Agenda item

Report of the Asset Transfer Policy Rapid Scrutiny Exercise

To receive the report of the Asset Transfer Policy Rapid Scrutiny Exercise, following its review of the proposed new Service Devolution & Asset Transfer Policy that will be considered by Cabinet on 27 September 2022.


Please note that this report will be published as an agenda supplement.


The Chairman introduced a report within Agenda Supplement 1, which presented the report of the Asset Transfer Policy Rapid Scrutiny Exercise, which was retrospective post Cabinet approval of the new policy.


Cllr Laura Mayes, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children’s Service introduced the report and noted that it had been debated thoroughly at the Cabinet meeting which took place 27 October 2022.


Cllr Ruth Hopkinson, Lead Member for the Rapid Scrutiny Group stated that she had attended the Cabinet meeting which took place along with the four Members of the Task Group. Cllr Hopkinson stated that she was disappointed with the lack of engagement with the report as well as how the decision had been made to adopt a policy before it had gone before the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee. In addition that the previous Asset Transfer Policy had been taken to a meeting of the Full Council, when this one had not.


The Chairman thanked Cllr Ruth Hopkinson for chairing the Task Group as well as the Members which partook in the work undertaken by it.


The following comments were received by Members of the Committee:         


·       It would be positive to see timescales on transfers in order for towns to be able to set their precepts.

·       The asset transfer of the Warminster Athenaeum was cited, with it stated that the transfer cost a significant amount of money in legal fees, therefore anything to streamline and facilitate the process would be positive.

·       It was suggested that review processes could include visibility of which items transferred to towns or parishes would be eligible to receive Section 106 money.

·       Whilst recognising that the policy had now been approved by Cabinet, disappointment was voice by a Member of the Committee with reference to how previously Cabinet had amended recommendations rather than accepting or rejecting them.

·       It was suggested by a Committee Member that given the level of concern across groups that it should be considered whether policy could be brought to Full Council for discussion.

·       The Chairman stated that though the policy had been approved at Cabinet, scrutiny would be undertaken to ensure that the policy was delivered.

·       Concern was placed that the policy had not included enough project management or resourcing for it to work.

·       The Section 151 officer stated that officers deployed elsewhere would be brought back to work on the policy in order assist with resource constraints and that additional resources for the legal department had been agreed. It was also stated that the Council would be in touch with 9 Town Councils who had declared an interest in an asset transfer and that with a policy in place there could be clear clarity with expectations set.


At the conclusion of discussion, it was,




The Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee agreed:


1.      To endorse the report of the Asset Transfer Rapid Scrutiny Exercise, which was received by Cabinet on 27 September 2022;

2.     To note that Cabinet approved the new Service Devolution & Asset Transfer Policy on 27 September 2022.

3.     In line with the Rapid Scrutiny group’s recommendation, to monitor the implementation of the refreshed Service Devolution & Asset Transfer policy and receive a progress update within 6 months.

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