Browse meetings

Health Select Committee

This page lists the meetings for Health Select Committee.

Information about Health Select Committee

The Health Select Committee will:


1.    perform all overview and scrutiny functions on behalf of the council;


2.    review and/or scrutinise decisions made or actions taken in connection with the discharge of any of the council’s functions;


3.    make reports and recommendations to the Full Council and the Cabinet or relevant Cabinet member and any relevant partner in connection with the discharge of any functions;


4.    foster and encourage an inclusive, structured, non-partisan and non-adversarial approach to overview and scrutiny which is reliant on evidence rather than anecdote;


5.    review and scrutinise any matter relating to the planning, provision and operation of health services in Wiltshire, including any significant change to service provision and those jointly commissioned or delivered by the council;


6.    require the attendance of an officer of a local NHS body to answer questions and provide explanations about the planning, provision and operation of health services in Wiltshire;


7.    require a local NHS body to provide information about the planning, provision and operation of health services in Wiltshire, subject to the exemptions outlined in the Health and Social Care Act 2001;


8.    participate in cross-boundary overview and scrutiny of health services with other local authorities; including the establishment of joint committees; or the delegation of functions to another local authority;


9.    report to the secretary of state for health:

(i)            where the committee is concerned that consultation on substantial variation or development of services has been inadequate;

(ii)          where the committee considers that the proposal is not in the interests of the local health service;


10.maintain an overview of the council’s responsibilities and role in relation to health and wellbeing.