Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive any verbal updates from partners, including:


·       Wiltshire Police – Insp Peter Foster (written update)

·       Springfield Campus – (written update)

·       Pound Arts – Adam Walton 


Town & Parish Councils:


·       Corsham Town Council (written update)

·       Box Parish Council (written update)

·       Colerne Parish Council

·       Lacock Parish Council


To note the following written updates:


a)    Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner – Police Precept

b)    Dorset and Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service

c)     BSW Together (Integrated Care System)

d)    Healthwatch Wiltshire

e)    Community First






The Board received the following verbal updates:



Wiltshire Police – Sergeant Michael Tripp


In addition to the written report from the Neighbourhood Policing Team and information slides from the Road Traffic Team, Sergeant Tripp highlighted some key areas of work, these included:


·       Working closely with Schools and individuals, on an educational programme related to drug misuse. Providing a continued visible Police presence to discourage antisocial behaviour around drugs, in areas including the Springfield Campus.


·       Road safety / Community Speedwatch (CSW) - Officers encouraged to visit the communities operating the CSW schemes to support volunteers by being a visual presence and carry out speed checks.


·       Burglaries – There had been few incidents, however a suspect had been located and charged with burglary.


·       Ongoing work in protecting the most vulnerable members of society, taking actions to protect and support victims of crime.


·       Increased social media presence


Questions and coments:


·       The SID data provided by CTC would be provided to the NPT should they wish to receive it.

Answer: Sgt Tripp will make contact with Cllr Walters outside of the meeting.

·       Often, speeding occurred during the quieter times in the evening, did this create an obstacle in receiving a police presence?

Answer: Yes, I agree that the majority of speeding takes place during less busy periods. We do also receive requests to appear at school run times, we are flexible and not limited to set hours.

·       The Local Youth Network brings together many groups, it would be useful if a member of the NPT could drop into those sessions.

Answer: I will feed that back to the NPT.


Road Safety Data

A series of presentation slides had been uploaded as Supplement 2 to the agenda and shared at the meeting. The Road Safety Officer, who was not in attendance, had offered to attend a future meeting to present the data more thoroughly and enable an opportunity for questions.


As there were several questions in relation to the data, the Area Board agreed that the Officer be invited to attend a future meeting, either the next AB in June or a separate meeting. 


Action: Chair/AB to invite the Road Safety Officer to present data at a future meeting.



Springfield Campus


The Chairman drew attention to the written update available in the agenda, noting that this would be added as a standing item on future agendas.




In relation to a query regarding a reduction to the temperature of the pool, it was confirmed that there were plans to drop the temperature by a degree or two, in addition, the steam room / sauna would be closed temporarily as part of the savings to budget costs.



Pound Arts – Adam Walton


The Chairman of the Pounds Art Trust updated the Board on discussions which had been held with Wiltshire Council, regarding a possible Community Asset Transfer (CAT).  If an application for a CAT was moved forward, it would come to the Area Board at a future meeting to ask for support before going on to Cabinet for a decision. 



·       The Chairman noted the Boards support to Pounds Art to enable them to continue the service provision currently provided and as Chairman offered her assistance with the CAT process should it be required.


Wilts Climate Protection (WCP)  Adam Walton

Adam drew attention to the NPPF consultation, which included aspects relating to on shore wind.  The Group was preparing a response which it wished to share with the Board in due course. The consultation would close on 2nd March, before the next meeting.


Corsham TC – David Martin


In addition to the written update attached to the agenda, copies of the new Neighbourhood Plan were available at the meeting. The priorities within were similar to those of the Area Board.


Box PC – David Wright & Hazel Parker


In addition to the written update attached to the agenda, the PC noted the plans for the Thursday café, which it had applied for Grant funding for later in the agenda. 


The Community Orchard project had also been awarded recognition in the Green Canopy Awards.


The Parish also noted the issue of littering, which was an ongoing problem, associated with the resulting litter produced by users of the nearby McDonalds restaurant. Volunteers of the parish had collected 144 bags of rubbish.




·       Were there any suggestions on to stop the McDonalds wrappers being discarded along the road?

Answer: The PC had approached McDonalds to request that they provide litter picking kit, the response regarding combating the issue was that there was little the company could do as it was not their responsibility once the products were passed on to the consumer.


Colerne PC – Jane Mellet


In addition to the written update published as Supplement 1 to the agenda, the board were informed that the NHP had been agreed and was now a recognised document in determining the way Planning Policy was determined.


The PC also had a Climate Action Group to look at various issues and was working with the Cotswold Wardens to upscale paths to make them more accessible.


The Board also noted the written updates which were:


·       Neighbourhood Police Team

·       Springfield Campus

·       Corsham TC

·       Box PC

·       Colerne PC

·       Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner – Police Precept

·       Dorset & Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service

·       BSW Together (Integrated Care System)

·       Healthwatch Wiltshire

·       Community First


Supporting documents: