Agenda item

Matters of Community Wide Interest

a) Parish Councils and Community groups


b) Community Speedwatch: Report on recent conference with the Police and Crime Commissioner


c) Community Policing

    Local issues and priorities - Inspector Tina Osborn


d) Vibrant Wiltshire


e) Amesbury to Salisbury Cycle Route update




a)    Parish Councils and Community groups


There were no updates on this occasion.


b) Community Speedwatch (CSW): Report on recent conference with the

Police and Crime Commissioner


The Chairman feedback a summary from the recent online conference held by the PCC for the CSW team leaders.


There was a clear indication of a pronounced feeling of demoralization amongst the CSW volunteer teams, with attendees noting a feeling of lack of support and frustration with the ever-changing admin processes and inefficiency of the back-office workforce.


Sharing of speed guns between many locations was also noted as an obstacle in providing effective coverage.


The PCC had advised that he aimed to align CSW teams more closely with Community Policing Teams in terms of organisation and to encourage a more coordinated outcome.


There would also be an increase to the number of mobile camera units.

The Chairman felt that the session had been extremely valuable in making the PCC aware of the opportunities and difficulties in CSW at the moment.


c) Community Policing - Local issues and priorities - Sgt Chris Noke


Sgt Noke confirmed that in relation to the update on CSW, the one enforcement officer assigned to CSW had been off for a few weeks but was now back on duty, in addition, there were plans for a further 2 Officers to be assigned to CSW and would be able to issue speeding tickets and no seatbelt tickets.


He then went on to provide a verbal update in conjunction to the written update attached to the agenda, some of the main points included:


·         Crime had reduced significantly across the area

·         NPT continued to set up community consultations – especially in response to local incidents.

·         Support from Special Observation Officers and Traffic Officers

·         A rise in criminal damage reports in Downton over the last few weeks – a car had been stopped in connection to this which contained 4 individuals, this investigation was ongoing.

·         In relation to ongoing Catapult incidents, some individuals had been brought in for interview.

·         There had been an increase in non-dwelling burglaries, with thefts of power tools and bikes and in dwelling burglaries of jewellery and devices

·         Support the encouragement of home security measures – Bikes could be brought in to be marked for security.

·         Rise in hare coursing and poaching during this season

·         Drink drive campaign – running throughout December


Questions and comments included:


·         Details regarding a horse volunteer scheme had been advertised on social media, with opportunity for up to 50 people to sign up to help on rural crime intelligence matters.

·         What was happening with regards to tackling the use of cannabis blatantly being used in public areas? Answer: Police had stop and search powers however there wasn’t a consistent approach by Officers as over the years some had been made to believe the grounds to carry out a stop and search needed to be more than just smelling it and were worried about complaints. Need to look at how the people present to take the matter further. He would expect Officers to stop people on the street and establish the grounds.

·         Would the newly appointed CSW Enforcement Officers be making themselves know to the communities and CSW teams? Answer: Sgt Noke would be making contact with the CSW teams for the areas. He would ask them to circulate their contact details.

·         In terms of rural crime and non-dwelling thefts, the Board previously spoke about a Smart water scheme, what was happening there? Answer: Sgt Noke was not aware of the history behind the AB Smartwater scheme and agreed to speak with Inspector Osborn and circulate

·         The catapult issue had not gone away with a flair up of incidents . Cllr Clewer noted that he was trying to get a Public Space Protection Order and asked for Sgt Noke to provide last years data to him.



d) Vibrant Wiltshire

This scheme will be available early next year and involved the funding for local Businesses which was available to help them during the pandemic. Once more details were available they would be circulated.


e) Amesbury to Salisbury Cycle Route update


Cllr Andy Oliver had asked for an update on the progress of the Amesbury to Salisbury cycle route, in an attempt to gain some momentum and support and move it forward.


Karen Linaker noted that the idea had begun in the Amesbury area and involved Senior Transport Planner, Heather Blake. Karen agreed to make enquires and take this on as part of the Boards work in the Environment and the Eco friendly projects.


Cllr Clewer, Leader of the Council, noted that the approach he wished the council to take was to avoid any further pop-up cycle lanes and focus on dedicated cycle paths, adding that the council needed to push for those type of schemes to Central Government and give cyclists proper spaces not shared.


Charles Penn of Winterbourne PC noted that he had been party to some discussion on the project for the last 4/5 years and urged the Board to give more of a push and champion the progress of the scheme.


The Board agreed that Cllr Oliver, Cllr Rogers and Cllr McLennan would work with Karen to take things forward.


Action: Cllr Oliver, Cllr Rogers and Cllr McLennan to work with Karen Linaker to progress the Amesbury to Salisbury cycle route scheme.




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