The Standards Committee is responsible
Promoting and
maintaining high standards of conduct
Promoting and maintaining high standards of
conduct by elected members, co-opted members and church and parent
governor representatives and officers;
Assisting and
advising representatives and officers
Assisting the elected and co-opted members and
church and parent governor representatives to observe the
Members’ Code of Conduct;
- advising the Council on the adoption
or revision of the Members’ Code of Conduct;
- monitoring and advising the Council
about the operation of its Code of Conduct in the light of best
practice, changes in the law, guidance from the Standards Board and
recommendations of case tribunals under section 80 of the Local
Government Act 2000;
- advising, training or arranging to
train elected and co-opted members and church and parent governor
representatives on matters relating to the Members’ Code of
Conduct and ensuring that all members of the Council have access to
training in all aspects of the Code of Conduct, that this training
is actively promoted, and that members are aware of the standards
expected from local Councillors under the Code;
Granting dispensations to elected and co-opted
members and church and parent governor representatives from
requirements relating to interests set out in the Members’
Code of Conduct;
Code of Conduct
Dealing with all matters relating to:
- the initial assessment of misconduct
allegations under the Members’ Code of Conduct;
- any request to review a decision to
take no action in relation to a misconduct allegation;
- any
hearing to determine whether a member has breached the Code and
where appropriate impose sanctions.
- the
exercise of the committee’s functions in relation to the town
and parish councils wholly or mainly in its area and the members of
those town and parish councils.
Promoting and overseeing high standards of
ethical governance throughout the Council;
- overview of the whistle blowing
- overview of corporate complaints
handling and Ombudsman investigations;
- reviewing the implementation of
recommendations made by the Ombudsman;
- oversight of the Constitution;
- considering and determining applications for
exemption to the requirements in relation to politically restricted