Agenda and minutes

Malmesbury Area Board - Wednesday 9 November 2011 7.00 pm

Venue: Sherston Village Hall, High Street, Sherston, SN16 0LH

Contact: Alexa Smith (Democratic Services Officer)  Tel: 01249 706610/Email:

Note No. Item

7.00 pm


Chairman's Welcome and Introductions

The Chairman will welcome those present to the meeting.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman welcomed everyone present to his home division and Sherston Village Hall. He introduced and thanked the support team for Malmesbury Area Board meetings; David Ashdown (Technical Support Officer), Barbara Gray (Events and Sponsorship Manager) and Linnet Tomes (Marketing Officer). The top table of Councillors and officers then introduced themselves. 


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Paul Baker (Chamber of Commerce), Bill Blake (Malmesbury Town Council), Julia Bowen, Peter Campaigne (Norton and Foxley Parish Council), Terry Fraser (Crudwell Parish Council), Peter Gilchriest (Malmesbury and the Villages Community Area Partnership), Frances Goldstone (Malmesbury River Valleys Trust), Patrick Goldstone (Malmesbury Town Council), Sid Jevons (Malmesbury and the Villages Community Area Partnership), Terry Mockler (Hankerton Parish Council), Graham Morris (Sherston Parish Council), Bob Tallon (Brokenborough Parish Council), John Tremayne (Easton Grey Parish Council) and Jen Woodcock.



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 7 September 2011.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 7 September 2011 were approved and signed as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.

7.10 pm


Chairman's Announcements

The Chairman will provide announcements, as in the agenda pack. This will include information about winter maintenance/gritting.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman drew attention to the written announcements included in the agenda pack. In addition, information was provided about Wiltshire’s new ‘Warm and Well’ free home insulation scheme and a household survey.


The new ‘Warm and Well’ scheme was open to all home owners and private tenants and enabled residents to improve the energy efficiency of their homes through installing loft and cavity wall insulation. To access the scheme, please freephone 0800 512012 or go to


Wiltshire Council and its partners were undertaking a large random survey to Wiltshire residents called ‘What matters to you’ in order to understand local people’s priorities and needs. The survey was going to 20,000 Wiltshire households and many residents could expect to receive or have received surveys through their doors or via email. Surveys were also available to take away at the meeting, through reception in main offices, leisure centres and libraries and online. This was the preferred method of completion as it did not cost Wiltshire Council and saved postage charges:


Approximately sixty surveys were distributed on the evening and people were encouraged to complete them or give them to a friend or neighbour.      


7.15 pm


Partner Updates

To receive updates from the following partners:

a)    Wiltshire Police (attached)

b)    Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service (attached)

c)    NHS Wiltshire (attached)

d)    Malmesbury and the Villages Community Area Partnership (attached)

e)    Town and Parish Councils

f)     Youth representative

g)    Malmesbury Chamber of Commerce (attached).

Supporting documents:


The Chairman noted the written updates from partners included in the agenda pack.


a.      Inspector Chris Martin added to the written update that theft of natural stone was an ongoing issue. Staddle-stones (mushroom shaped stones) were a particular target and he advised to mark your stones to distinguish them if you have them. It was confirmed that Wiltshire is the safest county in England and violent crime had fallen by 20% in the last year. The Chairman requested police presence at Easton Grey in order to monitor speeding traffic.



Wiltshire Police would monitor speeding traffic at Easton Grey at the T junction next to Forlorn Bridge on the road to Chippenham.


b.      Mike Franklin from Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service added to the written update that the fire service were working closely with Wiltshire Council to deliver the ‘Warm and Well’ scheme and home safety checks. He cautioned people to be very careful when using candles at home and for those with open fires, solid fuels or wood burning stoves to make arrangements for chimneys and flues to be cleaned.


c.      The written update from NHS Wiltshire was noted.


d.      The written update from Malmesbury and the Villages Community Area Partnership was noted. The Malmesbury area community hub project was progressing. The hub was now a charitable company limited by guarantee. Regular meetings were being held and a presentation to partner organisations was scheduled. The walks group had gained a lot of local support and the group were grateful for a recent grant from Malmesbury Carnival Committee of £1,000 towards the costs of launching various walks in Malmesbury and the surrounding area. The first of these was the White Walls Walk from Malmesbury to Luckington. Funding was being sourced for certain aspects of this walk, such as interpretation boards and booklet printing. The Partnership were also continuing to coordinate the reduced street lighting project with local town and parish councils. 


a.      Sherston Parish Council were pleased to report that their new Post Office and shop would be open from 26 November 2011 in the former village school. Sherston Old School Community Interest Company circulated a report about the project.  


An enquiry was made about the best mechanism for Parish Councils to buy bark in bulk for playground areas and the like.  



