·       To grant Winterbourne Parish Council, £5,000.00 towards safety improvements to Winterbournes sport and recreation facilities.

·       To grant Winterbourne Glebe Hall Management Committee, £750.00 towards establishing a new village hall website.

·       To grant Tilshead Parish Council, £1,349.32 towards purchasing a Speed Indicator Device.

·       To grant Amesbury History Centre CIO, £4,911.54 towards audio visual equipment. In addition, the board resolved to award the remaining capital funding of £5,540.39, to the Amesbury History Centre, as this was a long term exceptional project that was very important to the area.



Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.




Future Meeting Dates and Close

The next meeting of the Amesbury Area Board will be held on 18 May 2021 (time to be confirmed). This meeting will be to elect a Chair, Vice Chair and appoint Members to Outside Bodies and Working Groups for the forthcoming year.


The next full meeting of the Amesbury Area Board will be held on 10 June 2021 at 6.30pm.



The Chairman announced that the next meeting of the Amesbury Area Board will be held on 18 May 2021 (time to be confirmed). This meeting will be to elect a Chair and Vice Chair for the forthcoming year.


The next full meeting of the Amesbury Area Board will be held on 10 June 2021 at 6.30pm.


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending.