Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive an update from the partners listed below:


a)    Wiltshire Police

b)    Wiltshire and Dorset Fire and Rescue Service

c)     Healthwatch

d)    Older People’s Voices – Diane Gooch

e)    Calne Health and Social Care Forum (Health & Wellbeing group) – Alison Ingham

f)      Rise Youth – Danielle Blake

g)    Calne Community Area Partnership

h)    Town and Parish Councils


To receive an update from the partners listed below:


a)    Wiltshire Police

The Area Board noted the written report attached to the agenda pack.


b)    Wiltshire and Dorset Fire and Rescue Service

There was no report from the Fire and Rescue Service.


c)    Healthwatch

The Area Board noted the written report attached to the agenda pack.


d)    Older People’s Voices

Diane Gooch presented the Older People’s Voices report and informed the Area Board of the following:


·       A large number of people attended the Reconnecting Group earlier in the day and there is now a waiting list due, in part, to other Groups closing.

·       Celebrating Age were holding indoor and outdoor concerts from September 2021.

·       A recent meeting of the Voices and Dementia Steering Group agreed that the two Groups should be amalgamated into one Group. It was noted that a new Chair was needed for the new Group, possibly one of the Area Board Members. Further consideration would be given to this after the Area Board meeting.


e)    Calne Health and Social Care Forum (Health & Wellbeing
– Alison Ingham


f)      Rise Youth

Danielle Blake, Youth Co-Ordinator from the Rise Trust provided an update on the work undertaken in the Calne area. The following points were made:


·       Continuing the detached youth outreach work and engaging with young people, common themes over the last few months included being safe out and about.

·       Undertaking work looking at substance misuse

·       The Youth Club has reopened with up to 20 young people attending. It was noted that it was a younger cohort attending the Club, therefore the opening times had been moved earlier in the evening, allowing the outreach workers to provide an hour working in the community.

·       Working closely with the Town Council about the delivery of services going forward


g)    Calne Community Safety Forum

There was no report from the Forum.


h)    Town and Parish Councils


Calne Without

Ioan Rees provided an update for Calne Without and reported that the Parish Council still had two Councillor vacancies available, and a new Parish Clerk had been appointed. 


Issues recently considered by the Parish Council include a planning application for a solar farm, a consultant to undertake a Road Safety Feasibility Plan for the Parish as part of the Neighbourhood Plan and the Parish declaring a climate emergency.



Isabel McCord provided an update for Bremhill and reported that the Parish now have Gigaclear fibre broadband, Bremzero, a local group set up in response to the climate emergency, were looking at community and local level solutions, with support offered from the Parish Council, Avon Needs Trees had recently purchased a field on Stanley Lane and the Parish Council supports their tree planting scheme, and Isabel commented on the impact of Covid on village activities – the produce show was cancelled along with the Parish Council face to face annual meeting. 


Calne Town Council

Alan Hill provided an update for the Town Council and report on the following issues:


·       Beat the Street runs from 15 September until 13 October 2021 - Funded by Calne Town Council and Calne Area Board.

·       #CalneSummer - a number of free activities took place over the summer holidays although some had to be cancelled due to inclement weather. They were funded by the Town Council, were well attended and received positive feedback. There were also additional youth engagement sessions with The Rise Trust Youth workers, supported with free ice lollies from Tesco.

·       Calne Music and Arts Festival from 1 – 10 October

·       Defibs – 5 new community accessible defibs have been installed with support from the Area Board. A community training session took place on 4 August at the Town Hall.

·       Planning Applications were received for the former Co-operative store in Mill Street and will be considered at the Town Planning, Licensing & Highways Consultative Committee.

·       Community Speedwatch – volunteers are needed for the scheme on Sandpit Road. 

·       North End Play Area - as a result of previous damage to the play equipment the Town Council have installed a second CCTV camera to monitor activity.

·       Full Town Council meeting being held on Monday 27th September at 7pm.

·       Police Station – Silver Street – It was noted that the facility was being used again, although it was understood that the building had been on the market for sale. Alan asked for the new Police and Crime Commissioner to become involved and supply the Area Board with an update.


Decision – To invite the Police and Crime Commissioner to attend the next Area Board meeting to provide an update on the Police Station in Silver Street.


·       Delays being experienced in relation to Service Devolution, formerly Asset transfer, to Calne Town Council from Wiltshire Council. The Town Council were keen to recommence discussions at the earliest opportunity.

·       New Medical Facility – concern at the standard of service provided by the partnership between Patford House and the Beversbrook surgeries, along with the construction timescales for the new facility adjacent to the Fynamore roundabout. It was suggested that the Area Board express its concerns to Patford House partnership about the status of the surgery especially with CQC interventions taking place.


Decision – To ask Cllr Tom Rounds, Chairman of the Area Board to write to the Patford House partnership to express the concerns of the Area Board in relation to the standard of service provided, highlighted by residents, and progress on the construction of the new medical facility adjacent to the Fynamore roundabout. 


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