Malmesbury and the Villages Community Area Partnership would follow up the enquiry regarding Parish Councils working together to purchase bark.  


b.      Chloe Harris-Alba reported as youth representative that she had attended the House of Commons on behalf of the UK Youth Parliament to debate child poverty, transport, tuition fees and employment. She announced that £6,000 had been made available to young people aged between 8 and 19 years old in the Malmesbury area for projects which involved the wider community. Bids for funding could be up to £2,000 and the deadline for applications was 13 January 2012. Members of the public would again vote as to the project they favoured at the Area Board meeting in March.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.

7.30 pm


Evaluation of Area Board Funded Projects

Presentations will be given by groups of young people who you voted to receive funding at the participative budgeting event in May 2011. Young people will tell us how they spent their money and how they and others benefited. 


Presentations were given by the groups of young people who had received funding at the participative budgeting event in May 2011.


Malmesbury Bridging Project Group had been awarded £1,009 for a group of local 13-19 year olds with disabilities or special needs to visit Oakwood theme park in July 2011. The group showed photos of their visit and explained they had enjoyed the new experiences, their confidence had increased and their communication skills had improved. 


A Young People’s Film Project Group had been awarded £1,500 to run and promote film nights for 13-19 year olds. Forty people had attended the first showing of Planet of the Apes. The group of young people were working to improve publicity for a Christmas film showing. 


Sherston Craft Group had been awarded £620 for a visit and transport to Gifford’s Circus in December. They had had an excellent time and brought along examples of their craft work inspired by the visit. This included needlework, puppets and paintings. All work had been displayed at Sherston Art Festival, at which some members of the group were awarded prizes for their efforts.   


Somewhere In Between, a local Christian Union, had been awarded £1,236 for group members to attend lessons at a snowboard and ski centre and complete a recreational certificate. They had produced a DVD of their visit and invited Area Board members to a special showing. The group thanked the Area Board and the volunteers involved for their trip.  


A Malmesbury skating group had been awarded £713 for a trip to Truro Plaza with adult accompaniment to camp and take part in a different skating experience. Photographs of the visit and a DVD about the group’s experience were available to view on YouTube and would be brought to the next Area Board meeting.  




8.00 pm


Malmesbury Area Board Review and Workshop

To receive the key results of a recent survey and to engage in a workshop to provide your ideas for the future improvement of Malmesbury Area Board.


The meeting received feedback from the recent survey of Area Boards. Overall, respondents from Malmesbury were satisfied with the Area Board. The meetings were considered as accessible to all, useful and informative and the process of solving local issues was rated highly. However, there remained a few areas for the Area Board to improve, in particular consultation with parish councils and consideration of the needs of vulnerable and disadvantaged people.


Those at the meeting were then asked to take part in a workshop to provide ideas for the future improvement of Malmesbury Area Board. The meeting was split into five smaller groups who looked at the issues and came up with ideas for changes, as below:


·       How we should consult with parish councils about issues referred to the area board – the area board should report an issue when it was received to the parish council concerned in order to give them a chance to address it in the first instance.

·       How we should increase your opportunity to have your say – venues should be easily accessible and meetings could alternate between having a town and a village focus.

·       Topics on the area board agenda – should have more parish council input.

·       Issues the area board should consult with the community widely for – speeding in small villages. A presentation on the community speed watch scheme would be useful.

·       Further powers the area board should have – an increased highways budget.

·       How we could improve publicity/information about the area board meetings – increased email contacts.

·       Additional information on the Malmesbury Area Board website – the website ought to stand alone and function more as a community network.

·       How Wiltshire councillors could become more involved in resolving issues – the experiences of the group had all been very positive already.

·       How should the area board consider the needs of vulnerable and disadvantaged people – first identify their needs by speaking to relevant people and organisations.      


The responses to the workshop would be looked into further and brought back to the January Area Board meeting.    

8.35 pm


Community Area Grants Scheme

A decision will be made about the one Community Area Grant application:


a.    Lea Community with Lea Baby and Toddler Group – seeking £4,653 towards imaginative play equipment suitable for 3-7 year olds, conditional on the balance of funding being in place.

Supporting documents:


Consideration was given to the one application made to the Community Area Grants Scheme.



Lea Community with Lea Baby and Toddler Group were awarded £4,653 towards imaginative play equipment suitable for 3-7 year olds, conditional on the balance of funding being in place.



The application meets the 2011/12 grant criteria and it would help to improve community facilities.  

8.45 pm


Community Issues Update

The Community Area Manager will provide a summary of current community issues and the Area Board will agree those to be closed and/or sent to the Community Area Transport Group (CATG).


The Area Board are invited to close 4 issues:

           Issue 1493 - a highways issue concerning Abbey Road, Malmesbury should be resolved following resurfacing works. 

           Issue 1613 - pedestrian safety in Sherston is being addressed by the CATG.

