Agenda and minutes

Bradford on Avon Area Board - Wednesday 3 March 2021 7.00 pm

Venue: On-Line Meeting

Contact: Kevin Fielding 


No. Item


Chairman's Welcome, Introduction and Announcements

Chairman’s Announcements:


·         Community Led Housing


·         Foster Caring


Supporting documents:


The Chairman welcomed everybody to the on-line meeting of the Bradford on Avon Area Board


The Area Board members were introduced


The following Chairman’s announcements contained in the agenda pack were noted:


·         Community Led Housing


·         Foster Caring



Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 13 January 2021




Supporting documents:




·         The minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 13 January 2021 were signed as the correct record



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were none



Partner Updates

·         Wiltshire Police


·         Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service


·         NHS & Healthwatch


·         Bradford on Avon Town Council


·         Parish Councils

Supporting documents:


Wiltshire Police – the written update was noted


Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service - the written update was noted


NHS – the written update was noted


Healthwatch - Margaret Winskill outlined the written update


Bradford on Avon Town Council


·         Market town land issue – that the Town Council had concerns re proposed Wiltshire Council housing site allocations


·         Skateboard park – that the application would go ahead at Poulton Field


Limpley Stoke Parish Council - the written update was noted


The Chairman thanked everyone for their updates


Modification of the Bradford on Avon Air Quality Management Area Order

Cllr Ben Anderson – Wiltshire Council

Supporting documents:


Cllr Ben Anderson – Portfolio Holder for Public Health and Public Protection, Wiltshire Council outlined the report contained in the agenda pack


The report was an update to inform the Area board of the achievement of a long-term trend of compliance with the annual mean objective for PM10 and that the Air Quality Management Area Order was to be modified removing reference to PM10.


Points made included:


·         To inform on trends in air quality in Masons Lane, Bradford On Avon

·         To inform the Area Board of the achievement of the annual mean objective for fine particulates (PM10)


·         To inform the Area board of the intention to amend the Air Quality Management Area Order to remove reference to fine particulates as the objective had been achieved and surpassed in line with legal requirements and DEFRA’s recommendation


·         In the pursuit of continuing improvements in air quality, Wiltshire Council had published a revised Air Quality Strategy for Wiltshire in 2019 which was available on the Wiltshire Air Quality Website


·         Currently the Air Quality Action Plan for Wiltshire was being reviewed. Local communities with AQMAs would be consulted via their Area Board as part of the development and adoption of the updated plan. This was likely to be in the early part of 2021

The Chairman thanked Cllr Ben Anderson for his report



Local Plan Update

An opportunity for the Area Board members to give an update on what’s happening in their particular community areas





Cllr Sarah Gibson gave a short presentation that outlined the Wiltshire Council Local Plan, and how this may impact on the Bradford on Avon community area


Points made included:


·         That Wiltshire Local Plan review consultation was taking place from Wednesday 13 January to Tuesday 9 March 2021


·         Development to be concentrated in the existing Market Towns


·         That the majority of growth would be in the three main settlements of Chippenham, Trowbridge and Salisbury


·         The need to view the respective transport strategies


·         That some 365 responses had already been received from the BoA community area


·         The importance of highlighting and pushing the brown field sites for future housing developments


·         How did this Strategic Approach address Climate Change?


Cllr Trevor Carbin briefly outlined the Staverton development and its potential  impact on the Bradford on Avon community area




Community Status Report

Ros Griffiths – Community Engagement Manager




Ros Griffiths – Community Engagement Manager gave a short presentation outlining the Bradford on Avon community status report


Points made included:


·         Feedback and intelligence on the impact of Covid-19


·         That the Health & wellbeing group and Youth groups would feed into the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment data (JSNA)


·         That the June meeting of the Area Board would pick up on the consultation with local partners, groups and organisations


·         That a report to Area Boards would be given during summer 2021


·         That during July – September period it was planned to hold further Area Board discussion, identify priorities and develop action plan with regular reporting to future Area Board meetings


The Chairman thanked Ros Griffiths for her update


Youth Futures and the Creative Economy

Update from Cllr Jim Lynch and presentation from Tracy Sullivan – Creative Practitioner




Cllr Jim Lynch advised that at the previous Area Board meeting, Councillors had agreed his concerns regarding the impact of Covid-19 on teenagers and young adults. Both statistically and anecdotally, those aged 16 to 24 were known to have suffered greatly over the past year; socially, emotionally and financially.


It was proposed that the Area Board commit to fostering a support network, both online and face-to-face, for young people in our Community Area (16 to 24), to enable them to share their Covid-related experiences, and to respond accordingly.



That the Bradford on Avon Area Board awarded £4,485 (capital funding budget) £810 (youth & health and wellbeing budget) to the Young Futures and Creative Economy Area Board initiative


Cllr Lynch introduced Nathan Baranowski – Digital Wonderlab who would be supporting the initiative in a technical role


Cllr Lynch introduced Tracy Sullivan – Creative Practitioner who outlined how she works in mental health first aid, helping young people re self harming, suicide etc


The Chairman thanked Cllr Jim Lynch, Nathan Baranowski and Tracy Sullivan for their presentation, and looked forward to updates at future Area Board meetings




Grant Funding and Budget

To determine any applications for Community Area Grants


Grant application packs for the Community Area Grants Scheme are available from the Community Area Manager or electronically at:


Supporting documents:



Winsley Cricket Club Awarded £1,000 for Winsley Cricket Ground Replacement Fencing



Wiltshire Music Centre Trust Ltd awarded £2,000 for Wiltshire Music Centre New Boiler



Arts Together awarded £1,509 for Arts Together Bradford on Avon Group



South Wraxall Parish Council awarded £3,900 for South Wraxall Parish Defibrillators



Winsley Parish Council awarded £2,800 for Purchase of community amenity land in Winsley

Note: It was agreed that if any funds which were allocated to this application were not needed, then the funding would come back into the Bradford on Avon Area Board Covid resilience fund


Working Group updates

·         Community Area Transport Group


·         Health and Wellbeing Group

Supporting documents:


Community Area Transport Group meeting report held on the 15 February 2021, contained in the agenda pack were noted



Health and Wellbeing Group meeting report held on the 2 February 2021, contained in the agenda pack were noted




Any Other Business


Cllr Jim Lynch advised that this would be his final Area Board meeting as a Wiltshire Councillor. Cllr Lynch felt that his time as part of the Area Board had been hugely positive, and thanked his fellow Councillors and all officers involved in the meetings and the funding that local groups and organisations had received


The Area Board thanked Cllr Lynch for his support and looked forward to working with him in the future


