Venue: Malmesbury Town Hall, Malting Hall, Cross Hayes, Malmesbury, Wiltshire, SN16 9BZ
Contact: Max Hirst Democratic Services Officer
Note | No. | Item |
7.00 pm |
Chairman's Welcome and Introductions The Chairman will welcome those present to the meeting. Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chairman, Cllr Martin Smith, welcomed those in attendance to the meeting. |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: There were no apologies. |
Minutes To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 24 September 2024. Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 24 September 2024 were presented for consideration. It was decided by Councillors that part of the original resolution, which had not been included following advice from the Monitoring Officer, should be reinserted into the minutes. It was clarified that this would not be enforceable as a “formal” resolution of the Board as it would be beyond the powers of the Board. This was acknowledged, however the Board resolved to include the original wording as a reflection of what was discussed at that meeting. It was therefore, Resolved Subject to including an additional resolution “To ask that the Inspectorate delay their decision on the application until the concerns of Councillors and the public can be fully consulted on”, to approve and sign as a true and correct record of the minutes of the meeting held on 24 September 2024, with the addition of a provision as follows: As regards to the resolution “To ask that the Inspectorate delay their decision”, the Council’s legal services, whilst appreciating the strong feelings of local Members and the public in this case, ruled that it was beyond the powers of the Area Board to make a resolution which involves ‘the taking of regulatory or quasi-judicial decisions’ (Part 3B Paragraph 4.24.4 of the Constitution). The Board writing collectively to the Planning Inspectorate as suggested would have the appearance to the Inspectorate of the council as an organisation making such a representation and imply an ability for the Board to directly impact the regulatory powers being exercised by the council, which it does not possess under the Constitution. It would not therefore be possible for this to be a formal resolution for the Board. We, the undersigned members of the Area Board do not appreciate the alteration of minutes simply because the item discussed, and resolution delivered is beyond the remit. It should remain recorded even if it is beyond the remit of the Committee.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest.
7.10 pm |
Chairman's Announcements The Chairman will provide information about:
· Ashton Keynes Quarry · Pension Credits · Full Council – Motion on Water Quality Minutes: The Chairman provided information about:
• Ashton Keynes Quarry • Pension Credits • Full Council – Motion on Water Quality
Information Items BSW Together (Integrated Care System) Community First Wiltshire Police Quarterly Update on Violence Against Women and Girls Vaccine Confidence Training Sessions EV Chargers Cost of Living Update
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Board noted the following items included in the agenda pack:
· BSW Together (Integrated Care System) · Community First · Wiltshire Police Quarterly Update on Violence Against Women and Girls · Vaccine Confidence Training Sessions · EV Chargers · Cost of Living Update
Police and Crime Commissioner To receive a presentation from the Police and Crime Commissioner, Philip Wilkinson, on his Office’s Annual Report and the Police & Crime Plan 2025. Minutes: The Board welcomed the Police and Crime Commissioner, Philip Wilkinson, who spoke to his Office’s Annual Report and the upcoming Police and Crime Plan 2025.
The PCC reminded the Board that the force was put into special measures 2 years ago, and was earlier this year was lifted out of it. Specifically, the October 2024 report rated the strategic planning element of Wiltshire Police as outstanding, compared to its inadequate rating 2 years ago.
Alongside the Chief Constable, the PCC has pushed for further improvement in all areas especially in the neighbourhood teams. This includes the reports they give to Area Boards.
Control Centres had also been a priority and response times were now 8 minutes, down from 28 minutes 2 years ago. There had also been work to improve the quality of life for officers working in these control centres, who deal with high pressure calls and situations.
Other areas of progress included:
· Crime levels were decreasing whilst positive outcomes including arrests for crimes such as knife crime had increased.
· The Chain of command had been improved, including ensuring that all stations and teams had a commander/Inspector.
· Training had seen an improvement as had the recruitment rate. Every officer in Wiltshire Police now undergoes Domestic Abuse awareness training.
The overall picture was described as positive, although neither the PCC or CC were resting on their laurels complacent and emphasised further improvements.
Previous Police & Crime plans had been less specific, whereas now the PCC felt a stable base had been established to target specific metrics and areas to improve:
· Speeding – Sanctions had increased from 1324 to 15,000 in the last few years.
· Retail Crime – shoplifting had been very prominent, from organised gangs to young persons entertaining themselves. For younger, first time offenders, out of court resolutions are used where possible to avoid criminal records being established.
· Rural Crime – Farming equipment was being robbed to be sold to Eastern Europe for several times the price. This criminal activity involved very organised crime groups and farmers had been seriously injured trying to confront them. The well-established ‘Operation Ragwort’ was highlighted, with focus on being proactive rather than reactive.
To summarise, the Police and Crime Commissioner and Chief Constable wished to see an outstanding rating at the next assessment and were confident this was achievable.
Councillors thanked the Police and Crime Commissioner for his very detailed account and greeted the positive achievements and outlook provided.