           Issue 1835 - concerning HGV on minor roads in the Dauntsey area has been raised with the haulier and a compromise reached.

           Issue 1974 - Community Payback request from Sherston Village Hall         has been referred to the Community Payback team.


The Area Board are invited to refer 8 issues to the Malmesbury Community Area Transport Group.

Supporting documents:


The Area Board were asked by the Community Area Manager to agree those community issues to be closed and/or sent to the Community Area Transport Group.



The Area Board would close the following issues:


Issue 1493 - a highways issue concerning Abbey Road, Malmesbury - should be resolved following resurfacing works. 


Issue 1613 - pedestrian safety in Sherston - was being addressed by the Community Area Transport Group.


Issue 1835 - concerning HGV on minor roads in the Dauntsey area - had been raised with the haulier and a compromise reached.


Issue 1974 - community payback request from Sherston Village Hall - had been referred to the community payback team.



The Area Board would refer eight issues to the Malmesbury Community Area Transport Group, as per the report included in the agenda pack (Issues 1608, 1624, 1809, 1863, 1893, 1948, 1955 and 1509).

8.50 pm


Community Area Transport Group Update

The Area Board are invited to close 6 schemes:


·         Kerb and footway, Swann Close, Crudwell (1) - completed.

·         Traffic calming/footway, Tetbury Lane, Crudwell (2 & 3) - completed.

·         Improvements to zebra crossing A429 near Primary Health Care Centre, Malmesbury (19) - completed.

·         Traffic calming Park Road, Malmesbury (17) - options have been considered, but not a priority for CATG. The local school may want to consider when developing their travel plan.

·         The Crescent, B4042, to provide a footway to enable access to the road into Lea village (28) - purchase of land in adjacent field to accommodate a footpath is not cost effective.

·         Church Path, Oaksey (32) - not appropriate for CATG. Refer back to Area Board for consideration of a Community Area Grant.


The Area Board are invited to fund one project - between ‘The Green’, from opposite Olivemead Lane, to ‘Sedgemoor’, Dauntsey, to enhance pedestrian safety (21), which requires a further £1,058 to complete this scheme.


The remaining 10 schemes will be retained.

Supporting documents:


Councillor Killane noted the town centre now had an excellent road surface with improved speed bumps, as discussed at the Area Board. He thanked Adrian Hampton, Head of Local Highways and Streetscene, and his team for their hard work. 


The Area Board were then invited to close six schemes that had been considered by the group.



The Area Board would close the following issues:


The kerb and footway at Swann Close, Crudwell (1) had been completed.


Traffic calming/footway at Tetbury Lane, Crudwell (2 & 3) had been completed.


Improvements to the A429 zebra crossing near the Primary Health Care Centre, Malmesbury (19) had been completed.


Traffic calming at Park Road, Malmesbury (17) - options had been considered, but this issue was not a priority for the Community Area Transport Group. The local school may want to consider the issue when developing their travel plan.


The purchase of land to accommodate a footpath was not cost effective to provide a footway to enable access to the road into Lea village from The Crescent, B4042 (28).


Church Path, Oaksey (32) – the issue was not appropriate for the Community Area Transport Group.


The Area Board were then invited to fund one other project, between The Green, from opposite Olivemead Lane, to Sedgemoor, Dauntsey, to enhance pedestrian safety (21). It was confirmed the parish council were supportive of the project. 



Malmesbury Area Board would allocate £1,058 to complete a scheme to enhance pedestrian safety between The Green and Sedgemoor in Dauntsey.     


8.55 pm


Malmesbury and the Villages Community Area Partnership (MVCAP) Claim for Core Funding (2nd Tranche) 2011/2012

To seek the Board’s approval to the release of the 2nd and final tranche of core funding to MVCAP covering the financial year 2011/12.


Officer recommendation: MVCAP have made progress against their annual work plan and should be awarded their 2nd tranche of funding, namely £4,059.

Supporting documents:


Malmesbury and the Villages Community Area Partnership reported they had made good progress against their annual work plan and sought Malmesbury Area Board’s approval to the release of their second tranche of funding.



Malmesbury Area Board would release the second and final tranche of core funding, £4,059, to Malmesbury and the Villages Community Area Partnership covering the financial year 2011/12.    

9.00 pm




Councillor Thomson asked if anyone at the meeting had any concerns or questions that had not already been addressed. A question was raised about 20 mph speed limits after hearing about the success of a pilot scheme in Somerset. A Malmesbury group had been established as part of the national ‘20’s Plenty for Us’ scheme.


Councillor Sturgis pointed out that the outcome of the schemes was complicated and in some cases the schemes had led to more accidents taking place outside the limit.   



Martin Rose, Principal Highway Engineer, would provide information about 20 mph speed limit schemes at a future Area Board meeting.


The Chairman decided not to evaluate the meeting in light of the time. He thanked everyone who was able to attend.