
Presenting With Power, Impact And Empathy, Councillor Development Event - Tuesday 19 July 2011 9.30 am, CANCELLED

Venue: Committee Room 1b - Council Offices, Browfort, Bath Road, Devizes SN10 2AT. View directions

Contact: Rita Sanders, Democratic Services, 01225 718 375, Email: 

No. Item






Tuesday 19 July 2011

9.30 am – 4.30 pm

Committee Room 1b, Browfort, Devizes, SN10 2AT


Target audience: all Councillors

Booking deadline: Friday 24 June 2011

Addressing the crowd doesn’t have to be an ordeal – know your audience, know your subject and keep it simple. This “bite size” Presentation Skills training is designed specifically for Wiltshire Council and will combine “theory” with plenty of practical exercises, giving presentations, handling difficult questions and challenging audiences.


Public speaking is an art form made easier once you understand your audience, their hopes and expectations. Everyone will experience both roles, presenter and audience, developing their skills as engaging, empathetic yet powerful communicators. Turning your presentation around and imaging it from the point of view of your audience will help you to “loosen up” a formal speech, letting it flow in a more conversational style.


Keeping words simple and sentences short gives the intimate touch which means that people feel you are talking personally to them. That really helps if you have a hard message to deliver or when you have to pitch your message to different audiences, or wear different hats, either representing the Council on official Council business, or acting as a Ward Councillor.


In this “bite size” session you learn how to:

·         Overcome nerves when presenting.

·         Build empathy with your audiences.

·         Pitch your message at different audiences.

·         “Think in threes”

·         Use humour – in relevant examples and anecdotes

·         Plan and prepare systematically for all types of Council and Ward based presentations.

·         Get your message across with more professionalism and impact.

·         Handle awkward questions from the floor – either after, or sometimes during your presentation.

·         Deal with challenging people and difficult situations.

·         Handle interruptions and disruptive behaviour.

·         Focus attention on the key issues so your audience will accept your message.

Cost to Town and Parish Council members wishing to attend:

£80.00 per attendee, which includes refreshments and all course material

Please note that payment would be required before attending the course.

Confirmation of bookings would be sent as soon as possible.



For course bookings contact Rita Sanders on 01225 718 375 or email


For more information on councillor development please see:
