Agenda and minutes

Stonehenge Area Board - Thursday 29 February 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: Antrobus House, 39 Salisbury Rd, Amesbury, Salisbury SP4 7HH

Contact: Tara Hunt  Email:

Note No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for the meeting


Apologies for absence had been received from:


·       Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 13 December 2023.

Supporting documents:



The minutes of the meeting held on 13 December 2023 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


Councillor Graham Wright declared an Other Registerable Interest (ORI) in interest in relation to item 09 Area Board Funding, as he was the Secretary of Durrington Walls Wind Band.  Councillor Wright confirmed that he would not take part in the discussion or vote on the item, in his capacity as a Councillor, but would speak as a member of the public.


Chairman's Updates

The Chairman will give any updates, including:


·       Highways Maintenance Programme 2024/25 – 2029/30

·       National Highways A360 Road Closure

Supporting documents:


National Highways A360 Road Closure

National Highways would be attending the Area Board Highways Matters event on 27 March 2024, to provide information on the proposed A360 closure, as part of the Stonehenge Tunnel works. Public information events had also been scheduled to take place by Highways England, these were noted as:


        Saturday 9 March, South Newton and Wishford Village Hall, Stoford, 10am - 4pm 

        Monday 11 March, Shrewton Village Hall, Recreation Ground, 11am - 4pm 

        Tuesday 12 March, Durrington Village Hall, 11am - 6pm 

        Friday 15 March, Antrobus House, Edmund Hall, 11am - 7pm 



JSNA Online Survey

People were encouraged to complete the online JSNA survey, so that the data collected could be used by the Board later in the year to base the local priorities around.


A special meeting would be set for April/May to consider the data.


Information items

The Board is asked to note the following Information items:


o   Community First

o   Healthwatch Wiltshire

o   Update from BSW Together (Integrated Care System)

o   Age UK

o   Stonehenge and Avebury World Heritage Site webpage: 

o   Wiltshire Council Consultation Portal

o   Wiltshire Council Information Items:

o   Local Nature Recovery Strategy Public Engagement

Supporting documents:


The Board noted the following Information items:


·       Community First

·       Healthwatch Wiltshire

·       Update from BSW Together (Integrated Care System)

·       Age UK

·       Stonehenge and Avebury World Heritage Site webpage:

·       Wiltshire Council Consultation Portal

·       Wiltshire Council Information Items:

         - Local Nature Recovery Strategy Public Engagement




Open Floor - including updates from Partners and Town/Parish Councils

Open floor session with updates from partners, parishes and free flow discussion.


Verbal Updates

To receive any verbal updates from representatives, including:


·       Police & Crime Commissioner – Philip Wilkinson OBE

·       Wiltshire Police – Inspector Ricky Lee


Written Updates

The Board is asked to note the following written and online updates attached to the agenda:


·       Police Team Update attached

·       Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service - DWFRS Service Update December 2023 

Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred to the updates set out in the agenda and invited further updates from Town/Parish Councils and other Partners, including outside bodies.  It was noted that the preferred option was for written updates, to minimise time spent during the meeting.


Verbal updates were received from:


Police & Crime Commissioner Philip Wilkinson OBE


Since his last update to the Board, Wiltshire Police force was put into special measures, highlighting areas for change such as to the structure, which had too many senior officers and issues with command headquarters. The force was about to have its latest inspection where it was hoped it would be re-graded and come out of special measures.


Some of the changes included the new Chief Constable, Catherine Roper and a new Chief of Corporate Services. The Force was under review and significant improvements and strategies were now in place across all of the crime types, with an improved support system.  




·       I recently used 101 service and found it very frustrating, as there were 2 minutes of the same options twice, it took 20 minutes and then spoke to a lady who was trying to persuade me not to report it.

Answer: We have to follow a home office format – thank you we will continue to improve it.


Neighbourhood Police Team (NPT)– Inspector Ricky Lee

It was recognised that there continued to be some ongoing issues in some communities, with incidents of hare coursing in the more rural communities and burglaries in both non-dwelling and dwellings.


There had been a spike in thefts in Amesbury, mostly in the largest supermarkets. The force was working with supermarkets and large stores to tackle this.


The NPT had moved from Amesbury to Tidworth in a modern fit for purpose building. Under the new model, there had been an increase in numbers of officers. Officers were now briefed when first on shift at Salisbury then they would move out into the communities.




·       The hate crime overview did not mention ageism, why was that?

Answer: Ageism was a protected characteristic, but it did not fall into a hate crime category.


·       Regarding traffic and speeding, on the London Road, the Police Team came recently to see where they could set up in a safe area, but could not find an appropriate location, was the rule different for public/private land, even if the owner of private land gave permission to install a device?

Answer: The Speed Enforcement Teams were excellent, supported by the Community Speedwatch (CSW) Teams and the procurement of 3 enforcement vans. The issues around placement of devices was due to the health and safety element. Where there were locations where CSW could not operate, it falls to our officers.  For public sites, an association with the Police could invite issues for landowners that they were not prepared for.


