Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive any updates from partner organisations:


·       Wiltshire Police

·       Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

·       Health

·       Older People’s Champion and Health & Wellbeing

·       Pewsey Community Area Partnership

·       Parish Councils

·       Community Engagement Manager Update



a.    Wiltshire Police


Insp Al Lumley provided a verbal update from Wiltshire Police, which included detail about Wiltshire Police performance to August 2021 and local priorities in Pewsey.  He commented on Operation Sceptre, harassment crime spike, officer verification checks and rural crime. 

Insp Lumley and the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, Russell Holland, responded to general questions about Operation Sceptre centred around the prevention of knife crime in the Devizes area, survey responses received in relation to the precept consultation and PCSO’s assisting speedwatch, 

Concerns were raised about the impact on the local area in relation to the reduction in the number of PCSO’s. It was noted that previously there were eleven PCSO’s for the Devizes area, one of the posts being unfunded and not filled since the departure of Paul Whiteside in September 2021. The Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, Russell Holland, commented on the impact of Paul Whiteside leaving the PCSO role and explained that Wiltshire Police have recruited new officers. He was unable to promise an increase in the number of PCSO’s for the Devizes area and explained that the deployment of resources was dependant on demand. However, he would consider the comments made and respond in the first instance to the Community Engagement Manager.

b.    Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue


Wayne Pressley and Mark Hillier, Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service provided an update from the Fire and Rescue Service, which included detail about reducing the level of risk and harm from fire, interaction between the Protection Team and Local authorities and on call recruitment.


Cllr Oatway paid tribute to the Fire Service for their speedy response to the recent fire at Woodborough CE VA Primary School and how they tackled the blaze and further support offered. It was noted that investigations were ongoing into the cause of the fire.


Mark Hiller confirmed that Pewsey Fire Station had 16 officers in total, with 5 officers on duty at one time and 3 responding to call outs when necessary.


c.     Health – Healthwatch Update


The written report update was noted.


d.    Older People’s Champion and Health & Wellbeing


There was no update report.


e.    Pewsey Community Area Partnership


Dawn Wilson provided a general update and more specifically on the Health & Wellbeing Group as follows:


·       An in-person meeting was held in October for PCAP members, for a general catch up. Conversations were held with Shalbourne Community Growers about using PCAP insurance and banking services and support was being offered to Shalbourne Connect with a project at the Village Hall. PCAP were undertaking an update of the Community Area Plan and this would be discussed further at the next PCAP meeting on 20 January 2022.

·       The Memory Carol Service would be held at the Bouverie Hall on 20 December 2021, with Pewsey Players providing the music.

·       The Local Youth Network met recently and discussed some new ideas.

·       An information event was being held at Upavon Army Camp about a project to engage with families run in conjunction with the Army Camp Welfare Service

·       A health meeting was held recently. The Group agreed grants towards walking projects


Susie Brew provided an update in relation to Tourism and raised the following:


·       Walkers Are Welcome - accreditation has been awarded and is up and running. The Group are looking to set up footpath groups with the support of Parish Councils to oversee and maintain the footpaths.

·       Itineries Project – The Group have been working on this project in conjunction with the Co-Op and the Area Board. The Mid Wilts Way route and Kennet and Avon Canal route have been  completed and launched. The Longer Pewsey Vale Circular Way, an 82 mile long route around the Vale, will be launched in the Spring of 2022.

Colin Gale provided an update on the work of the Transport Group:


·       Wiltshire Council were successful in being awarded a grant of £1.2m from the Department for Transport for bus service improvements in Wiltshire, this includes an allocation specifically for Pewsey Rural bus services based on a demand responsive transport system. The proposal was currently with the DfT for review.

·       A Great Western Railway stakeholders meeting has been held recently and the Bedwyn services were not fully back up and running.


f.      Parish Councils


There were no Parish Council updates.


g.    Community Engagement Manager Update


Richard Rogers, Community Engagement Manager provided an update on the following:


·       Vibrant Wiltshire

·       Rural Youth Project

·       Climate Change; and

·       Prevention and Wellbeing Team


Supporting documents: