Browse meetings

Schools Forum

This page lists the meetings for Schools Forum.

Information about Schools Forum



The Wiltshire Schools Forum is a statutory body which the Local Authority (Wiltshire Council) is required to consult on the following functions:


·                Consultation on School Funding Formula

·                Consultation on contracts

·                Consultation on financial issues.




The majority of forum members are “schools members”.  There are 5 elected maintained school Headteacher representatives (1 secondary, 3 primary and 1 special), 7 elected Academy representatives (3 secondary, 3 primary and 1 special) and 4 elected governor representatives (1 secondary, 2 primary and 1 school with SEN provision).


These 16 members, along with the two Early Years representatives are the only members allowed to vote on the funding formula.


There are also nominated service partner representatives (1 Diocesan representative and 1 teacher representative).


These 20 members each have one vote.


In addition to voting members there are 5 invited observers, 1 each from a post-16 provider (Wiltshire College), Wiltshire Parent Carer Council, Local Youth Network and the Wiltshire Children and Families Voluntary Sector Forum and the Education and Skills Funding Agency.  The Cabinet Members for Children, Education & Skills and for Adult Social Care, SEND and Inclusion and the Portfolio Holders for Education and for SEND are also invited to attend.




The quorum for the Forum is 40% of voting members.  A meeting may continue if inquorate, but any advice given to the local authority as a result of such a meeting would not have to be taken into account by the authority.




Members of the School Forum are required to declare an interest in any individual proposal or service contract which directly affects a school at which they are a governor, member of staff, or which their children attend or in which they might have a direct pecuniary interest.


Term of Office


The term of office for members of the Schools Forum shall be three years, subject to their remaining eligible.  A member may resign at any time and is required to leave if he or she ceases to be eligible in the capacity in which elected/nominated. There is no limit on the number of terms of office to which a member may be elected or re-nominated if still eligible. 




The Forum will meet at least 4 times per annum, in each financial year from April 2003. (On average 5 times a year).