Agenda and minutes

TOURISM EVENT AND BRADFORD ON AVON AREA BOARD, Bradford on Avon Area Board - Wednesday 13 January 2016 6.30 pm

Venue: St Margarets Hall, Bradford on Avon, BA15 1DE

Contact: Kevin Fielding 

No. Item


Re-opening of Tourist Information Centre and 2016 calendar of events

Councillor John Potter - Town Council



Cllr John Potter – Bradford on Avon Town Council welcomed everybody to St Margarets Hall and the Bradford on Avon Area Board Tourism event.


Cllr Potter gave a short presentation that outlined the re-opening of the Tourist Information Centre and 2016 calendar of events planned for Bradford on Avon.


The Chairman thanked Cllr Potter for his presentation.



Brand Positioning of Bradford on Avon and its community area

Roger Pride - Consultant, Heavenly

Peter Wragg - Chairman, Visit Wiltshire




Roger Pride - Consultant, Heavenly gave a presentation that outlined his vision for the brand positioning of Bradford on Avon and its community area.


The Chairman thanked Roger Pride for his presentation.



LEADER funding opportunities for business and tourism development

Alan Truscott, Programme Manager - Vale Action



Supporting documents:


Alan Truscott - Programme Manager, Vale Action gave a short presentation that highlighted funding through the LEADER Funding scheme.


The Chairman thanked Alan Truscott for his presentation.


Clean for The Queen; 90th Birthday Street Parties; The Big Pledge

Peter Dunford - Community Engagement Manager, Wiltshire Council




Peter Dunford – Community Engagement Manager informed the Area Board of Wiltshire Council’s plans for its the Legacy campaigns for 2016 which would include: 


        Clean for The Queen.


        Queen’s 90th Birthday Street Parties.


        The Big Pledge Road to Rio.


        Getting Active- Walking and Cycling activities in Wiltshire.




Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations of interest.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Matthew Midlane – Monkton Farleigh Parish Council.


Police and Crime Commissioner - Precept Consultation

Naji Darwish - Commissioning and Programme Manager, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, to present proposals for the 2017/17 precept.




Naji Darwish - OPCC outlined the Precept Consultation.


Points made included:



Crime and Public Confidence


·       Crime increased by 12% from December 2014 to November 2015.


·       7th lowest crime rate nationally with 50.7 crimes per 1,000 population.


·       Public confidence measured by the OPCC Survey in 2015 is 83.7%, and had been consistently high since 2012.


·       Victim satisfaction to October 2015 is 84.3% which is around the national average.



A good HMIC Assessment of Wiltshire Police


·       Performance is regularly assessed by Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary.  Overall Wiltshire Police are rated as “good”.


·       Our constabulary remains one of the best in the country.



Central Funding Announcement


·       This years provisional settlement shows central funding reduce from £63.7m to £63.4m, a £0.3m reduction.


·       This will be the fifth straight year of central funding reductions.


·       Whilst this reduction is lower than previous years the loss of £0.3m with cost pressures (national wage agreement £0.8m, national pensions change impact on national insurance £2.0m) will result in significant savings still being required.



What is the budget?


·       A £3.12 increase in Council Tax will give a budget of £105.695m compared to £103.956m for the current year. This would lead to a funding gap of £2.6m for policing in Wiltshire.

·       The Commissioner was committed to investing additional income from council tax in local policing.



How about the long term?


·       The Chancellor’s Autumn Statement promised a cash neutral position for policing however no detail per force is available.  With no council tax increases the funding gap against the national average would grow.  With small council tax increases the resources available for local policing are better protected.


·       The Area Board was assured by the Commissioner that local money would be spent on local policing.


Question raised from the floor included:


Why do you have to increase your precept when you received no cuts in Central Government funding at the last budget?

a.There was still a slight reduction in funding as well as the force having to budget for extra National Insurance contributions and investing heavily in new technology.


The Chairman thanked the Naji Darwish for his presentation.



Community Asset Transfer: Culver Close

To agree the transfer of the recreation ground, pavilion and bowling green to Bradford on Avon Town Council.


Supporting documents:


The Area Board was asked to consider an application submitted by Bradford on Avon Town Council for the transfer of Culver Close Recreation Ground. 




·       That the Bradford on Avon Area Board approves the transfer of the Culver Close Recreation Ground to Bradford on Avon Town Council.




Youth Grants, recommended for approval by LYN Management Group

·       Dorothy House


·       Dance Back to the 1920s


·       Wiltshire Music Centre


·       Bradford on Avon Town Council



Supporting documents:


The Bradford on Avon Area Board were asked to consider four applications for youth funding:


Dorothy House Children and Young People’s Service Project awarded £2802.00



Continuation of the Young Curators Programme awarded £1600.00



Bradford on Avon Youth Centre – Dance back to 1914 Project awarded £2750.00



Bradford on Avon Youth Centre awarded £5,000


The Chairman thanked the LYN for bringing the four applications to the Area Board for approval.



Chairman's Announcements

·       Closure of BoA Childrens’ Centre

·       Consultation on Public Transport Review

·       Wiltshire Good Neighbour Scheme

·       Your Care Your Support Wiltshire

·       Bradford on Avon Transport and Accessibility Forum at St. Margaret’s Hall on Wednesday 10 February


Supporting documents:


The following Chairman’s Announcements were noted:


·       Closure of BoA Childrens’ Centre – ongoing discussions, looking at how to deliver an outreach service using the Library or the Youth Centre.


·       Consultation on Public Transport Review – written report.


·       Wiltshire Good Neighbour Scheme – written report.


·       Your Care Your Support Wiltshire – written report.


·       Bradford on Avon Transport and Accessibility Forum at St.Margaret’s Hall on Wednesday 10 February



Partner Updates

·       Wiltshire Police

·       Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

·       Healthwatch Wiltshire Update

·       NHS/ CCG Update



Supporting documents:


The following Partner Updates were noted:


·       Wiltshire Police – written report.


·       Healthwatch Wiltshire Update – written report.


·       NHS/ CCG Update – written report.



i)                 To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the Area Board meeting held on 11 November 2015.


ii)               To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the Local Youth Network Management Group meeting held on 7 December   2015.


iii)              To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the Community Area Transport Group meeting held on 2 November 2015.


Supporting documents:





·       The minutes of the Bradford on Avon Area Board meeting held on 11 November 2015 were signed as the correct record.


·       The minutes of the Local Youth Network Management Group held on 7 December 2015 were signed as the correct record.


·       The minutes of the Bradford on Avon Community Area Transport Group meeting held on 2 November 2015 were deferred for detailed consideration.


