Agenda item

Assessment of Complaint: COC139519


A complaint was submitted by Councillor Gilly Gillian of Tilshead Parish Council, the Complainant, regarding the conduct of Councillor Deborah Potter, the Subject Member, also of Tilshead Parish Council. The complaint related to communications between the two, amendment of publicised comments and alelged verbal abuse.



The Sub-Committee was satisfied the initial tests of the assessment criteria had been met, in that the Subject Member was and remains a member of Tilshead Parish Council and that a copy of the relevant Code of Conduct was provided for the assessment.


The Sub-Committee therefore had to decide whether the alleged behaviour would, if proven, amount to a breach of the Code of Conduct. If the Sub-Committee concluded that the alleged behaviour would amount to a breach, then it would have to go on to decide whether it was appropriate under the assessment criteria to refer the matter for investigation.


In reaching its decision, the Sub-Committee took into account the original complaint and supporting information, the response of the Subject Member, and the report of the Monitoring Officer.


The Sub-Committee also considered a written statement from the Subject Member, who was not in attendance, and a verbal statement from the Complainant, who was in attendance.



The complaint involved communications sent by the Subject Member to the Complainant, the alleged instruction to have article details written by the Complainant amended without their consent, and verbally abusing the Complainant at a parish council meeting.


The Subject Member contends that they had been polite and considerate in their communications, and stated her actions in Chairing the council meeting in question had been reasonable and appropriate. They offered an apology for requesting the editor of the parish newsletter to suggest changes.


The Complainant contended that the Subject Member had escalated matters, and that the changing of her letter, in her name, without permission was unethical. She stated the Chair refused to apologise and abused her verbally at the meeting in question.



The dispute between the parties had initially arisen as a result of a discussion regarding the legality of riding horses on roadside verges, which had then escalated and led to further confrontation. It was noted the Complainant had indicated a desire to avoid escalation in their communications to the Subject Member.


Whatever the catalyst for dispute and disagreement, it was important for communication to be conducted in an appropriate manner. The Sub-Committee did not consider the alleged communication’s content or tone to rise to the level which was capable of being a breach of the Code of Conduct.


In respect of the meeting of the parish council, the Sub-Committee noted the differing accounts, but also that the assessment criteria required sufficient information to be provided at the initial stages to enable understanding the substance of complaint, and to justify further consideration of the complaint. Specific details of the alleged abuse had not been provided, and accordingly it could not conclude the alleged behaviour would be capable of breaching the Code of Conduct.


Notwithstanding this, the Sub-Committee noted that the Subject Member had provided an apology for her actions in respect of the amendment of an article of the Complainant’s in the parish newsletter. Although this only addressed one aspect of the complaint, the Sub-Committee considered the offering of the apology, and its view on the other allegations, was such that it was not in the public interest to investigate further.


In summary, the Sub-Committee therefore resolved to take no further action in respect of the complaint.




In accordance with the approved arrangements for resolving standards complaints adopted by Council on 9 July 2019, which came into effect on 1 January 2020, and after hearing from the Independent Person, the Assessment Sub-Committee determined to take no further action in respect of the complaint.