The committee at its 11 January meeting received a presentation outlining the results of the public engagement exercise around the new health and care model being developed across the Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire (BSW) region. The engagement ran from 2 November to 14 December 2021 and the formal report is now attached for information.
The project team will update the committee on the next steps for the programme as plans are developed ahead of the formal launch of the Integrated Care System in July 2022.
The Deputy Chief Operating Officer of BSW CCG explained that the draft health and care model provided a strategic overview across BSW and was a useful framework with which to go forward.
The officer then provided background information about how it was planned to progress the model beyond July 2022, as the CCG was replaced by the Integrated Care System (ICS). She noted that the plans would be developed at the ‘place’ level in the ICS through the Wiltshire Integrated Care Alliance, as well as its equivalents in BaNES and Swindon. Wiltshire Council would work with other partners in the Alliance, such as the NHS, voluntary and community providers, to influence the implementation of the health and care model. She reassured members that reports on the health and care plan would continue to be presented to the Health Select Committee and Health and Wellbeing Board.
Programme directors at Shaping a Healthier Future then introduced the final report about their six-week public engagement consultation, found between pages 17 and 62 of the agenda pack.
During the discussion key points included:
• Members thanked the officer for the background information about how the plan was to be taken forward, as well as the directors for their engagement report.
• It was asked if there were any demographic and geographical trends in the individual responses provided to the survey. The directors stated that they would consult with their colleagues who presented the data to find out further information.
• Members welcomed the recommendations made in the report and highlighted that they would need to be considered in a joined-up fashion, as part of a wider cultural change, so that the full benefits could be realised.
• The directors welcomed the point raised about coordinating change. They announced that a BSW Academy was being set up to consider workforce issues across the whole ICS, noting that it would include a Transformation and Change Centre.
• The importance of tying the implementation plan with the current demand was also commented on by members. They spoke about the need to measure outputs against the aspirations set out in the implementation plan, as well as existing services.
• The idea of creating a database of the relevant individuals and organisations that had and had not participated in the consultations was welcomed. It was stressed that it was important to continue consulting with small and voluntary organisations to track the progress of the plans.
• The importance of continuing to engage with members of the public with limited internet access was highlighted by members. They welcomed the clarification around the digital by default language in the report and explained that they would like to see further examples of how digital services would be used in practice. They stated that digitalisation was about all processes within the NHS and not just about the patient interface.
• In response, the directors spoke about the need to make the best use of digital resources and to avoid the impression that services were only available online. They also endorsed the comments of the committee about paying attention to local needs to in order to tailor services to different locations.
• In response to a question about the level of engagement that had been undertaken with Wiltshire Council officers since the last meeting, the directors stated that they had not made contact, but this could be done through the Wiltshire Integrated Care Alliance. Cllr Jane Davies, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, SEND Transition and Inclusion stated that she felt that there should be strong engagement between the teams. She noted that proposals for changes to day care centres were being bought forward and there were synergies between their work.
To thank the officers for the update and to invite a future report to the committee detailing how the transformation plans will be incorporated into the formalised Integrated Care Alliance, with a particular focus on change management and behavioural change.
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