·       Could you give an update on the progress for a Police hub in the south?

Answer: Philip Wilkinson – A number of options were considered, including  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.



Dorset & Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Community Safety Plan Consultation

A presentation from Station Manager Chris Wood on the Dorset & Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Community Safety Plan Consultation.





The Board received a presentation from Station Manager Steve Ansell on the DWFR Community Safety Plan Consultation.


Steve outlined how the service provided support to communities, strategies and the priority areas of work.


The plan was out for public consultation, people were urged to submit feedback.




·       What method do you use in the vehicles to find locations?

Answer: We have a Multi Data Terminal (MDT) system in our fire appliances. ‘What Three Words’ was also used, however caution is needed when using this as people making the call may have moved away from the incident location to gain a signal.


·       In Shrewton there was an emergency access way that you cannot get down due to trees, it would make sense to have the trees cut, but no one knows if it is an access route or not.

Answer: I can speak to you after and check it on our system


·       Would you attend youth groups such as the Youth Café with the fire engine to show the young people about the fire service?

Answer: Visits such as that can be arranged where possible.


·       The Amesbury fire station was now fully manned how was it working?

Answer: Yes, fully manned since last Thursday. This had increased the ability for us to respond through the day and to carry out home fire checks.


You can access the plan and complete the feedback form by following the link:

or by using the QR code below.


A qr code with circles and dots Description automatically generated



Stonehenge Area Board Priorities

To receive updates from lead councillors for the local Area Board priorities as set out below:


·       Supporting health and wellbeing (Cllr Monica Devendran)


·       Supporting young people (Cllr Mark Verbinnen)


·       Our environment (Cllr Rob Yuill & Cllr Kevin Daley)


·       Parish engagement (Cllr Graham Wright & Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling)


·       Addressing social and economic deprivation (covered over all priorities / All Cllrs)


Supporting Health and Wellbeing - Cllr Monica Devendran

The last meeting was held at the Cheerful Cuppa in Netheravon on 13 February, with many partners in attendance. Thanks were given to Mary and the team for providing pancakes for the meeting.


Supporting young people - Cllr Mark Verbinnen

The last meeting was held at the scout hut in Amesbury on 28 February, with good discussion and attendance by many, with information by Wessex Archaeology on the various activities available through their youth programme.


In addition, it was lovely to see the completed works at the hall which the Board had awarded funding to previously.


Our environment - Cllr Rob Yuill & Cllr Kevin Daley

A meeting between all of the 18 Area Board Environmental Leads was held on 27 February where members shared ideas and experiences on local projects and areas of work. Some ideas included repair cafés, water quality work, and nature chains, where residents were encouraged to leave parts of their garden wild to encourage wildlife.


In some community areas, parish councils were quite active with their own smaller projects.  Cllr’s Yuill and Daley would move forward with contacting the town and parish councils within the Stonehenge community area to establish a list of known initiatives which were already taking place, and to draw on that to encourage more work within the communities and feedback at a future meeting.

The council did not currently provide a separate weekly collection of food waste, however the Council was working towards implementing a food waste collection service from 1 August 2027 - Wiltshire Council provides food waste collection update - Wiltshire Council

The Council had received a grant of £10m for the river Avon work, which interested parties had been made aware of. 


The Chairman asked that the Local Nature Recovery Strategy Public Engagement events be promoted to parish councils when contacted.


Parish engagement - Cllr Graham Wright

A Reward and Recognition event, similar to last year was being planned for May 2024, with an opportunity to discuss the JSNA results. This event would be open to all.


The Area Board Highways Matters event was scheduled for 27 March 6.30pm at Figheldean Village Hall. People were urged to attend and feed any questions in advance to




Area Board Funding

To note the remaining budgets and to consider any applications for funding, as detailed in the attached report and summarised below:


Remaining Budgets:


Community Area Grant

Young People

Older & Vulnerable






Community Area Grants:



Grant Details

Amount Requested

ABG 1455

Wiltshire South Girlguiding County Headquarters.

Provision of camp kitchen linked with replacing worn and dangerous tarmac play area.

Total project cost £20,000



Buzz Action Foundation CIO

Activities Marquee for Youth Camps and School Break Activities and Youth Clubs.

Total project cost £3,789



Older & Vulnerable Grant:


Grant Details

Amount Requested


Durrington Walls Windband

Community Enhancement Project

Total project cost £700



Youth Grant:



Grant Details

Amount Requested


Army Welfare Service Community Support Larkhill

AWS Community Support Larkhill Garrison Youth Project

Total project cost £10,000




Delegated Funding

There has been no delegated funding awarded since the last meeting.


Further information on the Area Board Grant system can be found here.

Supporting documents:


The Board noted the budgets remaining for allocation at the meeting and heard from representatives in attendance who gave a brief overview of their project followed by any questions by the Board.


