Agenda item

Funding Applications

To consider the below applications through the Community Area Grants Scheme:


·       Lydiard Millicent PC requesting £3,000 towards Lydiard Green and Pill Boxes.

·       RWB Petanque Club Canopy requesting £3,381 towards a shelter with facilities for disabled access and mobility.


To consider the below applications through the Health and Wellbeing Grant Scheme:




·       Community Care Group requesting £500 towards a RWB&C Community Area Information Booklet.



Members considered the applications to the community area grant scheme as outlined in the agenda pack:


Lydiard Millicent Parish Council requesting the Area Board reallocate £3,000 towards Lydiard Green and its pill boxes


The CEM and Chairman clarified that, although this was an application for capital funding from a parish council, the money had already been awarded under the grant criteria and budget from the previous year. The funding was originally allocated to put towards a footpath, but ownership changes had meant that it was no longer possible to proceed with the project. As this was a change to a legacy application the application could be judged according to the grant criteria from the previous year.


 Unfortunately, representatives from the parish council were unable to attend the meeting due to ill health. During the discussion it was noted that the pill boxes dated from the Second World War and the reallocation of funding would clear the existing footpath to improve access to the historic site. Information boards would also be installed.


At the conclusion of the discussion, and on the motion proposed by Cllr Jones MBE, the reallocation was approved.




To reallocate £3,000 awarded to Lydiard Millicent Parish Council towards Lydiard Green and its pillboxes




The reallocation of funding met community area grant finding criteria for 2021/22. Funding had already been awarded and it was no longer possible to proceed with the existing project.



Royal Wootton Bassett Petanque Club requesting £3,381 towards a shelter with facilities for disabled access and mobility


Representatives from the Petanque Cub spoke in favour of their application. They explained that they were a non-contact sport. The money would help to make their facilities more accessible to the community and mean that it could also be used in bad weather. The plans would include a ramp for wheelchair access.


Members welcomed the scheme noting that it could have benefits for physical and mental wellbeing. The club had an older clientele but also supported youth events. Questions were asked about whether the club had also approached to town council for funding.


At the conclusion of the discussion, and on the motion proposed by Cllr Steve Bucknell, the grant funding was approved.





To award Royal Wootton Bassett Petanque Club £3,381 towards a shelter with facilities for disabled access and mobility.




The application met community area grant funding criteria for 2022/23.



The Area Board then considered the Area Board initiative for Older and Vulnerable People’s funding (previously known as Health and Wellbeing funding) as outlined in the agenda pack.


Royal Wootton Bassett and Cricklade Community Care Group requesting £500 towards the Royal Wootton Bassett and Cricklade Community Area Information Booklet


Cllr Champion spoke in favour of the scheme noting that it would contain useful information for older and vulnerable people in the community, particularly those with limited computer access.


At the conclusion of the discussion, and on the motion proposed by Cllr Champion and seconded by Cllr Lay, the Area Board initiative was approved.




To approve the Area Board initiative for £500 to the Community Care Group towards their Royal Wootton Bassett and Cricklade Community Area Information Booklet.




The application met grant criteria for 2022/23.

Supporting documents: