Agenda item

Management Committee Task Groups

To receive updates on recent activity on the following Task Groups:


·       Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership Panel

·       Evolve Programme Task Group

·       Financial Planning Task Group


A report was received on the Task Groups and Panels established by the Management Committee.


Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership (SWLEP) Joint Scrutiny Panel


It was noted that the Panel is in abeyance until the national picture regarding LEPs is clarified. Additionally, The LEP is currently considering the future type of scrutiny it wishes to commission, given the dramatic reduction in LEP funding being provided by Central Government.


In addition, Cllr Tony Jackson stated that he had noticed that there was a vacancy within this task group and therefore offered to join the task group if and when needed.


Evolve Programme Task Group


It was noted that the task group meets quarterly and last met on 30 September 2022, with a written update provided in the report.


In addition, Cllr Jon Hubbard provided a further verbal update that the programme had slipped to red status and now had a risk of not being delivered to the original schedule. Cllr Hubbard noted various issues that the task group had encountered including not being able to move from data migration 2 to data migration 3 as well as various licences that would expire in March and April, when the new system was due to go live. There have been elements of delays caused by both the Council and contractors, with it noted that from a Council perspective it had been difficult to undertake the work due to a national shortage of specialists as well as not having staff spare in departments for secondment. Cllr Hubbard stated that there was set to be a Programme Board meeting on Friday 18 November, with a further meeting scheduled for 2 December.


The following comments were received by Members of the Committee:


·       It was questioned whether there had been an indication of how much the programme had slipped by, to which it was clarified that the workers had been open and transparent on the challenges faced. Ultimately this would impact on whether the implementation would be completed in one movement or a phased approach.

·       The Section 151 Officer provided an update that questions had been asked on replanning that had taken place based on the sequential aspect from data migration. Now that the replanning phase had happened, the Programme Board would need to then receive an outcome to be reported to the task group. It was also stated that a one movement implementation might lead to cutting corners, with it not possible to shorten time for cultural, process change and training within the organisation.

·       The task group would investigate any financial implications for software extensions and who would be responsible for these costs.

·       It was stated by a member that the task group knew this would be ambitious when the programme started due to complexities in the work as well as making sure the implications of the work would be long term. Though there has been slippage, it was not a shock. In addition, to set an arbitrary timescale which would not allow proper function could cause a false economy in the future.

·       It was questioned financially who would have to pay for the work if it was to run over budget. The Section 151 Officer stated that he had taken a decision not to hardcode the work into the MTFS due to concerns of the timescales, therefore meaning that the Council would not be hit. However, there would potentially be a cost factor in the replanning.

·       Reference was made to the SAP implementation of 2009, with it stated that very few major projects finish under their proposed budgets. The SAP implementation of 2009 was further referenced, with it voiced that last minute corner cutting led to the system being difficult to upgrade in the long run. It would therefore be beneficial for the project to be implemented correctly rather than to make false savings having to make corrections long-term.


The Chairman thanked the Task Group for the work that they had conducted.


Financial Planning Task Group


The Chairman updated that the task group had not met since the last Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee meeting in September, but were set to meet again on Friday 25 November, with all Members of the Committee welcome to attend. Additionally, that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the task group had scheduled meetings with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the select committees to discuss relevant parts of the council’s Q1 revenue and capital reports. These would be used to identify potential areas for financial scrutiny of services in the coming months. It was also noted that Cllr George Jeans had stepped down from the task group, with it requested that Cllr Mark Verbinnen be appointed in place.


At the conclusion of discussion, it was,




The Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee agreed:


1.     To note the update on activity provided;

2.     To remove Cllr George Jeans from the membership of the Financial Planning Task Group and to thank him for his contribution to the Task Group’s work;

3.     To add Cllr Mark Verbinnen to the membership of the Financial Planning Task Group.

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