Agenda item

PL.2021.04201 - Land Previously Occupied by Alderbury Football Club

All outstanding Reserved Matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for the erection of 50 residential units, pumping station and replacement guide hut with associated infrastructure, parking, landscaping, open space and works, all pursuant to permission 17/04001/OUT.


Public Participation

Chris Harmon spoke in objection to the application

Nick Billington (Agent) spoke in support of the application

Cllr Elaine Hartford (Chair) spoke on behalf of Alderbury PC


Attention was drawn to additional information which had been published in Supplement 2 to the agenda, which detailed additional conditions and informative notes.


The Senior Planning Officer, Lynda King, presented the application which was for all outstanding Reserved Matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for the erection of 50 residential units, pumping station and replacement guide hut with associated infrastructure, parking, landscaping, open space and works, all pursuant to permission 17/04001/OUT.


It was noted that Highways was not a matter for consideration due to having been decided by the inspector at outline stage. In 2018 there had not been a 5-year land supply, this was still the case.


The main issues which had been considered to be material in the determination of this application were listed as Principle, Highway Safety, Drainage, Layout and House Design.


The site was a generally level area of open land to the west of Alderbury and West Grimstead Primary School and was bordered by Junction Road along it’s western boundary and a footpath leading from Junction Road and Firs Road along it’s southern boundary.


The land was currently used by Alderbury Football Club, along with the new
facilities for the club on land immediately to the north of the site granted under ref no. S/2011/0029. The site also housed the existing Guide Hut, which would be replaced on a different section, as part of the proposals.


Access was also previously approved as part of the outline application.


The footpath was not part of the application site and therefore improvements to this could not be requested.


The proposals included a significant amount of contributions and the site was in a sustainable location on edge of the village. There was also an affordable housing contribution. 


Members then had the opportunity to ask technical questions of the officer, where it was clarified that whilst the affordable housing on the site was under the usual 40% requirement, at 22%, this had been approved by the Inspector at the outline stage of the appeal.


The site was also liable for CIL at the usual contribution rate. The 106 had already been written and could not be added to at this stage.



An informative for the provision of fibre broadband to the properties could be added, should the Committee be minded to approve.


The provision of a pre-school was part of a separate application.


Members of the public as detailed above, then had the opportunity to speak on the application.


Some of the main points in support included the urban appearance in a rural landscape, excess water run-off. 


Some of the main points in support included the changes made to alleviate concerns raised, including materials, a shared surface area, a more formal street layout, and a redesigned drainage scheme.


The Parish Council (PC) representative spoke in objection to the development on this greenfield site. Noting that of most concern was the safety of children and parents as the proposed access would bring hundreds of additional vehicle movements near the school and suggested the inclusion of drop-off and collection spots.


It was also disappointed with the design and layout, as it was felt to be an urban design which was incongruous and out of keeping with the local area.


Additional water discharge was suggested as a flooding risk to neighbouring properties. The site was also outside of the neighbourhood boundary.


Local Member Cllr Britton who was on the Committee, spoke in objection to the application, noting his frustration with the Inspectors view on Wiltshire Council not being able to demonstrate a 5-year land supply and having no regard to the site being outside of the settlement boundary. Permission had therefore been given for 50 houses on the site.


He aired frustration on Highways consideration of parking issues around the school, noting that the proposals would increase traffic directly in front of the school and that there was an egress pinch point which would result in a conflict at school drop and pick up times.


He noted that the applicant had taken on board the comments of the proposal being bland which had resulted in an improvement on the layout and appearance.


The site was in a greenfield setting and he share concerns around drainage in this notoriously boggy area, noting that experts had stated that the pumping station would solve the problem.


Issue comes down to whether the changes had mitigated the urban nature of the site. 



Cllr Britton then moved the motion of Refusal, against Officer recommendation on the grounds of CP57 sec 1, 2 & 6 – in line with the comments made by the Urban Officer.


This was seconded by Cllr Hocking.


The Committee was invited to discuss the application, the main points included that school chaos could be experienced at every school, and the efforts to improve the appearance from what had previously been proposed was welcomed.


It was felt that if materials could not be obtained that then the applicant should not be permitted to use a substitute which was of a poorer quality, but instead a like for like replacement should be imposed.


The Committee then voted on the motion of Refusal against Officer

recommendation for the reasons stated above.


The motion failed.


Cllr Jeans then moved the motion of approval in line with Officer recommendation, with the following additional conditions:


External materials with like for like standards

Provision of electric charging points

Provision of Fibre optic broadband



To comply with relevant conditions on outline consent

Heating system by heat pumps


This was seconded by Cllr Najjar.


