Agenda item

Update on the Towns Programme App Development

A presentation updating the select committee on the development of the heritage trails and ‘what’s on …’ apps.


Councillor Nabil Najjar, Portfolio Holder for Arts, Heritage and Tourism, provided an update on the Towns Programme App development, with support from Victoria Moloney, Head of Economy and Regeneration, and Terry Bracher, Heritage Services Manager. Councillor Najjar explained the need for town centres to engage in a different way in order to progress, including through the use of digital solutions and experience.


Background was provided on initial development of a Salisbury focused app promoting heritage trails, and research on different approaches and costs for similar schemes in Malmesbury, Corsham and other areas, to identify the most engaging and effective content, working with local councils and groups to tell local stories, audio visual content, and avoiding duplicating provision. A development model was prepared, and an initial 10 towns had been identified for the first rollout of the app in Spring 2023.


Details were also provided of the development of the What’s On App. Existing provision such as VisitWiltshire was targeted at external visitors to Wiltshire, or on a single area within the county, mostly marketed on social media and often difficult to search. The What’s On in Wiltshire App would seek to list events across Wiltshire in a consistent way, with search engine optimisation, and for local groups to upload in a simple way.


The Committee discussed the update and raised queries. A Member expressed concern at the cost of the development of the app and what the expected returns would be, and whether VisitWiltshire and other approaches were being duplicated when funds could be utilised on other matters.


In response it was stated that the app would be a marketing tool which many stakeholders had responded to positively. It was noted that if current provision met all needs there would not be a need for councils and others to have their own pages for events, but many did, and that Wiltshire residents might be less likely to review tourism focused sites when looking for events in the county, as these were externally focused.


The Committee continued to discuss the update. Several Members welcomed the development of the apps and were encouraged at providing a distinct new offer for events listing and identification. Details were sought on how the heritage trails app and What’s On app would function, who would be able to upload material and content policies that would be in place, use of audio and visual content, the hosting of data and contingencies in the event the app developer was not able to continue support, linkage of areas near to the towns themselves, marketing research on different groups to target for local events, listing of regular and one off events, ongoing support from the council and other issues. It was confirmed the council worked closely with VisitWiltshire, which it helped fund, but it was stated that model was membership based which the app would not be.


At the conclusion of discussion, it was,




1)    To note the update.


2)    To receive a further update by the end of 2023.


3)    That update to include an outline of costs and expenditure, launch timescales, promotion activity and an initial assessment of impact.


Note: A statement of correction was made at the meeting on 14 March 2023 regarding some matters raised during this item

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