Agenda item

Draft Business Plan 2022-2032

The Wiltshire Council draft Business Plan 2022 to 2032 is attached.



The draft Business Plan 2022-23 was presented by Cllr Richard Clewer, Leader of the Council, with support from Terence Herbert, Chief Executive and other members of the Executive and Corporate Leadership Team.


It was explained that an approach had been taken to enable the document to continue evolving over time to ensure it remained relevant and effective. The three main elements of the plan itself were briefly detailed, specifically: the mission and four guiding themes, the service delivery plans, and the metrics. The intention was to ensure all areas used data more effectively and coherently to provide as much value as needed across the council. It was clarified that the individual service delivery plans had not been included as part of the document to ensure that the Business Plan itself was not over detailed, but would be available for review.


The Leader thanked all officers involved and emphasised the amount of work that had been undertaken to produce the document as it stood. The Chairman then invited the Select Committee Chairs to raise any questions or issues before opening up to wider discussion.


Cllr Jon Hubbard, Chairman of the Children’s Select Committee, clarified that members had had the opportunity to ask questions during the last meeting of the Children’s Select Committee on 19 January 2022. It was explained that Members felt that specific oversight over the development of the Business Plan in certain areas was needed as there had not yet been sight of the specific service delivery plans. Members were proposing to set up a scrutiny task group to examine the metrics and actions plans with the intention that this would become a standard task group to ensure any metrics related to Children’s Services were being met. The new approach towards the Business Plan was commended.


Cllr Jerry Kunkler, Chairman of the Environment Select Committee, asked a number of questions raised by his Committee, covering the following topics: renewable energy generation; monitoring and reduction of carbon emissions; increase of parking charges in market towns; railway stations; and the maintenance of the existing road network. Cllr Clewer clarified that a lot of the details and context would be set out in the service delivery plans and it was suggested that each Select Committee request the service delivery plans pertinent to their area. With regard to identifying, monitoring and reducing carbon emissions it was explained that Wiltshire Council were waiting for more guidance and policies from central Government to bolster the Council’s own policies and frameworks. When considering railway stations, it was clarified that the focus was primarily on finalising the delivery of Corsham and Devizes station projects before any further consideration into other areas could begin. However, it was also highlighted that there would also be a focus on promoting public transport more broadly.


Other questions raised sought more clarification regarding the reduction of carbon emissions and the lack of mention regarding wind power within the plan. Cllr Clewer emphasised that no changes to business regulations of bus schedules and so forth to aid in the reduction of carbon emission could not be enforced without the support of Government changes which officers were eagerly anticipated. With regard to wind power, it was clarified that Wiltshire was in the top Councils in the country for solar facilities and was therefore not light on renewable energy. However, it was noted that more evidence was being gathered for all forms of renewable energy as part of the Local Plan process.


Cllr Johnny Kidney, Chairman of the Health Select Committee, asked a number of questions as raised by his Committee covering the following topics: the operationalisation and further details of the metrics; issues around the forthcoming Social Care Act; smoking cessation and other public health concerns; and the voluntary sector. Cllr Clewer emphasised the intention that the document would continually evolve and noted his expectation that the metrics would change and grow as the Council moved forward. Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling, Cabinet Member for Public Health and Public Protection, Leisure, Libraries, Facilities Management and Operational Assets, detailed how data would be collected within the leisure sector as an example. There was also discussion of the Wiltshire Compact as part of past engagement with voluntary sector organisations, and whether it should be reformed and re-energised.


The Chairman then invited other members of the Committee or others present to ask questions. Comments were received on the layout and alignment to themes within the Plan, as well as queries on how metrics would be monitored and how the Select Committees could review service delivery plans. There were some comments expressing regret of lack of mention of a rail strategy within the Plan. Cllr Clewer noted the difficulties in producing a rail strategy for Wiltshire in isolation from the rest of the Country/the West of England and that any real changes would need to be driven by larger groups along with the council.


Other issues raised included references to Rights of Way and Bridleways in the context of transport infrastructure; reference to Statement of Accounts without qualification; reference to the savings delivery board; the specific wording used when referring to members. It was stated that sustainable transport meant different things for rural and urban communities and there was a focus on unlocking Government funding that worked for Wiltshire specifically. Andy Brown, Deputy Chief Executive and Corporate Director – Resources, also explained that the savings delivery board had been postponed during the Covid-19 response and that Cabinet would be informed on performance reporting in the future. A concern was also raised on reference to the role of Members within the Plan, and whether this should be expanded to be clearer on the expectations of the role.


Cllr Pip Ridout, Chairman of the Financial Planning Task Group, asked that the Task Group were provided all of the service delivery plans and were privy to the meetings of the Select Committees when each of the plans were being discussed which was agreed by all Select Committee Chairs.




1.    To note the Draft Wiltshire Council Business Plan 2022-32and to refer the comments of the Committee to Cabinet and Full Council for consideration on 1 and 15 February 2022 respectively.


2.    To ask the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the four select committees, and the Chairman of the Financial Planning Task Group, at their meeting on 26 January, to discuss and report back on the following:


a)    A process for reviewing the Overview and Scrutiny forward work programme in light of the new Business Plan, once it has been agreed by Full Council; and


b)    A process for monitoring and scrutinising delivery of the Business Plan, using performance metrics and service delivery plans.








Supporting documents: