Agenda item

Chairman's Announcements

To receive the following announcements through the Chair:


·       Changes to Wiltshire’s Taxi Tariffs

·       Update on Leisure Centres Transferring to Wiltshire Council

·       Youth Council Updates

·       Community Governance Review


The chairman gave the following updates:


·       Changes to Wiltshire’s Taxi Tariffs

The Chairman drew attention to a briefing note attached to the agenda which provided an update regarding the proposed changes to the Taxi Tariff Schedule for Hackney Carriages in Wiltshire. The note included information that was shared with the Licensing Committee at its meeting on 13 September 2021. Approval had already been provided for the proposals to be implemented, which will take place on 4 January 2022 subject to the proposals being advertised and undergoing standard consultation processes.


It was also raised by Area Board Members that it would be positive for there to be a move towards the use of electric taxis in the future.


·       Update on Leisure Centres Transferring to Wiltshire Council

The Chairman drew attention to the leisure insourcing project, which would see 10 leisure centres currently managed by Places Leisure move over to Wiltshire Council. This transfer would include The Olympiad, Chippenham and further information, and a frequently asked questions section can be found on a webpage via the included link in the report.


Councillor Doctor Nick Murry added that he had spoken to the Cabinet as well as Chippenham Town Council in regard to receiving additional CIL funding in order to return The Olympiad to its previous state.


·       Wiltshire Youth Council Update

The Chairman referred to the report attached to the agenda which provided an update on the Wiltshire Youth Council. The Wiltshire Youth Council will start next year, with representatives from secondary schools across the county elected to speak out on issues that are important to them. Schools have been invited to encourage 11–17-year-olds to put themselves up for election, with elections due to take place between 31 January 2022 and 4 February 2022. Further information on the Wiltshire Youth Council, can be found in the agenda pack.


Following the announcement there was time for the following points to be raised:


·       It was confirmed that all of the schools in Chippenham have submitted candidates for the Wiltshire Youth Council.

·       It was raised that though the Wiltshire Youth Council plan to allow elected young people to spend time with elected Members of Wiltshire Council; it could be positive and educational for them to also spend time with the leader of the opposition as well as the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee.

·       It was suggested that Area Board Members approach schools and ask whether they would be prepared for Members to visit and give talks.


·       Community Governance Review

The Chairman drew attention to the briefing note attached to the agenda which related to a survey being undertaken for a community governance review, including an ongoing survey on a proposed change to the name of Biddestone Parish Council. The surveys, along with other information, would enable the Electoral Review Committee to consider if any changes should be made to parish governance arrangements in these areas.


  • Bike Theft Crime

The Chairman updated that The Chippenham and Villages Area Board are working with Wiltshire Police to deal with the rise in bike theft crime and are supporting bike marking days by investing in specialist kits.




That the Chippenham and Villages Area Board approved £540 of funding towards bike marking kits.


It was noted that eventually once the bike marking event is arranged, that Area Board Members are made aware so that they can promote the event and also attend in recognition of the finding provided by the Area Board.

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