This item has been included at the request of Cllr Stephen Oldrieve who asked for an overview of Wiltshire Council’s proposals for energy regeneration from renewable resources.
In response a report is attached from the Director for Economy and Enterprise.
The Committee is asked to consider the report and make recommendations as appropriate; to include any future role for scrutiny of this topic.
This item was requested by Cllr Stephen Oldrieve for inclusion within the agenda papers following the Committee’s previous meeting in November.
The Service Director for Economy and Enterprise was in attendance to present a report which was structured to provide an overview of the direction to be taken by the Council in relation to energy generation from renewable sources.
Members were asked to note that the Climate Change Team was now likely to be renamed the ‘Energy, Change and Opportunity (ECO) Team’. This was supported by members who felt the name better reflected the work of the team.
In addition, members of the Committee were asked to consider the report provided by Cllr George Jeans following a wind farm site visit in Cornwall as provided with the Agenda under Item 9: Councillor Development. Due to the nature of the report it was felt that its contents would be better discussed under this item.
The Service Director confirmed that draft policies were currently being developed to support renewable energy development. These would be published for key stakeholder consultation and would form part of the Wiltshire Core Strategy upon completion. The Strategy would also be used within the development control process to ensure consideration was given to renewal energy at an early stage.
There was also a desire to ensure that the Strategy contained an appropriate framework to allow for community involvement. The development of a Renewable Energy Action Plan would set targets and expectations on what was to be delivered. The Plan would also cover opportunities already undertaken and those that were currently being researched.
In relation to potential renewable energy sources within Wiltshire, Appendix 1 of the report provided details of the study undertaken by Camco on behalf of the Council on the technologies that could be considered. Upon consideration Members of the Committee requested that further details should be provided on the wattage arising from the various technologies. The Service Director confirmed that this information would be sourced following the meeting.
Ensuing discussion commenced on the suggested technologies provided by Camco which included:
· Large Scale Wind
· Biomass
· Hydropower
· Solar Arrays
· Micro-renewables
Large scale wind power and biomass were both identified as obvious practical solutions most suitable for the area of Wiltshire although acknowledgement was given to the potential problems of site allocation and the need to ensure agricultural land was used for the most appropriate purpose.
Work undertaken by other authorities had been researched to ensure best practice. With this in mind, members felt that cross-boundary discussions with neighbouring authorities should be undertaken to explore potential collaborative partnerships that could result in cost savings to all parties involved.
Discussion included that the Regeneration South West paper, which had been published several years ago, may prove of interest to the Team as supporting documentation at the development stage of any Plans.
Members acknowledged that the energy plant situated at Slough was effective due to the size and capacity of waste received but that the costs associated for a new plant of a similar nature within Wiltshire would be significant and unlikely to prove practical due to a lower capacity need.
The use of solar panels was also recognised as a positive renewable energy source and that, where possible, Council owned buildings should be considered. The use of ground source heat pumps was also raised as a potential area to be investigated further.
To thank the Cabinet Member and officers for the update.
To request that a more detailed proposal for developing the Wiltshire Renewable Energy Action Plan is presented to the Committee for comment once available.
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