Agenda and minutes

Bradford on Avon Area Board - Wednesday 12 July 2017 7.00 pm

Venue: United Reformed Church Hall, 89 The Street, Holt BA14 6RS

Contact: Kevin Fielding 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


There were none.



Declarations of Interest


Cllr Sarah Gibson – Cllr led grant application for Phase two of the River Crossing study.


Would not debate or vote on this application.



Welcome from the Chairman

Councillor Jim Lynch


The Chairman welcomed everybody to the meeting and introduced the Area Board members.


Members of the Bradford on Avon Town Council were welcomed, as were Parish Council representatives. The Chairman outlined his hopes that the Area Board, Town and Parish Councils would continue to work together, and that the Area Board meetings would become a bi-monthly community assembly that all parties could be an active part of.


Inspector Andy Fee – Wiltshire Police was welcomed to his first Bradford on Avon Area Board meeting, as was Guy Tadman – District Commander Dorset & Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service.


The Chairman outlined the Bradford Area Board ringfenced funding – 2017/18.


·         Culture and Tourism infrastructure: £5,000 plus match funding


·         Business infrastructure: £5,000 plus match funding


·         Pedestrian Friendly infrastructure: £5,000 plus match funding


·         Air Quality and Public Health infrastructure: £5,000 plus match funding


·         Social Isolation and Mental Health infrastructure: £5,000 plus match funding


·         Assets Review and Options Report: £5,000


                        Total £ 30,000 spent (plus an additional £ 25,000 levered in)




Community Grant Scheme

·         Bradford on Avon Music Madness – Lamb Yard Events requesting £1,000 towards a music extravaganza on the August Bank Holiday weekend.


·         Bradford on Avon FEASTival – Lamb Yard Events requesting £1,000 towards a food and drink festival and passport trail in September.


·         Holt Village Hall – Village Hall Committee requesting £1,500 towards new cooker.


·         River Crossing Feasibility – Councillor Led application from Councillor Gibson for Phase 2 of study.


·         Town Centre Benchmarking - Councillor Led application from Councillor Lynch.



Supporting documents:


The Area Board considered five applications for grant funding.


Sue Thomson - Lamb Yard events presented 2 grant applications:



Bradford on Avon Music Madness Lamb Yard Events awarded £1,000 towards a music extravaganza on the August Bank Holiday weekend.




Bradford on Avon FEASTival Lamb Yard Events awarded £1,000 towards a food and drink festival and passport trail in September.


Note: Cllr Kidney expressed his concerns re awarding £2,000 to the same applicant.




Holt Village Hall Village Hall Committee awarded £1,500 towards a new cooker.



River Crossing Feasibility Councillor Led application from Councillor Gibson for Phase 2 of study. It was agreed that this application would be deferred to explore whether it could be incorporated into the Benchmarking Survey.



Town Centre Benchmarking - Councillor Led application from Councillor Lynch. Application agreed on the understanding that the River Crossing Phase 2 study be incorporated into the Benchmarking Survey.


Mike King from People and Places outlined the Benchmarking study.



Town Centre Benchmarking - Councillor Led application from Councillor Lynch for £ 1,100 towards a joint-funded study. Application agreed on the understanding that the River Crossing Phase 2 study be incorporated into the Benchmarking Survey.



Report of Working Groups and Approval of Minutes




·         The Minutes of the Bradford on Avon Community Area Transport Group meeting held on 19 June 2017 were signed as the correct record.


·         The Minutes of the Bradford on Avon Health and Wellbeing Group held on 28 June 2017 were signed as the correct record.


·         The Minutes of the Bradford on Avon Local Youth Network Management meeting held on 29 June 2017 were signed as the correct record.


LYN Grant Funding Applications


Emma Drage - Local Youth Facilitator outlined four grant applications for the Area Board to consider:


·         Scouts cooking equipment awarded £723.80


Ratification of youth activity procurements


·         The Secret Garden Café Youth Café awarded £745


·         Bradford on Avon Swimming Pool - awarded

£500 (which they were already awarded last financial year) for young people to access the subsidised swimming for the rest of the year


·         Bradford on Avon Youth Football Club had asked the Town Council for £5,000 towards new goal posts.

           The Area Board to consider funding the rest of the capital grant of £2,500 if the Town Council match fund with £2,500. It was agreed that this application would be deferred and considered by the Area Board at a future meeting.



