Agenda item

Police Update

To receive an update from Wiltshire Police about local issues, including combating speeding. A presentation will be delivered about Community Speed Watch.


Community Speed Watch


Sarah Holden, Supervisor at Wiltshire Police, delivered a presentation praising the impact that Community Speed Watch teams had on in keeping Wiltshire’s roads safe. She reported that 8,000 community speed watches had been carried out in Wiltshire over the past two years and that, as a result, over 67,000 letters had been sent to drivers. She also highlighted that the police had employed three new Community Road Safety Officers to work closely with partners.


She then elaborated about the role that technology could play in improving enforcement. Police officers would have access to apps using Microsoft Power BI software to provide them with Community Speed Watch data. It was also hoped that certain information could be presented live on the police website. In addition, Community Speed Enforcement Officers would have access to heat maps, using QlikSense technology, to identify areas with high levels of speeding. Further details can be found between pages 23 and 44 of the agenda pack.


During the discussion, points included:


·       The Area Board thanked the supervisor for her presentation and for the work being down to support Community Speed Watch teams.

·       It was confirmed that there was a group Community Speed Watch to share information, such as where enforcement action had taken place.

·       Members praised the enforcement action in Wilton and stated that they would welcome further enforcement action in the rural areas of the Area Board.

·       It was clarified that civilian used Automatic Number Plate Recognition (AMPR) cameras could be used to build an intelligence picture about specific vehicles but could not be linked to SID data, as they were covert.

·        The Assistant Director for Transformation and Business Change noted that Wiltshire Council also used Microsoft BI software and was reviewing its website, so highlighted that there might be possibility for collaboration with the police.

·       In response to a query about evidence of the impact of the SIDs on speeding, the supervisor noted that an analyst would be studying this, and the findings could be shared via the Road Safety Forum.

·       It was confirmed that speeding letters being sent because of the collection of Community Speed Watch data could be sent to vehicle owners living anywhere in the country.

·       It was noted that, non-emergency, crimes needed to be reported, either online or through calling 101, to comply with Home Office rules around reporting.



Salisbury Community Police Team


A written statement was provided by Inspector Osborn on behalf of Salisbury Community Police Team, which was read out by the Democratic Services Officer. The statement included information about measures targeted at reducing the number of burglaries of outbuildings in rural areas.  The statement also included details of how the force was working alongside Bowerchalke Parish Council to combat burglaries by installing SelectaDNA signs warning people that households in the area were using property marking kits.


Warminster Community Police Team


The Chairman took the opportunity to thank the outgoing head of Warminster Community Police Team, Inspector Al Lumley, for his work in supporting the Area Board. Inspector Kev Harsmworth, the new head of the Community Police Team, from 3 January 2023, introduced himself and stated that he was looking forward to working with the Board. He was pleased to confirm that the team expected to recruit a third sergeant around March 2023 and that there had been a drop off in the level of hare coursing in the local area.



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