Agenda and minutes

Melksham Area Board - Tuesday 8 September 2020 7.00 pm

Venue: Online Meeting

Contact: Kevin Fielding  (Democratic Services Officer)


No. Item


Chairman's Welcome, Introduction and Announcements



·         JSNA 2020 data for Melksham community area


·         Return to school

Supporting documents:


The Chairman welcomed everybody to the first On-line Melksham Area Board meeting.


The Melksham Area Board members were introduced.


The following Chairman’s Announcements were noted:


·         The latest 2020 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment data for Melksham community area is now publicly available at


·         Return to school – a letter from the White Horse Federation was shared detailing the extensive health and safety measures taken to ensure a safe return to school for pupils at Melksham Oak.


Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence.



To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on Wednesday 4 March 2020 and Tuesday 16 June 2020


To receive a report on Melksham Area Board activities during lockdown


Supporting documents:




·         That the minutes of the meetings held on Wednesday 4 March 2020 and Tuesday 16 June 2020 were confirmed as the correct records.


·         That a report on Melksham Area Board activities during lockdown was noted


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



Cllr Jon Hubbard declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 8, Age Friendly Melksham CIC – Update as he was a Director on the board of Age Friendly Melksham CIC. Even though the interest was non-pecuniary, in this instance he declared that he would not vote on that application.




Police update


Inspector Andy Fee – Wiltshire Police gave a short verbal report.


Points made included:


·         That there had been an increase in anti-social town centre related incidents occurring since the lock down had been eased.


·         A priority was now to have visible police patrols covering Melksham town centre during weekend periods, resources had been set aside for this.



·         That there had been increased patrols around the King George V Playing Fields.


·         Speeding – Beanacre, Woodrow Road and Snowberry Lane areas were being targeted by patrols.

Cllr Phil Alford raised concerns re recent incidents in the King George V Playing Fields area and the need for CCTV provision to be increased. It was proposed that the Melksham Area Board and Town Council should work together to look at the costs of extending the CCTV to cover the skate park and that the costs of extending the CCTV should be supported by the Area Board.


Pat Aves – Melksham Town Councillor and current Mayor, felt that the Town Council would welcome joint working on this project.




·         It was agreed that Cllr Phil Alford would open discussions with the Town Council regarding extending the CCTV system, reporting back to the Area Board on this matter in due course

The Chairman thanked Inspector Andy Fee for his update.



Melksham Station Hub Update

Paul Johnson - TransWilts CIC


Supporting documents:


Paul Johnson - TransWilts CIC gave a short presentation that gave an update on Melksham Station Hub.


Works now included:


·         Expanded low tariff parking including CCTV and lighting


·         Electric Vehicle Charging point

·         Café

·         Cycle racks and cycle hire

·         Pedestrian route & island to platform

·         Community space “Piazza Area” with power supply

·         Departure indicators on platform


That there was a continuing need for volunteers and commercial sponsorship to help complete the project, to cover kitchen installation, painting, decorating and café operations.


The Chairman thanked Paul Johnson for his presentation.



Electoral/Boundary Review

To receive a report on proposed boundary changes affecting the Melksham community area


Supporting documents:


Cllr Richard Clewer – Chairman, Electoral Review Committee, Wiltshire Council - outlined proposed boundary changes affecting the Melksham community area.


A power point presentation was included in the agenda pack


Points made included:


·         That following the Electoral Review of Wiltshire Council, Electoral Divisions for the May 2021 elections no longer aligned to the boundaries for the Council’s 18 Area Boards, which were based on Electoral Divisions.


·         It was therefore necessary for Full Council to agree new Area Board boundaries for implementation in May 2021.


·         That at its meeting on 21 July 2020 Full Council delegated authority to the Electoral Review Committee to conduct a review of Area Board boundaries and prepare recommendations for its consideration.


·         That the Committee had met with the Members of each Area Board in July to discuss the incoming Electoral Divisions and their impact, including potential Area Board boundaries. At its meeting on 13 August 2020 the Committee had also agreed a set of proposals for Area Board boundaries to be consulted upon.


·         That a consultation would run from 10 September 2020 – 31 October 2020 on the Draft Recommendations of the Electoral Review Committee for Area Board boundaries to take effect for May 2021.


·         In the Melksham area, the proposals were for the Area Board to retain 6 Divisions: Melksham Without North and Shurnhold; Melksham Forest; Melksham South; Melksham East; Bowerhill; Melksham Without West and Rural.


·         There would be small changes to the geographical areas covered, including the loss to the Devizes community area of the parishes of Seend, Bulkington and Poulshot and the loss to the Bradford on Avon community area of the parish of Atworth.


The Chairman thanked Cllr Richard Clewer for his presentation.



COVID Recovery - next steps

·         To receive a report of the Melksham COVID Recovery Workshop held on 22 July


·         To agree next steps


·         To confirm a contribution of £1,500 health and wellbeing funding towards the Melksham Community Response, as signed off by the Leader



Supporting documents:


Peter Dunford – Melksham Community Engagement Manager summarised the outcomes from the Melksham COVID Recovery Workshop held on 22 July 2020.