There was no further debate, therefore the Committee then voted on the motion of Approval:


It was:




To Approve application PL.2021.04201 – Land previously occupied by Alderbury Football Club, subject to the following conditions:


1)    Approved plans


The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans and documents:

Site Layout Pegasus P19-1086_13J J

Site Location Pegasus P19-1086_14 B

House pack Pegasus P19-1086_17

[see below for ref for each plan] N/A

[Seee below for rev]

Tenure Plan Pegasus P19-1086_22E E

Guide Hut Pegasus P19-1086_26 -

Street Scenes Pegasus P19-1086_27 B

Materials Plan Pegasus P19-1086_28 E

Open Space Plan Pegasus P19-1086_16 C

HOUSETYPESEveleigh Floor Plans and elevations 42, 43 P19-1086_29-Sheet-1 -

Eveleigh Floor Plans and Elevations 40, 41 P19-1086_29-Sheet-2 -

Elmsie Floor Plans and Elevations 26,25 P19-1086_29-Sheet-3 -

Elmsie/Eveleigh/Elmise Elevations 30 - 32 P19-1086_29-Sheet-4 -

Elmsie/Eveleigh/Elmise Floorplans 30-32 P19-1086_29-Sheet-5 -

Becket Floorplans and Elevations 10, 29 P19-1086_29-Sheet-6

Becket Floorplans and Elevations 33 P19-1086_29-Sheet-7 -

Becket Floorplans and Elevations 20,21,13

P19-1086_29-Sheet-8 -

Mylne Floorplans and Elevations 28,34 P19-1086_29-Sheet-9 -

Mylne Floorplans and Elevations 2, 35, 38,44, 3,36,39,45 P19-1086_29-

Sheet-10 -

Pembroke Floorplans and Elevations 11, 24 P19-1086_29-Sheet-11 -

Knightley Floorplans and elevations 1,9,27 P19-1086_29-Sheet-12 -

Knightley Floorplans and elevations 16 P19-1086_29-Sheet-13 -

Knightley Floorplans and elevations 12,19,22 P19-1086_29-Sheet-14 -

Knightley Floorplans and elevations 23,46 P19-1086_29-Sheet-15 -

Knightly Floorplans and Elevations 37 P19-1086_29-Sheet-16 -

Atkins Floorplans and Elevations 47, 48 P19-1086_29-Sheet-17 -

Atkins Elevations 4-6 P19-1086_29-Sheet-18 -

Atkins Floorplans 4-6 P19-1086_29-Sheet-19 -

Asher Floorplans and elevations 7,15,8,14 P19-1086_29-Sheet-20 -

Atkins/Asher Floorplans and Elevations 49/50 P19-1086_29-Sheet-21 -

Garage Floorplans and Elevations See site layout P19-1086_29-Sheet-22 -

1 External Levels Plan Ardent 2101520-002 B

2 Drainage Plan Ardent 2101520-003 B

4 Tracking Ardent 2101520-005 B

5 Geometry and Visibility Ardent 2101520-006 E

1 Soft Landscape Proposals Sheet 1 of 2 CSA 5477_100_D D

2 Soft Landscape Proposals Sheet 2 of 2 CSA 5477_101_D D

3 Hard Landscape Proposals sheet 1 of 2 CSA 5477_102_D D

4 Hard Landscape Proposals Sheet 2 of 2 CSA 5477_103_D D

5 Landscape Masterplan CSA 5477_104_D D

6 Ecological enhancements Plan CSA 5477/106 A

3 Planning Statement (incorporating Affordable Housing Statement and

SCI) Tetra Tech HP21007 - 784-B027568 - PS V2


Arboricultural Impact assessment (incorporating tree survey and

protection plan) Barton Hyett BHA_4323_AIA B

8 Update Ecological Appraisal (Submitted 10.05.21) CSA CSA/5477/02 -

9 Information to Inform Habitat Regulations Assessment (Submitted

10.05.21) CSA CSA/5477/01 –


REASON: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper



2 The external materials to be used on the development hereby approved shall be in accordance with the Materials Plan (P19-1086_28 rev E) unless materials of a similar standard are agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


REASON; To allow for different suitable materials to be agreed in case

those approved are unavailable.


3 The development hereby approved shall be undertaken in such a way as to ensure that 'fibre to the premises' broadband is available for connection to each of the new dwellings.


REASON: In the interests of the connectivity of the dwellings hereby

approved and to ensure that later retro fitting of this facility is not required.


4 Provision will be made for the installation of Electric Vehicle Charging Points to serve each dwelling on the site.


REASON: To ensure that the development assists in meeting local and

national carbon reduction targets by enabling residents to use electric



Informatives: (4)


5 This approval of matters reserved refers only to conditions 1, 7, 12, 14, of outline planning permission 17/04001/OUT dated 7th December 2018, but does not by itself constitute a planning permission.


6 The further approval of the Local Planning Authority in respect of those matters reserved by conditions 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 16, of outline planning permission dated 7th December 2018 is required before development commences.


7 Your attention is also drawn to the conditions imposed on the outline

planning permission reference 17/04001/OUT and dated 07/12/2018 that

still require to be discharged.


8 This permission shall be read in conjunction with an Agreement made under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990 and dated the 22nd November 2018.


Supporting documents: