Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive any updates from partner organisations:


a.            Wiltshire Police;

b.            Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service;

c.            NHS Wiltshire;

d.            Pewsey Community Area Partnership (PCAP)

e.            Pewsey Community Area Young People Issues Group (CAYPIG); and

f.             Parish Councils

·         Feedback on joint meeting regarding Great Stones Way



(a)       Wiltshire Police


Inspector Andy Noble referred the meeting to the written update at pages 31-32 of the agenda, commenting that due to the short interval since the previous Area Board meeting, the crime statistics were unchanged from the update given to that meeting.


However, Inspector Noble noted that the recent spike in non-domestic burglary had returned to normal levels and below during November and December.  An arrest had been made, which had been reported in the local press, and a number of local initiatives undertaken by the Rural Crime Team, including use of fuel dye in diesel stored on farm property.


The Rural Crime team had also been active with local scrap yards, undertaking spot checks on stock and books, to prevent and deter the handling of any stolen goods.


Responding to a question as to why detection rates had fallen over the past two years, Inspector Noble explained that local policing now focussed on prevention rather than detection.  In addition, the methods for recording detections had an impact on the rates, as local resolution – arguably a much more effective and efficient solution to crime – was not counted as a detection for the purposes of the statistics.


(b)       Wiltshire Fire and Rescue


            Mike Franklin, of Wiltshire Fire and Rescue, referred the meeting to the written update which had been tabled.  Owners and/or residents of thatched properties were encouraged to contact the Fire service and request the thatched property information pack.


(c)        NHS Wiltshire


There was no representative present from NHS Wiltshire, and the Chairman referred to the written update at pages 33-36 of the agenda.  The Chairman explained that the representative would come to any future meeting on request but due to the large area covered could not attend each meeting.


(d)       Pewsey Community Area Partnership


Bob King, Chairman of the Pewsey Community Area Partnership (PCAP) gave an update on the work of PCAP, commenting that the previous meeting had been fairly quiet, with speeding traffic remaining a high priority.  Another issue discussed had been the restorative justice system;Bob reported that the police were hosting two training sessions in Devizes on crime prevention and restorative justice.


(e)       Parish Councils


Susie Brew, from Grafton Parish Council, reported that money for five defibrillators had been raised, and that the scheme would be officially launched in February.


Councillor Robert Hall gave an update on the meeting held with parish councils to discuss the Great Stones Way, further to the presentation at the previous meeting of the Area Board.  The meeting had been attended by Ian Ritchie, of the Friends of the Ridgeway, and representatives of parish councils affected by the proposed route.  A number of concerns had been raised in relation to the potential impact of the route, and a letter had been received from the Avebury Society expressing concerns in relation to the potential increase in visitors as forecast under the scheme.


Councillor Hall moved a motion suggested by a parish representative.  Following discussion, the Chairman asked for a show of hands from those present to indicate their support for the motion (the majority supported the motion), following which the motion was put to the vote by Area Board members.



The Pewsey Area Board, in view of the concerns raised by parishes affectedby the proposed route of the Great Stones Way:

1.    Wishes to be advised about those concerns in detail, following a meeting of Parish Councils to be held shortly;

2.    Requests the production of a full environmental impact assessment of the project to consider the suitability of the proposals and provide advice on all aspects, including the potential impact on environmentally sensitive areas and the inhabitants and land owners in the Pewsey Vale; and

3.    Seeks full assurance that funding and manpower will be available for provision of associated car parks and other facilities and for the future maintenance of the Great Stones Way and that these costs will not fall upon Wiltshire Council and/or local tax payers.


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