Agenda item

Report of the Rapid Scrutiny Exercise: New Health Overview and Scrutiny Principles Document

To report the findings and recommendations of a Rapid Scrutiny Exercise reviewing the implications of a new Health Overview and Scrutiny Principles document published by the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC).


The chairman introduced a report from a rapid scrutiny exercise undertaken to review the new health scrutiny principles document published by the Department for Health and Social Care, and to consider any implications for health scrutiny in Wiltshire. The chairman explained that whilst the new principals did not significantly change health scrutiny’s essential role, it did provide the committee with an opportunity to review its approach in the context of the new integrated system. He highlighted that the group had agreed eight recommendations focusing on the monitoring of the implementation of the ICS alongside counterparts in BaNES and Swindon. There would be a stronger emphasis on information sharing with local colleagues, such as Healthwatch Wiltshire, and greater public engagement when undertaking scrutiny into specific topics.


During the discussion, members welcomed the improved connections with bodies scrutinising the NHS is different ways, including their counterparts in BaNES and Swindon. They also endorsed an approach placing a greater emphasis on public engagement, highlighting the issues regarding the PCN in Calne as an example of when this might have provided additional insight.




To endorse and implement the following recommendations of the rapid scrutiny exercise, with updates being bought back to the committee when appropriate:


1. Health Select Committee (HSC) to receive regular updates on the transition to integration, including its implications in practice such as the funding, commissioning and delivery of services at both place-and system level.

2. HSC to engage in the development of the system-level Integrated Care Strategy, placing particular focus on its objectives and how their delivery will be measured.

3. HSC to receive the next Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) being developed by Wiltshire’s Health and Wellbeing Board and understand how it informs the design of services at place-level.

4. The chairman and vice-chairman to meet with their counterparts from BaNES Council and Swindon Borough Councils to discuss the programme of integration and opportunities for collaboration.

5. The chairman and vice-chairman to review and update the HSC work programme with Cabinet Members and directors at the meetings scheduled in November, ensuring appropriate balance between proactive scrutiny and retaining capacity for scrutiny of issues of concern to local communities, reporting back to Committee.

6. The chairman and vice-chairman to meet with representatives from the Integrated Care System to discuss the following and report back to HSC:

A) How they can work together to achieve efficient and effective HSC engagement on system-level proposals and performance.

B) HSC’s forward work programme, ensuring key integration milestones and system level service proposals are reflected;

C) How the ICB will be proactive, open and transparent in sharing information, involving HSC early in contentious matters and building scrutiny into the cycle of planning, commissioning, delivery and evaluation;

D) How the ICB can engage in the HSC’s performance data monitoring arrangements, currently being developed;

7. The chairman and vice-chairman to invite regular liaison with Healthwatch Wiltshire to discuss work priorities, share information and reports and ensure people’s needs and experiences are reflected in HSC’s work.

8. For future HSC task groups and rapid scrutiny exercises to consider direct engagement with residents via local patient participation groups (PPGs) and the Patient Advice and Liaison service (PALs) to ensure their voices are heard.

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