Partner Updates To receive updates from the following partners:
a. Wiltshire Police b. Wiltshire and Swindon Road & Safety Partnership c. Health & Wellbeing Champion d. Town and Parish Councils Supporting documents:
Minutes: Updates were received from the following partners:
Wiltshire Police
Sgt James Osment and PC Kyle Lloyd introduced themselves and gave a quarterly report presentation which is attached to the minutes.
Wiltshire and Swindon Road & Safety Partnership
Jane Deeley, Wiltshire Council, spoke about the Bikeability programme, with the presentation attached to the minutes.
Priority Updates To receive updates on the Area Boards Priority Areas:
· Positive activities for young people – Cllr Gavin Grant · Green Issues – Cllr Martin Smith · Reducing loneliness and social isolation – Cllr Chuck Berry · Highway Safety – Cllr Elizabeth Threlfall · Community resilience – Cllr Gavin Grant & Cllr Elizabeth Threlfall
Local Youth Network Health and Wellbeing Group Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board’s Councillors updated attendees on the Area Boards Priority Areas:
• Positive activities for young people – Cllr Gavin Grant
· Progress had been made on the Outdoor Skatepark, Pump track and MUGA · The Board was working with Wiltshire’s SEND Team to understand more of the local situation and provision in Malmesbury.
• Green Issues – Cllr Martin Smith
· Communicated with Parish Councils to promote the Home Improvement Grant (HUG)
· Promoted Solar Together
· Increased promotion and use of Infra Red cameras for use in improving home insulation
· Talks on EV charge points for residents with no off-street parking had been held with Malmesbury Town Council, but progress was slow
· Supported monitoring and improvement of water quality of River Avon with testing capability expanded to Sherston Avon and Luckington Brook
• Reducing loneliness and social isolation – Cllr Chuck Berry
· The Malmesbury Living Room continues to operate well with Julie Dart’s assistance · The Fitness and Friendship Club meets every other Thursday · A Rethink Mental Illness program was being developed · The Health and Wellbeing Forum continues to engage and share events across residential care providers in the Community Area
• Highway Safety – Cllr Elizabeth Threlfall
· Liaison was ongoing with our neighbourhood policing team on local issues as they arise.
· Communities were being further encouraged to use SIDs to mitigate speeding issues.
· Lyneham Banks reinstatement was progressing well and was still on course for completing in Q1 next year which would help local traffic lanes
· It was highlighted that LHFIG issues were almost always safety related.
• Community resilience – Cllr Gavin Grant & Cllr Elizabeth Threlfall
Local Youth Network
The minutes of the recent LYN meeting were included in the agenda and the group was described as “up and running” and doing well.
Area Board Funding To consider any grant applications made to the Board. Supporting documents: Minutes: Community Area Grants
Athelstan Pilgrim Way requested £1250 towards Phase 2 of their walking and cycling routes project.
Proposed by Cllr Gavin Grant and seconded by Cllr Martin Smith it was:
Resolved To award Athelstan Pilgrim Way a revised amount of £800 for phase 2 of their project. Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2024/25.
Malmesbury Community Park requested £2500 towards stage 1 of their project.
It was proposed that the funding be drawn from the Youth Grant budget due to the nature of the project and the ages of those most likely to use it.
Proposed by Cllr Gavin Grant and seconded by Cllr Martin Smith it was:
Resolved To award Malmesbury Community Park £2500 for phase 1 of their project. Reason – The application met the Youth Grants Criteria 2024/25.
Crudwell Short Mats Bowls Club requested £1650 towards new equipment.
Proposed by Cllr Chuck Berry and seconded by Cllr Gavin Grant it was:
Resolved To award Crudwell Short Mat Bowls Club £1650 towards new equipment. Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2024/25.
Oaksey Village Hall Trust requested £1500 towards new fire exit doors.
Proposed by Cllr Chuck Berry and seconded by Cllr Elizabeth Threlfall it was:
Resolved To award Oaksey Village Hall Trust £1500 for new fire exit doors. Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2024/25.
Older and Vulnerable Adults Grants
Athelstan Pilgrim Way requested £2250 towards commissioning professional visual artworks.
Proposed by Cllr Gavin Grant and seconded by Cllr Chuck Berry it was:
Resolved To award Athelstan Pilgrim Way £2250 for commissioning professional visual artworks. Reason – The application met the Older and Vulnerable Adult Grants Criteria 2024/25.
Local Highway and Footway Improvement Group To consider and approve recommendations made at the recent meeting of the Local Highway and Footway Improvement Group held on 8 October 2024. Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Board considered the notes and recommendations from the recent meeting of the Local Highways and Footways Improvement Group (LHFIG) which took place on 8 October 2024.
Proposed by Cllr Elizabeth Threlfall and seconded by Cllr Chuck Berry it was:
To approve the recommendations from the meeting of the Local Highways and Footways Improvement Group on 8 October 2024
Urgent items Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency. Minutes: The Board wished to thank all those who had assisted with the recent flooding in Malmesbury and the surrounding areas including emergency services, officers and local volunteers.
Date of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Malmesbury Area Board will be held on 4 March 2025. Minutes: The next meeting will be on 4 March 2025. |