Agenda and draft minutes

“YOUNG BRADFORD” – A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BRADFORD ON AVON AREA BOARD, Bradford on Avon Area Board - Wednesday 9 November 2016 4.00 pm

Venue: St Laurence School, Bradford on Avon.

Contact: Kevin Fielding 

No. Item


Introduction from Chairman


The Chairman welcomed everybody to special “Young Bradford” Area Board meeting at St Laurence School.




What has been achieved so far?


The Community Engagement Manager briefly outlined what had been achieved so far.


Points made included:


You said you wanted


·       Youth Café.


·       Open Mic sessions for young musicians.


·       Floodlit astroturf facilities for youth sport.


·       New online social media platform.


·       Rewards for volunteering.


Some things that have been achieved


·       The Bradford on Avon Youth Club continues on Tuesdays.


·       Dance projects prove popular at the Youth and Community Centre, with more to come!


·       Relate counselling services provided at St Laurence School.


·       Characters Stage Company project for young people to produce a play for The National Theatre Connections project.


·       Broughton Gifford and Holt Youth Club planning and developing their own skate park for their area.


·       Bradford on Avon Rugby Club now has a girls rugby team.


·       Bradford on Avon Air Cadets has a new ICT suit to support its Duke of Edinburgh awards.


·       Holt and Broughton Gifford youth club running two nights a week.


·       The Dorothy House Children and Young Peoples Service Project has run Muddy Footprints sessions and has been asked to run a ‘twilight’ session specifically for families with teenage children.


·       Bradford Town Youth FC has new equipment.


·       Youth activities as part of Iron Duke industrial heritage project, including music, film, poetry and journalism.


·       Wiltshire Music Centre Young Curators Programme.


·       The Last Baguette Theatre Company running workshops at the Youth and Community Centre.


·       Investigation of possible Youth Café in the town centre.


·       Summer activities during holidays in Victory Field.


·       In total more than £40,000 invested into youth provision through the Local Youth Network.



Presentations from a selection of youth organisations including:


·       Bobcats girls rugby.



·       Wiltshire Youth Arts Partnership dance project.



·       Characters Stage School.


·       Relateen Youth Counselling.



Presentations were received from a range of youth organisations which had in receipt of grant support through the Local Youth Network:


·       Characters Stage School.


·       Dorothy House “Hidden Woods” project.


·       Wiltshire Youth Arts Partnership dance project.


·       Bobcats girls rugby.


·       Relateen Youth Counselling.


The Chairman thanked the representatives of the various organisations for attending the Area Board meeting.



Using cards to prioritise the needs of young people



Emma Drage – Local Youth Facilitator outlined to the young people the voting process.


The young people in attendance were given the opportunity to vote on the needs of young people in the Bradford on Avon community area.


There were seven laminated cards on each table with examples of priority project and also some blank cards, each table were asked to write two other priorities on the blank cards and then place them in priority order, numbering each card 1-7, with 1 being the top priority for the community area.


Voting on top priorities for action


The results of the youth priorities were:


1.     Youth support worker – 8%

2.     LGBT group – 4%

3.     Subsidised access to swimming – 92%

4.     A revamped skate park – 46%

5.     Revision space in library – 65%

6.     A louder youth voice in local decision-making – 15%


The Chairman thanked the young people for taking part in the meeting.



Apologies for Absence


There were none.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were none.


Chairman's Announcements


There were none.


Minutes for approval



·       To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the Area Board meeting held on 14 September 2016.


·       To approve and sign as the correct record the minutes of the Community Area Transport Group meeting held on 5 September 2016.


·       To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the Local Youth Network Management Group meeting held on 11 October 2016.



Supporting documents:




·       The minutes of the Area Board meeting held on 14 September 2016 were agreed as a correct record.


·       The minutes of the Community Area Transport Group meeting held on 5 September 2016 were agreed as a correct record.


·       The minutes of the Local Youth Network Management Group meeting held on 11 October 2016 were agreed as a correct record.




Youth Grants recommended for approval by LYN

Management Group:


·       Relate requesting £5,000 towards a programme of Youth Counselling.



Supporting documents:


The Area Board members considered one application for youth funding:




·       Relate awarded £5,000 towards a programme of Youth Counselling.


Partner Updates

·       NHS Wiltshire


·       HealthWatch Wiltshire


·       Wiltshire Police


Supporting documents:


The following written partner updates were noted:


·       Wiltshire Police – Concerns were raised re the Springfield roundabout and how Whitehill had become a rat run for motorists.It was agreed that Peter Dunford would raise this issue with Dave Thomas – Highways Dept, Wiltshire Council.


·       NHS Wiltshire


·       HealthWatch Wiltshire


Community Policing Model

A video introducing the implementation of a new community policing model across the county.




PC Mark Hough – Wiltshire Police gave a brief overview of Wiltshire Police’s new policing model.


Points made by PC Hough included:


·       That Wiltshire Police couldn’t continue to provide its current level of policing without doing some serious thinking on how it was able to provide good community policing during this period of austerity.


·       The need to put victims of crime and witnesses first.


·       Less handovers of ownership of a crime/incident – less officers/admin staff dealing with an incident.


·       Victims of crime being better informed of developments re their incident.


·       To change the dialogue – listen more to people.


·       The desire to re-design the way Wiltshire police worked – to move away from a rigid, one dimensional way of working.


·       Putting the right people in the right place.


·       That rural areas would see a better service – higher police visibility.


·       Officers working in the community, working from Libraries, high Street cafes using new technology to keep them out on the beat rather than shackled to a police station.


The Chairman thanked PC Hough for his presentation.



Project Updates

Peter Dunford - Community Engagement Manager.


The Community Engagement Manager gave the following project updates:


River Crossing Feasibility Study


·       That discussions continued with the Town Council and Cllr Philip Whitehead - Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, Wiltshire Council.


·       Would like to hold a public consultation event before Christmas 2016.



Health and Wellbeing Group


·       That the group would be holding its first meeting during November 2016.


·       That the Seniors Forum would next meet in Westwood.



Joint Strategic Assessment event


·       That the event would be held on Wednesday 4 January 2017, with all key Area Board stakeholders invited. It was agreed that details of the event and its programme and content would be circulated to all parish clerks to send to interested parties in their parishes.


The Chairman thanked Peter Dunford for his updates.



Date of Next Meeting

·       Wednesday 5 January 2017 at St Margaret’s Hall - (Joint Strategic Assessment event)



·       Wednesday 4 January 2017 at St Margaret’s Hall - (Joint Strategic Assessment event).