Partner Updates

·         Wiltshire Police

·         Wiltshire and Dorset Fire and Rescue

·         NHS Wiltshire

·         HealthWatch Wiltshire


Supporting documents:


The following written reports were noted:


·         Wiltshire Police

·         Wiltshire & Dorset Fire and Rescue

·         NHS Wiltshire

·         HealthWatch Wiltshire


Focus on Holt

Becky Stevens - Holt Parish Council



Becky Stevens - Holt Parish Council gave a short presentation highlighting current issues and matters in Holt.


Points made included:


·         Many pavements are in a poor state of repair.


·         Vehicles obstructing pavements had become an issue.


·         The village was looking to share a Speed Indicator Device (SID) to help highlight speeding.


·         The Neighbourhood Plan had now been ratified by Wiltshire Council, and was now part of the Core Strategy.


·         The village was looking for volunteers to help support the vibrant Holt Youth Club, which now received funding from Wiltshire Council.


·         Too much fly posting going on in the village.



John Love - Holt Parish Council gave a short presentation highlighting the Holt Community Bus.


Points made included:


·         That the Community Bus service was founded 21 years ago.


·         Now operated as a registered charity.


·         Provided various community related services for residents of Holt.


·         Now had 10 volunteer drivers.


·         Provided regular monthly excursions, with many local groups using the bus.


The Chairman thanked Becky Stevens and John Love for their presentations.




Report on Holt "Age Matters" event

Michael Darlow - Bradford on Avon Seniors Forum



Supporting documents:


Michael Darlow – Chairman, Bradford on Avon Seniors Forum gave a brief overview of the recent Holt "Age Matters" event held on the Thursday 25 May 2017.


Points made included:


·         The aim of the Seniors Forum's "Age Matters" event was to give people who lived in the Bradford On Avon Community Area, especially those over 60 and carers, the opportunity to meet their Wiltshire Council Community Engagement Manager, Area Board Chairman, councillors and the Seniors Forum, which was the area's official Older People's & Carers' Champion, and find out what people felt about living in the area.


·         Twenty to thirty people attended the Holt event, most of them of retirement age or over.


·         Generally people seem very happy to live in Holt. There are clearly a lot of positives to life in the village and a vibrant, mutually supportive community spirit. The village's community bus was seen as a great bonus, although it was not clear how much it is actually used. Forum members wondered if it could be used more and, maybe, by people in other villages.


·         Overwhelmingly the main issues raised related to traffic, pedestrian access and safety. Almost everyone drew attention to the dangerous, poorly maintained state of pavements which over long stretches are dangerously uneven, with many broken paving stones, potholes and other trip hazards. This problem is exacerbated by poorly maintained and over-hanging hedges, wheelie bins put outside houses in places where they block pavements and cars parked on pavements, especially along the main road through the village.  As a result pavements are often dangerous or impassable, particularly for people with impaired mobility, balance or eyesight problems, who use wheelchairs or push prams.


·         Difficulties for pedestrians in Holt are further increased, especially at peak times, by the volume and speed of traffic on the B3107 through the village and by the fact that there was only one pedestrian crossing. People felt there should be at least two more pedestrian crossings, with one near the village shop.


·         Another frequently raised problem was the very narrow section of the B3107 before you enter Bradford On Avon. People suggested that an alternative cycle path was needed.


·         Another major issue cited by people was the poor bus service – only one or two services each morning to Trowbridge, Melksham and Bradford On Avon and a similar number in the afternoon, made worse by the fact that the "Zig-Zag" service was not scheduled, so as to facilitate connections with the 265 First Bus services to Bath and Warminster.


·         People suggested that one of the reasons why cafés in Bradford on Avon seem so well patronised is because many of their customers are Holt residents who had gone into Bradford for a doctor's appointment or to collect a prescription and are waiting for the bus back to Holt.


·         Collecting doctors' prescriptions was particularly difficult for people without access to a car or who work during the day. Many people seemed not to know that some pharmacies would arrange for people who are  ...  view the full minutes text for item 24.


Area Board Ways of Working - engagement of "village voices"

Roundtable discussions



It was agreed to defer this item to a future meeting.


Date of Next Meeting

·         Wednesday 13 September 2017 - Westwood Social Club




·         Wednesday 13 September 2017 - Westwood Social Club.