Agenda and minutes

Bradford on Avon Area Board - Wednesday 29 January 2020 7.00 pm

Venue: Westwood Parish Rooms, Lower Westwood, Bradford-on-Avon BA15 2AF

Contact: Kevin Fielding 

No. Item


Chairman's Welcome, Introduction and Announcements

Chairman’s Announcements:


·       Wiltshire Family and Community Learning

·       Flood Resilience in Your Local Area

·       We’re Targeting Fly-tippers

·       Wiltshire Green Pledge

·       British Telecom Proposed Payphones Removal Consultation

·       Boundary Review

·       Motiv8 Children and Young People’s Service





Supporting documents:


The Chairman welcomed everybody to the Westwood Parish Rooms.


The Area Board members were introduced.


The following Chairman’s announcements contained in the agenda pack were noted:


·       Wiltshire Family and Community Learning

·       Flood Resilience in Your Local Area

·       We’re Targeting Fly-tippers

·       Wiltshire Green Pledge

·        British Telecom Proposed Payphones Removal Consultation

·        Boundary Review




Apologies for Absence


There were apologies for absence.



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 26 November 2019




Supporting documents:




·       The Minutes of the Area Board meeting held on Tuesday 26 November 2019 were signed as the correct record.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were none.



PCC Precept Consultation

Angus Macpherson – Police and Crime Commissioner


Angus Macpherson – Wiltshire Police & Crime Commissioner gave a short presentation which outlined the OPCC priorities and precept proposals for 2020/21.


Points made included:


·       That when considering council tax increases the Commissioner was focused on protecting local policing and the long term funding position.  To not increase council tax at this time would have considerable impacts on the future ability to commission policing and crime services.


·       That Wiltshire received central funding of £87.79 per head of population under the current formula.  This compares to a national average of £113.91 per head.  Being the 4th lowest centrally funded PCC per head of population increased the Commissioner’s reliance on council tax.


The Chairman thanked Angus Macpherson for his presentation.



Police Update


Inspector Andy Fee presented the written update.


The Chairman thanked Inspector Andy Fee for his update.


Rural Crime

Rich Salter – Wiltshire Police


Rich Salter – Wildlife Crime Officer, Wiltshire Police gave a short presentation that highlighted his role within Wiltshire Police and rural crime.


Points made included:


·       That the role included heritage crime – defacing of monuments etc.


·       That good partnership working was going on between Wiltshire Police and MOD Police across Salisbury Plain.


·       That there was a perception that rural crime was on the increase, this was perhaps due to more people now using social media.


·       That residents should always call in any suspicious acts or behaviour – Wiltshire Police would always try to investigate if resources were available.


The Chairman thanked Rich Salter for his presentation.


Waste Collection Changes

Tracy Carter - Interim Head of Waste Management and Carbon Reduction, Wiltshire Council


Tracy Carter - Interim Head of Waste Management and Carbon Reduction, Wiltshire Council gave a short presentation that outlined Wiltshire Council’s proposed changes to waste collection.


Points made included:


·       That Wiltshire Council would be changing the way it collected materials for recycling in 2020.


·       As part of these changes some recycling collection days would change.


·       Residents would receive further information through the post, including details of new collection days, in advance of changes being made.


·       Residents would be able to view their new collection days and print a collection calendar from the council’s website once these days had been confirmed.


·       The changes would make it even easier for residents to use the kerbside recycling collection service and would reduce the number of vehicles the council used.


·       Fewer vehicles would mean a reduction in Wiltshire Council’s impact on the environment.


·       A new materials recovery facility was being built which will sort the recycling, reducing the requirement for residents to separate their recyclable materials at home.


·       Starting shortly, paper, food and drink cans, aerosols and foil will also be collected in the blue lidded bin which currently takes plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays, cardboard boxes and food and drink cartons. A new fleet of vehicles will be used to empty the blue lidded bin and the black box together, which means fewer vehicles and so a reduction in the impact on the environment. All collections will remain fortnightly.


Further information can be found at:


Or email:


The Chairman thanked Tracy Carter for her presentation.



Westwood Parish Council update

John Bishop – Chairman, Westwood Parish Council

Supporting documents:


John Bishop Chairman, Westwood Parish Council gave a short update.


Points made included:


·       That this evening’s meeting was being held in the Westwood Parish Rooms, which had been significantly renovated and upgraded in recent times. A local group of volunteers spent much time fundraising, obtaining grants and arranging for the work to be carried out. This included a new extension and kitchen, which now offered much better facilities for the community.


·       Westwood Parish Council had recently formulated a plan to replace the play equipment in the park. Although not dangerous, most of the equipment was life expired. With funds raised through the Precept the Parish Council had made a grant application through a national funding scheme and awaited news. Depending on the outcome, a programme of works would be produced and further grant applications made to appropriate bodies.


·       That the Parish Council liaised with Wiltshire Council for repairs and remedial action through the Parish Steward. The Parish Council had a very good working relationship with the steward, and were very grateful for the work undertaken and thanked Wiltshire Council for their continued support.


·       The Parish Council had purchased two telephone boxes, both of which had been renovated by a group of volunteers and were run as book swaps, both being extremely popular.


·       That the Parish Council continued to monitor speeds within the 20 mph Speed Limit area. Regrettably, the statistics indicated that the village had one of the worst records for speeding within Wiltshire and ideas were currently being discussed regarding further action to be taken.


·       That Westwood Parish Council continued to work towards completion of a Neighbourhood Plan. The Parish Council was striving to conclude matters as soon as was practicable.


The Chairman thanked John Bishop for his update.


Partner Updates

·       Wiltshire Police

·       Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue

·       NHS Wiltshire

·       HealthWatch Wiltshire

·       Town Council

·       Parish Councils

·       Community Family Care


Supporting documents:


The following partner updates contained in the agenda pack were noted:


·       NHS Wiltshire


·       HealthWatch Wiltshire


·       Bradford on Avon Town Council


·       Winsley Parish Council


·       BoA Youth



Community Grants

To determine any applications for Community Area Grants.

Grant application packs for the Community Area Grants Scheme

are available from the Community Area Manager or electronically at:



Supporting documents:


Applications for funding



Dementia Action Alliance awarded £500 for Party in the Park in June 2020



Bradford on Avon Men's Shed (BoAMS) awarded £2,500 for Bradford on Avon Mens Shed BoAMS



Bradford on Avon Museum Society awarded £1,000 for BoA Museum Resistivity Archaeology Kit



Monkton Farleigh Parish Council awarded £3,000 for Broadstones Play Park Refurbishment
Note: Area Board funding would be granted if other fund raising was successful



Staverton Butterfly Garden awarded a further £200 for increased costs


Working Group Updates


Community Area Transport Group – Cllr Sarah Gibson


·       Clean Air Zone – that discussions with BoA Town Council re CCTV due to the Cleveland Bridge, Bath weight restrictions and the knock on effects to Bradford on Avon and Staverton.



Health & Wellbeing Group – Cllr Johnny Kidney


·       Next meeting on Tuesday 12 February.



Youth – Cllr Jim Lynch


·       Full update at the next meeting.

