Linda Holland (Licensing Manager – Public Protection) has prepared an update on behalf of the Licensing – Public Protection Team which is attached for the Committee’s information.
Linda Holland (Licensing Manager – Public Protection) referred to the Licensing Service update that was circulated with the Agenda and highlighted the following:
The Chairman asked Linda to also circulate the contact details of the Police Licensing Officers and the areas they covered.
The Committee asked the following questions:
Q When will we hear about the possible making of outdoor measures for high streets permanent including marquees in pub grounds etc?
A The Government had launched a public consultation running from 5 September to 14 November 2021 “Supporting defence infrastructure and the future of time limited permitted development rights”. A link to this consultation could be shared to the Committee following the meeting and Councillors would be able to respond to the consultation about any of their community areas that may be affected.
Q The pavement licences were due to expire in September 2021 and it is noted than can be extended to September 2022. Will they automatically extend?
A Premises will not need to reapply to extend their pavement licence – they would automatically extend to September 2022. Officers were waiting to hear what was planned beyond that and something would be put in place after that time in any event.
Q The written update circulated with the Agenda states that the Licensing Teams workloads had been unsustainably high during many months – how are you coping now?
A The Covid period was overwhelming and the team were inundated at times. Much time was spent dealing with deciphering what parts of Government guidance was relevant to the licensing industry. A number of the Licensing team were also seconded to the Wellbeing Hub. Whilst the Team were obviously overwhelmed, they still did a great job managing and did have to drop some things off the list – relating to animal licensing.
Q How are things now – do you have enough resource?
A Two additional staff were appointed at step 3 of opening up, which although has been helpful, earlier help would have been better. The position would be revisited in 6 months’ time as it was not known what would happen with the hospitality industry. Generally the quietist time for the team was January/February/March and it would then be known what the impact of Covid has been where those in the industry are not earning as much and the furlough scheme will have ended. An update would be provided for the March meeting of the Licensing Committee.
Q Looking at the numbers of premises who had closed/surrendered their licences – does this relate to pubs closing down?
A Don’t have figures on the closures at present but could dig deeper to look into those which were pubs closing if required.
Q It would have been useful to receive details about the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee at this meeting rather than December – a number of constituents were already asking about it.
A There were a lot of complex issues relating to jubilee plans and not all would sit under the remit of the Licensing Committee. Officers would be asked to provide a comprehensive list of all things relating to the jubilee. Applications for large scale events and TENS could be submitted from now although it was expected that the Government would make announcements around the plans and the details had not yet been received. At least two months’ notice of any planned events would be good.
Q In relation to the Ask for Angela campaign, how much liaison is there with other premises such as banks or shops – does “Ask for Angela” apply to other premises?
A “Ask for Angela” is an initiative specific to licenced premises, however there are other avenues and other campaigns that look at public safety and some communications could be prepared so that they could be shared as a Chairman’s announcement at Area Boards.
The Vice Chair remarked on the amount of work carried out by the Licensing Team was astounding and wished to thank Officers and congratulate them. It was noted that they covered so many areas with very few complaints being received. In relation to the Platinum Jubilee it was suggested that a community toolkit (as prepared for the VE celebrations) would be a very useful tool for all. The Chairman confirmed that he would ask Adrian Hampton to provide an FAQ list too.
Linda Holland was thanked by the Committee and asked for these thanks to also be shared with her team who were all highly thought of.
That the Licensing Committee note the update on behalf of the Licensing Service.
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