Agenda item

Wiltshire Council Draft Climate Strategy Consultation

To discuss the Wiltshire Council Draft Climate Strategy Consultation.


Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Councillor Nick Botterill provided the Area Board with a presentation regarding the Wiltshire Draft Climate Strategy and the Green & Blue Infrastructure Strategy for Wiltshire. The presentation covered the following points:


  • A background for the strategies was provided, including that Wiltshire Council first acknowledged the Climate Emergency in 2019 and then committed to be Carbon Neutral as an organisation by 2030. Since 2015, Wiltshire Council has reduced its Carbon Footprint by 80%, however it is acknowledged that the remaining 20% will be a greater challenge to eliminate. The purpose of the strategy is to set out objectives and areas of focus whilst also remaining flexible.


  • The 7 key delivery themes of the Climate Strategy were listed as follows:

1)    Transport – the largest proportion of emissions in the county

2)    Homes and the Built Environment – new build and retrofit

3)    Natural Environment, Food and Farming – including GBI strategy

4)    Energy – reduce usage and move to sustainable sources

5)    Green Economy – create jobs and skills opportunities

6)    Waste – prevent waste and encourage reuse

7)    Carbon Neutral Council – by 2030


  • The key themes of the Green & Blue Infrastructure Strategy were listed as follows:

1)    Flooding and Water Management

2)    Sustainable Farming & Land Management

3)    Nature Recovery & Landscape Management

4)    Woodland and Trees

5)    Healthy Living

6)    Economic Recovery and Valuing Natural Capital


  • It was stressed that the two strategies are complimentary to supporting each other, with climate change having the potential to impact adversely on local green and blue infrastructure.
  • Both strategies are currently undergoing a consultation period with engagement opportunities available for the public such as webinars and library drop-in sessions.
  • More information and the online survey can be found via the following link:


Following the presentation there was time for the following questions and points to be raised:


·       It was questioned whether the choice of locations and times for the drop-in sessions was democratic. Councillor Botterill stated that it is difficult to balance, however the Council is trying to get as many responses as possible to the consultations.

·       It was suggested that it would be positive to produce a pack that could be provided to residents regarding the installation of electric charging points as transport is currently one of the key contributors to carbon emissions.

·       A point was raised that water authorities are swapping water between different areas of Britain in order to maintain water flow, for exampleWessex Water is currently pumping water from local aquifers to feed the Malmesbury Stream. This is therefore having an impact locally with areas previously having ran dry.

·       It was questioned how seriously the Council is dealing with the climate emergency when compared to other emergencies such as Novichok and Covid-19.  Councillor Botterill reassured that the climate emergency is being taken very seriously and this is demonstrated by the strategy.

·       The impact of hesitancy was questioned, with there potentially being challenges ahead to retrofit buildings if planning permissions don’t initially insist on including charging points. Councillor Botterill noted that this can’t be insisted on unless there is backup from building regulations.

·       It was questioned when the realignment of local plans would take place. Councillor Botterill updated that the local plan is currently under review and all aspects of Carbon reduction are considered within, however the local plan cannot be reviewed outside of the process for doing so, which has a date of 2023 set by central government.

·       A point was raised regarding the Carbon produced by building houses, Councillor Botterill acknowledged that a way must be found to build homes with the lowest possible Carbon production. Additionally, to not build homes would also not be sustainable.


Following the questions raised, Councillor Dr Nick Murry made the following proposal to the members of the Chippenham Area Board, that:


That Chippenham and Villages Area Board sets up a Climate & Ecological Emergency Forum to promote collaboration between Area Board, town and parish councils and local community groups working on this agenda.

The objectives would be to:

Ø  Share information and knowledge on plans, projects and initiatives in our area;

Ø  Enable opportunities for joint working or mutual support.

The Forum would meet as and when appropriate. It would not undertake projects in its own right but could refer opportunities back to Area Board.




That Chippenham and Villages Area Board sets up a Climate & Ecological Emergency Forum to promote collaboration between Area Board, town and parish councils and local community groups working on this agenda.

Supporting documents: