Agenda item

Local Youth Network Update and Applications for Youth Funding

To receive an update about youth provision in the local area and for the Area Board to consider the following youth grants:


·       Sustainable Marlborough requesting £500 towards an eco-anxiety and eco action talk, plus a question-and-answer session.

·       Sustainable Marlborough requesting £350 towards climate literacy training for year 11 to year 13 pupils.

·       Manton Fest requesting £5,000 towards a family and community fundraising event.



Note: please see the attachment to Item 14 for further grant details.



The Vice Chairman took the opportunity to praise Mayor Farrell for running the youth club in the town. She also updated the Area Board about the progress made towards employing a youth worker in the local area. She was pleased to report that a charitable incorporated organisation had been formed and that it now had three trustees and a bank account. She noted that the group were working closely with Marlborough Town Council and were looking for a person to run a pay roll.


The Area Board then considered applications to the Youth Grant scheme as follows:


Sustainable Marlborough requesting £500 towards an eco-anxiety and eco action talk, plus a question-and-answer session


Hayley, the chair of Sustainable Marlborough, spoke in favour of their application. She explained that they set up fun events about how people can live more sustainably and tackle climate crisis. The £500 would be used to run an hour-long session for Year 13 pupils at St John’s School, as well as for Year 12 pupils free at the time.


During the discussion members welcomed the scheme although did query the value for money of the single session. In response the representative explained that in-person events did have a high cost and it was important for young people to hear from other young people. It was also noted that there were around 450 pupils in the sixth form. On the proposal of Cllr Kunkler, seconded by Cllr Sheppard, it was resolved:




To award Sustainable Marlborough £500 towards an eco-anxiety and eco action talk, plus a question-and-answer session.




The application met Youth Grant funding criteria for 2022/23



Sustainable Marlborough requesting £350 towards climate conversations for Year 11 to Year 13 pupils


The chair of Sustainable Marlborough explained that this was a certified course that helped people to understand the carbon impact of everyday actions. A total of four two hours sessions would be provided for pupils at St John’s School. On the proposal of Cllr Sheppard, seconded by Cllr Kunkler, it was resolved:




To award Sustainable Marlborough £350 towards climate conversations for Year 11 to Year 13 pupils.




The application met Youth Grant funding criteria for 2022/23



Manton Fest requesting £5,000 towards a family and community fundraising event


A representative spoke in favour of the application explaining that it was a community run charity event. Young people would have the chance to be involved including through the music department at St John’s School. There would be opportunities for children to perform between acts, as well as to learn about production and sound engineering. He also noted that some former pupils at St John’s had gone on to become professional musicians.


During the discussion members welcomed the application and sought information about the overall budget of the festival. They also sought reassurance about what would happen to the money if the event was cancelled. It was confirmed that the overall budget was £23,000 and that other fundraising events were planned for Christmas and Easter. The representative stated that the money would go towards organising the event and that the event had only ever previously been cancelled due to Covid restrictions.


Cllr Sheppard proposed that the Area Board award £5,000, which was seconded by Cllr Kunkler. Cllr Kunkler proposed an amendment, accepted by Cllr Sheppard, stipulating that the money be returned if the event did not take place.




To award Manton Fest £5,000 towards a family and community fundraising event, on the condition that the money be returned should the event not go ahead.




The application met Youth Grant criteria for 2022/23. A condition was imposed to protect the money should the event be cancelled.