A range of stakeholders had participated in a discussion around priorities for recovery for i) the economy ii) health and wellbeing iii) community and iv) care, education & safeguarding.  


The report which was included in the agenda pack was noted by the Area Board. It was decided that the Area Board should take time to discuss the outcomes with partners and agree any actions arising at a future meeting.




·         To confirm a contribution of £1,500 unspent health and wellbeing funding from 2019/20 towards the Melksham Community Response, a delegated decision of the Council Leader made during lockdown

The Chairman thanked Peter Dunford for his report.



Age Friendly Melksham CIC - Update

Cllr Jon Hubbard




Supporting documents:


Philippa Huxtable, newly appointed Age Friendly Co-ordinator, gave a brief update of the work carried out by Melksham Community Support and the CIC.

Points made included:


·         That the group were still meeting all requests for help


·         That staff support from partners had continued and recruitment to volunteer roles would continue to ensure sustainability



·         A robust volunteering framework had been established with guidelines, boundaries, support etc


·         A review had been carried out of users, tasks and call answering times



·         The group continues to gather information to shape the service long-term


·         There is a need for a formal operational steering group to be established to guide the work of the CIC



·         That good collaboration is the key to ensure sustainability, including with representatives of the seniors community in the area


Cllr Hubbard described the model entitled “Melksham Community Support: The Way Forward” which proposes the roles of the partners and others in policy and operations to build a resilient community. This model has formally been adopted by the Melksham Area Board, Melksham Without Parish Council and Age Friendly Melksham CIC.




·         That the Area Board recognised the excellent work achieved by its partners in the Melksham COVID response team - the joint working in exceptional circumstances achieved with and between Melksham Town Council, Melksham Without Parish Council, Age Friendly Melksham and Melksham Area Board - and the outstanding contributions from community volunteers in the town and villages across the community area.

  • That the good work carried out by Town Council and Melksham Without Parish Council staff during the lockdown had been much appreciated.


·         That Melksham Area Board, Melksham Without Parish Council and Age Friendly Melksham had all agreed the attached model entitled “Melksham Community Support: The Way Forward” which identified the policy and operational roles of the local partner organisations as we moved forward from COVID support into COVID recovery. (Note: Cllr Pat Aves abstained from the vote)



·         That in particular, the Area Board recognised the ongoing role of Age Friendly Melksham CIC in operational support and service delivery to people without a support network, including those who were vulnerable, socially isolated, and/or with mobility issues.


·         To record that the Melksham Area Board, Melksham Without Parish Council and Age Friendly Melksham had all agreed the use of the proposed consultancy funding towards the part-time post of Age Friendly Co-ordinator, in recognition of changed circumstances but in line with the original outcomes sought through the grant funding. (Note: Cllr Jon Hubbard abstained from the vote as he had declared a declaration of interest that was noted at the beginning of the meeting)



·         That the Area Board recognised the contribution of £3,000 from the Melksham Seniors Group was to help with the production of a 3-year action plan for developing the Melksham Community Area’s role as an Age Friendly Community and recognised the importance that these funds were used for that purpose. The Area Board therefore designated these funds to pay for Age Friendly Melksham CIC to produce a 3-year Age Friendly  ...  view the full minutes text for item 132.


Melksham Seniors Forum

Cllr Jonathon Seed


The Chairman advised that he had spoken with Brian Warwick. Brian was unwell, it was agreed to defer the agenda item until the next meeting.


The Area Board wished Brian a speedy recovery.


Grant Funding

·         Celebrating Age Wiltshire requesting a £1,500 contribution for Melksham’s participation in a county-wide Lottery project, delivering arts and heritage events in community settings for frail, vulnerable older people unable to access concert halls or theatres


·         Melksham Without Parish Council requesting £5,000 towards a car park and fence and height restriction security barrier at Shurnhold Fields


·         Forest Community Centre requesting £3,000 towards a new roof


·         Bulkington Parish Council requesting £5,000 towards the replacement of play ground equipment



Supporting documents:



Celebrating Age Wiltshire awarded a £1,500 contribution for Melksham’s participation in a county-wide Lottery project, delivering arts and heritage events in community settings for frail, vulnerable older people unable to access concert halls or theatres.  (Health & Wellbeing funding budget)



Melksham Without Parish Council awarded £5,000 towards a car park and fence and height restriction security barrier at Shurnhold Fields.



Forest Community Centre awarded £3,000 towards a new roof.




Bulkington Parish Council awarded £2,500 towards the replacement of playground equipment.


Youth Funding

Supporting documents:



Our Time Project requesting £4,500 for Our Time Inter-generational Project Melksham – The application was rejected by the Area Board



Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 4 November at 7pm


·         On-Line meeting - Wednesday 4 November at 7pm