Budget adjustments

The Strategic Engagement & Partnerships Manager, Graeme Morrison noted that at the last Area Board meeting, the Board had allocated £5,000 from the Community Area Grants fund to Amesbury Bowls Club. Because the majority of the members of the club were older, this application was also eligible for funding from the Older and Vulnerable Adults budget. With this in mind, the Board agreed to move £3,710 of that award so that it was allocated from the Older and Vulnerable Adults budget, rather than from the Community Area Grants fund, to release Community Area Grant funding for this meeting.


Remaining budget at this meeting:


Community Area Grants

Older & Vulnerable

Youth Projects






Community Area Grants:


Wiltshire South Girlguiding, Camp kitchen/Play area project, requested £5,000.

The Applicant spoke in support of the project.


The facility was used by groups across the whole of the Wiltshire south area, supporting 2000 young people with 45 volunteers.


The applicant confirmed that they had also previously approached Melksham and Warminster area boards for funding.


Cllr Rob Yuill moved the motion to part award to the amount of £2,760.00. This was seconded by Cllr Kevin Daley.



Wiltshire South Girlguiding was awarded £2,760.00 towards the Camp kitchen/Play area project.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2023/24


Buzz Action Foundation CIC, Activities Marquee project, requested £1,894.50

The Applicant spoke in support of the project.


Due to the limited funds available at this meeting, the Chairman, Cllr Wright moved the motion to defer consideration of the application until the next meeting, once budgets had been replenished.


This was seconded by Cllr Verbinnen.



To defer the application Buzz Action Foundation CIC until the next meeting

Reason – Insufficient funds remaining in the 2023/24 budget. 



Older & Vulnerable Adults Grants:


Durrington Walls Windband, Community Project, requested £490

The Applicant spoke in support of the project.


Cllr Dr Devendran moved the motion to award in full. This was seconded by Cllr Yuill.


Note: Cllr Wright had declared an interest in this application and therefore spoke as a member of the public and did not take part in the discussion or the vote.



Durrington Walls Windband was awarded £490 towards the Community Project.

Reason – The application met the Older & Vulnerable Adults Grants Criteria 2023/24


Young People Grants:


Army Welfare Service Community Support Larkhill, Larkhill Garrison Youth Project, requested £5,000

The Applicant spoke in support of the application.


The PCC Philip Wilkinson OBE advised that the PCC had a fund for projects such as this and urged the applicant to view the PCC website for information on how to apply for additional funding.


Cllr Mark Verbinnen moved the motion to part award to the amount of £2,504.92

This was seconded by Cllr Wright.



Army Welfare Service Community Support Larkhill was awarded £2,504.92  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


Local Highways and Footpath Improvement Group (LHFIG)

To note the minutes and consider any recommendations arising from the last LHFIG meeting held on 7 February 2024, as set out in the attached report.




• 1-23-23 Bulford, Old Coach Road signing - £500 (LHFIG £375 BPC £125)

• 1-23-24 Netheravon A345 bus stop flag sign - £500 (LHFIG £375, NPC £125).

• 1-24-01 South Newton SID infrastructure - £500 (LHFIG £375, SNPC £125).

• 1-24-02 South Newton A360/C283 Stoford Bottom crossroads - £1,000 (LHFIG £750, SNPC £250).

• 1-24-03 Amesbury Imber Avenue signing/lining - £500 (LHFIG £375, SNPC £125).

• 1-23-19 Bulford Junction 16 roundabout safety audit - £2,500 (LHFIG £1,875 BPC £625)

• 1-21-17 Netheravon A345 speed limit trial additional SID post - £500 (LHFIG £375, NPC £125).

• 1-23-10 Shrewton Lower Backway bollard - £500 (LHFIG £375, SPC £125).

• Missing street name plates - £4,755.18


Further information on the LHFIG process can be found here.


Supporting documents:


The Board considered the report and funding recommendations arising from the last LHFIG meeting held on 7 February 2024.



Shrewton PC still had works not yet completed, relating to the Rollestone crossroad signage.

Answer: The new contractors were still catching up with a backlog of works.


It was;




To note the report and approve the recommendations for funding which were:


·       1-23-23 Bulford, Old Coach Road signing - £500 (LHFIG £375 BPC £125)

·       1-23-24 Netheravon A345 bus stop flag sign - £500 (LHFIG £375, NPC £125).

·       1-24-01 South Newton SID infrastructure - £500 (LHFIG £375, SNPC £125).

·       1-24-02 South Newton A360/C283 Stoford Bottom crossroads - £1,000 (LHFIG £750, SNPC £250).

·       1-24-03 Amesbury Imber Avenue signing/lining - £500 (LHFIG £375, SNPC £125).

·       1-23-19 Bulford Junction 16 roundabout safety audit - £2,500 (LHFIG £1,875 BPC £625)

·       1-21-17 Netheravon A345 speed limit trial additional SID post - £500 (LHFIG £375, NPC £125).

·       1-23-10 Shrewton Lower Backway bollard - £500 (LHFIG £375, SPC £125).

·       Missing street name plates - £4,755.18