The Committee will recall that responsibility for scrutiny of departmental budgets has now passed to the relevant committee.
As we are now approaching financial year end the Chairman has invited the Corporate Director Neighbourhood and Planning to answer any questions the Committee may have in relation to the attached budget papers considered by Cabinet on 14 December.
The Committee is asked to review the Neighbourhood and Planning Budget lines and comment as appropriate.
Members were reminded that the responsibility for scrutiny of budget and performance had now been delegated to the relevant Select Committees following the disbandment of the Budget & Performance Task Group. Accordingly, the latest budget reports considered by Cabinet were circulated with the agenda papers for consideration. The Corporate Director, Neighbourhood and Planning, was in attendance to answer questions arising in relation to his directorate.
The current economic situation had impacted on the budget with specific note made to the development control, planning and building control areas where the number of applications received had reduced. This had not resulted in an overspend but the impact on projected income was significant. The income projected against local Land Charges was also affected. In order to minimise the effect on the budget vacant posts were not being filled within these areas and administrative costs reduced where possible.
A small budget existed within Economic Development for economic impact assessment use. Resource had been made available in staffing terms to consider the implications of local economic changes but further clarity would need to be sought from the Cabinet member in terms of future funding.
The projected income in relation to car parking was also lower than initially projected. In order to minimise the budgetary impact, any associated costs (which related predominantly to staffing and maintenance) had already been streamlined.
The winter maintenance budget was also likely to be overspent due to the extreme weather conditions experienced. Although the expected usage of salt over the last decade had equated to approximately 6k tonnes, 13.5k tonnes of salt had been sourced from the beginning of the year with approximately 9k used to date. Members were asked to note that in addition to the costs associated with acquiring the salt there were also additional labour costs. Taking into consideration the quantities used over the last 2 years, the Corporate Director was likely to request that the standard requirement should be increased to 80% of actual use for this year of which the Committee agreed.
It was also understood that public bodies would no longer be able to charge for environment information requests and that this would have further budget implications.
The revised waste collection service would also affect the budget for 2011/12. Details of the anticipated costs associated with the revised waste collection service were currently being modelled and would be included within the budget for consideration by Full Council later this month. It was noted that although the revised service had been delayed following the Comprehensive Spending Review implementation was still expected to commence in 2011/12.
The benefit of standardisation of all contracts within the Council was expected to achieve significant cost savings to the Council.
Consideration was also given to the disposal of premises which were within the remit of the Workplace Transformation Programme. Housing Revenue was also discussed. Although this would not form part of the revenue budget, it was understood that calculations were likely to be made in line with the previous year.
Members were also reminded of the newly established Cabinet Capital Assets Committee which would meet regularly to discuss capital assets and where high level member overview and coordination of the capital budget would be undertaken.
To thank the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood and Planning for the update.
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