Agenda item

The Queens Platinum Jubilee - Street Party Celebrations

A briefing note has been drafted to update the Licensing Committee on the arrangements to support communities to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June 2022 with street parties.


Kevin Oliver (Events Authorising Officer referred to the briefing note which updated the Licensing Committee on the arrangements to support communities to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June 2022 with street parties and highlighted the following:


·         Kevin  was responsible for the authorisation of events that take place on Wiltshire Council land or the public highway.  He had built up the process over a number of years and had a lot of experience on working on events;

·         For the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee there was to be an extended bank holiday from Thursday 2 June to Sunday 5 June 2022 and it was expected that residents and groups would want to arrange community events and street parties;


·         For the last jubilee in 2012 Kevin had approved over 200 events to take place.  There was an application process in place which involved working with Community Engagement Managers and the Highways Team to ensure that Traffic Orders (when needed) could be put in place.  Officers would be trying to encourage event organisers not to close roads when this was not needed and encourage them to use community spaces, parks and green open space etc.  Obviously, there was much more work involved for all for road closure order, but Kevin would work with all Applicants to signpost and assist with all applications; and


·         New guidance had today been published on the Council’s website -  see link - Platinum Jubilee celebrations - useful information and guidance - Wiltshire Council.


The Chairman felt that there would be a lot of interest from parishes and communities wishing to run events and he felt that it was important to plan a Communications Strategy as soon as possible to encourage the early planning and submission of applications for events so as to avoid last minute applications.  He suggested that information also be shared via the Area Boards as soon as possible.  Kevin Oliver reported that there would be a Communications plan and the information would be shared through the weekly Members email updates, parish updates, on the Council’s social media sites etc.


Cllr Allison Bucknell felt that it was really important to set down some timescales and deadlines for applications to set the expectations for the communities and for the Councillors to work with their residents to ensure they understand that if they leave their application too late then there was no guarantee that the event could happen.  She suggested that as the Licensing Committee was not due to meet again until early March 2022, they agree that delegated authority be given to the Chair and Vice Chair of the Committee to work with Officers to ensure that the deadlines for applications and the communications to be shared were suitable with a request that they would be available to meet to discuss any issues and would wish to be kept informed of the management of the events applications being received.


The Chairman raised that he knew there were some Town Councils that had delegated authority for the use of Wiltshire Council owned land.  Kevin Oliver reported that he had made good contacts with Town Councils etc and they were aware of their responsibilities and as he was experienced in event management, he would be happy to work with them to advise them on their events.




1.    That the Licensing Committee note the update on the arrangements to support communities to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022.


2.    Officers be given delegated authority to liaise with the Chair and  Vice Chair of the Licensing Committee regarding the sharing of appropriate communications concerning deadlines for applications for street party events with Town or Parish Councils and members of the communities who wish to make an application for a street party event.  

Supporting documents: