Agenda item

Business Plan 2022 - 2032

*        Report of the Chief Executive



The Leader of the Council, Cllr Richard Clewer introduced the report which detailed the draft Business Plan 2022-2032 for submission to Full Council on 15 February 2022.


It was noted that engagement has been undertaken with a range of stakeholders and that a workshop will take place in March 2022 following the appointment of the new Youth Council. Feedback on the Business Plan Principles 2022-2032 has been positive. Proposed performance metrics in the form of a Corporate Scorecard were attached as an appendix and would form the foundation of quarterly reviews between Cabinet Members and Directors.


The Leader explained that the Business Plan sets out thecouncil’s strategic direction and priorities. It outlines the intended annual corporate planning cycle and key performance measures in line with the corporate performance and risk management policy.  It continues to build on and extend the vision and achievements from previous business plans – and incorporates the priority areas for Wiltshire following the recent local elections. Also reflected are the significant external challenges that the council will face over the coming years and the way the council’s services will have to operate to manage these.


Cllr Graham Wright, Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee, reported that the Committee met on 25 January 2022 to consider the Cabinet report. Robust Scrutiny was undertaken, and the Committee were satisfied with the updates and responses to questions received and supported the proposals in the report.


In the absence of the Chairman of the Children’s Select Committee, Cllr Jon Hubbard, Cllr Graham Wright confirmed that Cllr Hubbard had received a briefing on the report on 19 January 2022.


In response to questions from Cllr Ian Thorn about a possible addition of a key for the scoresheet and targets in place, the Leader confirmed that targets being set would need to be sensible, challenging and realistic to assist the monitoring process. The targets would evolve during the lifetime of the Business Plan.


In response to comments from Cllr Gavin Grant about the risks detailed in the scorecard being accurate and containing representative information, and detail about the frequency of reporting, the Leader confirmed that reporting would be undertaken on a quarterly basis and include explanations for any changes within the scorecard.


Cllr Pip Ridout asked about the process for the Financial Planning Task Group to comment on the Business Plan quarterly reports. The Leader, in response explained that any process would naturally evolve, and consideration would be given to the most effective way for the Task Group to consider these reports, as there was potential for significant impact on the workload of the Task Group.


Cllr Helen Belcher asked about the possibility of comparing KPI’s with other Local Authorities, as in isolation the KPI’s can prove to be difficult to interpret. The Leader and Deputy Leader commented on the importance of capturing and reporting information in the scorecard, so that it was clear and easy to analyse.


Cllr Clair Cape commented on the outcome indicators detailed in the scorecard




To agree the draft Business Plan 2022-2032 for submission to Full Council on 15 February 2022.


Reason for Decision:


The draft Business Plan builds on detailed input from services and wider feedback from partners following agreement of the Business Plan Principles by Cabinet in September 2021.


Full Council is responsible for agreeing Wiltshire Council’s Business Plan 


Supporting documents: